IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will

If ISIS is a hot topic at the NATO summit, the discussions will have to be held without obama. Having obama present would be like having El Baghdadi himself having a vote.
Sorry bout that,

1. If ISIS attacks American soil, Obama will come right out and say some really bad words,........about BUUUUUUUSSSSHHHHHH.
2. Then go for his tee time out on the course and work on that fucked up game he has he calls *golf*, he sucks royally at *golf*.
3. Just give it up ! :badgrin:

IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will
Obama learn obout it on the news?
Blame it on the news?
Finish his golf game anyways?
Fly to his next fundraiser?
Blame it on Bush?
Pull his head out of his ass & CREATE A PLAN?
Finish reading the goat story to the children
An adviser will come and whisper in his ear
Watch more television
Eat a pretzel and go hunting quail with Ted Nugget
Shut up Russian commie
You can tell that to ISIS when they come to kick your ass. in the mean time keep gloating about how tough you are along with the other gun totters
So that's the liberal strategy??? WE HAVE A CURE??! Really???? Viruses mutate in to strains that do not respond to conventional medicine.. The stolen laptop showed they have a strain and are working on it to release here which tells me mutation.. Are you fucktard leftists so damn stupid in love with the boy king that you don't have the capacity to think rationally any longer??? Fucking idiots..
IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will
Obama learn obout it on the news?
Blame it on the news?
Finish his golf game anyways?
Fly to his next fundraiser?
Blame it on Bush?
Pull his head out of his ass & CREATE A PLAN?
Finish reading the goat story to the children
An adviser will come and whisper in his ear
Watch more television
Eat a pretzel and go hunting quail with Ted Nugget
Shut up Russian commie
You can tell that to ISIS when they come to kick your ass. in the mean time keep gloating about how tough you are along with the other gun totters

You act as if calling someone a gun toter" is a bad thing.. you're a brain rotted idiot who would disarm Americans all because dear leader says we should.. then when we have barbarians like ISIL who come to behead your child, you'd beg God for a gun to protect your own.. You leftists truly make me sick with your stupidity that is now harming our country to the point of being in danger..
Keep in mind that according to the Right, it's a war crime if Obama uses air strikes or drones against ISIS,

because there are Americans now who are a part of ISIS,

and killing them with a drone would violate their 'due process'.

So what do you RWnuts have to offer as an alternative 'strategy'?
Keep in mind that according to the Right, it's a war crime if Obama uses air strikes or drones against ISIS,

because there are Americans now who are a part of ISIS,

and killing them with a drone would violate their 'due process'.

So what do you RWnuts have to offer as an alternative 'strategy'?

Killing the enemy is a war crime??? ONLY STOOOOPID liberals have said that.. SHow me one single conservative who says killing the enemy by any means is a war crime?? I want to see it.
You know what?

After 9/11, when Bush said that he was going after the terrorists in Afghanistan? I fully supported that.

Can't we all agree ISIL is fucked up and need to be taken out?

We really all need to support the President on this.
Keep in mind that according to the Right, it's a war crime if Obama uses air strikes or drones against ISIS,

because there are Americans now who are a part of ISIS,

and killing them with a drone would violate their 'due process'.

So what do you RWnuts have to offer as an alternative 'strategy'?

Killing the enemy is a war crime??? ONLY STOOOOPID liberals have said that.. SHow me one single conservative who says killing the enemy by any means is a war crime?? I want to see it.

Well I'll start by showing where YOU were ranting against the practice:

"The Government picks and chooses it's targets carefully.. from drone strikes, even on American citizens to hanging a death sentence around a filmmaker for expressing his own artistic freedom. FUCK THIS GOVERNMENT and FUCK MUSLIMS!"

shameful The Fed outs Filmmaker US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
AGAIN STUPID LIBERAL, I said against the ENEMY??? What don't you understand about english?

Yeah right. Who were the Americans targeted by drones who weren't the enemy?

Americans are entitled to due process under the law.. your boy king gives terrorists like the butcher Nadal a trial but targets Americans without one?? That's the entire fucking point but you already knew that.. you and your filth are grasping for anything because your boy has sooo fucked up and you ZOMBIES did nothing but make excuses for him, that we're all in danger now..
Obama learn obout it on the news?
Blame it on the news?
Finish his golf game anyways?
Fly to his next fundraiser?
Blame it on Bush?
Pull his head out of his ass & CREATE A PLAN?

Obama will shed some fake tears to pretend he cares about the American lives lost, but then he will stress why we need to keep the southern border open and allow anyone into the USA.

And then he'll give a speech on how great Islam is and how the USA was built on Islamic principles.
ISIS will hit us where and when it will hurt us the most, and that will be an easy task in present day America. They have sleepers already here, and they can easily get as many more as they need, either across the Southern border, or by a standard tourist visa. They will probably bring their military grade exposives and automatic weapons in through the Southern border.

On a cold January day, with a cold front moving in from Canada, a few well timed explosions will bring down several series of electrical transmission line towers, and that will shut down electrical power in the Northeast, including New York City, for weeks. Thousands will freeze, and/or starve, and our banking systems will cease to function.

Throughout the country, small groups of gunmen will take over elementary schools and systematically execute six and seven year olds. That will effectively destroy our school system. Few parents will send their kids to school.

We, like any free society, are easy targets for terrorists. Those who continually pooh pooh the fact that the terrorists are coming should keep that fact clearly in mind.

What are you going to do when that happens?
Obama will say this is proof we need to leave evil people alone and the media will blame the second war in Iraq for it.
It should be obvious to the casual observer, that a free society has no means of protecting itself from terrorists of any sort, without giving up the freedoms that we dearly want to keep. Since we cannot effectively protect ourselves from terrorists, we have no other viable option than to take the fight to them, on our terms, and on our schedule. Force them to defend their own turf against a military force that takes all their resources and manpower to counter.

A basic military truism. The best defense is a good offense, and that is truest, when a good defense in not possible.

Now, you know why we went to Iraq, and why we need to go back to Iraq.
IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will
Obama learn obout it on the news?
Blame it on the news?
Finish his golf game anyways?
Fly to his next fundraiser?
Blame it on Bush?
Pull his head out of his ass & CREATE A PLAN?
Finish reading the goat story to the children
An adviser will come and whisper in his ear
Watch more television
Eat a pretzel and go hunting quail with Ted Nugget
Shut up Russian commie
You can tell that to ISIS when they come to kick your ass. in the mean time keep gloating about how tough you are along with the other gun totters

You act as if calling someone a gun toter" is a bad thing.. you're a brain rotted idiot who would disarm Americans all because dear leader says we should.. then when we have barbarians like ISIL who come to behead your child, you'd beg God for a gun to protect your own.. You leftists truly make me sick with your stupidity that is now harming our country to the point of being in danger..
The thing with internet is you often have no clue who you are talking to, and clearly this is such a case, you calling me a liberal anti gun type. FYI last night as it was already getting dark, I was deep in the woods with my gun, and I heard coyotes howling no more than 60 feet away from me, and although I have nothing to prove to anyone, it proves to me how confused you are.
Obama doesn't have a strategy , said it himself. Bush may have been clueless after 9/11, Obama is deaf dumb and blind. Jesus.

Great, we have clueless, or deaf, dumb, and blind. We're not given good candidates to vote for to begin with.

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