IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will

HE SAID, no strategy yet for them IN SYRIA- because the Pentagon is working on it. Is half the country such stupid a-holes? Ay caramba!

Beside the ridiculous Fox News, corporate media keeps this idiocy going just for controversy and ratings- at least in headlines and ads- which seems to be where most get their ''news''.. Whatever happened to journalism in this dumber and dumber country...bumper sticker level of politics...
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Obama doesn't have a strategy , said it himself. Bush may have been clueless after 9/11, Obama is deaf dumb and blind. Jesus.

So...it's now a good idea to announce publicly that one has a strategy?

Absolutely. Full disclosure. ISIS has every right to know.

Strawman. No one is saying we should give ISIS full disclosure on anything. Everyone is saying Obama is an idiot for saying he has no plan. Guess what? ISIS is listening and they probably feel emboldened knowing everything they've done thus far hasn't even got our attention enough to warrant a plan. Terrorist attacks don't happen in a vacuum, and Obama has shown nothing but weakness since he's been in office.

Basing your argument on pretending to know what ISIS "feels" is a pretty good sign that you're talking out of your ass.

The isis wants to kill the unbeliever. We've seen enough to know this.
Obama doesn't have a strategy , said it himself. Bush may have been clueless after 9/11, Obama is deaf dumb and blind. Jesus.

So...it's now a good idea to announce publicly that one has a strategy?

Absolutely. Full disclosure. ISIS has every right to know.

Strawman. No one is saying we should give ISIS full disclosure on anything. Everyone is saying Obama is an idiot for saying he has no plan. Guess what? ISIS is listening and they probably feel emboldened knowing everything they've done thus far hasn't even got our attention enough to warrant a plan. Terrorist attacks don't happen in a vacuum, and Obama has shown nothing but weakness since he's been in office.

He stated that he had no strategy for ISIS in Syria.....
Obama learn obout it on the news?
Blame it on the news?
Finish his golf game anyways?
Fly to his next fundraiser?
Blame it on Bush?
Pull his head out of his ass & CREATE A PLAN?

I'm afraid it's not a matter of if, but when.

We have a porous southern border, which our President Pen&Phone has advertised to the world. In a country of 300M+ people, it only takes a small handful to wreak havoc.

It's just a matter of time.

Thanks Obama!
WTG Liberals!!!!
Online posts show ISIS eyeing Mexican border, says law enforcement bulletin-- LIBERALS SOLD AMERICA for power, ie votes.

They are on their way:

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.

Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, another source confirms. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information....

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border - Judicial Watch
Well hell, they can use Mexican helicopters and fire on Americans without fear of ANYTHING happening..
Obama doesn't have a strategy , said it himself. Bush may have been clueless after 9/11, Obama is deaf dumb and blind. Jesus.

So...it's now a good idea to announce publicly that one has a strategy?

Absolutely. Full disclosure. ISIS has every right to know.

Strawman. No one is saying we should give ISIS full disclosure on anything. Everyone is saying Obama is an idiot for saying he has no plan. Guess what? ISIS is listening and they probably feel emboldened knowing everything they've done thus far hasn't even got our attention enough to warrant a plan. Terrorist attacks don't happen in a vacuum, and Obama has shown nothing but weakness since he's been in office.

Basing your argument on pretending to know what ISIS "feels" is a pretty good sign that you're talking out of your ass.

The isis wants to kill the unbeliever. We've seen enough to know this.
They do a pretty darn good job killing believers also...
IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will
Obama learn obout it on the news?
Blame it on the news?
Finish his golf game anyways?
Fly to his next fundraiser?
Blame it on Bush?
Pull his head out of his ass & CREATE A PLAN?
Finish reading the goat story to the children
An adviser will come and whisper in his ear
Watch more television
Eat a pretzel and go hunting quail with Ted Nugget
Sorry bout that,

1. In my opinion Obama will fail at anything he sets his hands too from now own, he understands now just how wrong he is for holding the office, and he knows soon one day he will be found out. (And he sucks at golf)
2. There is nothing in his past that isn't a fraud.
3. He will burn in hell as far as what he has done, and I would hope he doesn't actually have access to the nuclear football.
4. He will go down in history as the *BIGGEST LOSER*.

Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
Obama doesn't have a strategy

Sorry to be blunt, but you are clueless if you actually believe this. Obama knows a full scale military operation will be unpopular, I really don't see him making any solid moves on ISIS before the midterms unless there is a direct threat to U.S. interests. Regardless, ISIS will most likely be a hot topic of conversation at the NATO summit next week, it's possible world leaders will attempt to muster a joint strategy so the responsibility and commitment of confronting ISIS doesn't fall on one country.
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...

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