IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will

The President made it clear that the Pentagon is working on a plan. When they inact that plan, ISIS will be destroyed WITHOUT getting the U.S. into a quagmire.

Wingnuts are just trying to goad the President into acting too soon without a well thought out strategy. They are just dying to see the President lead us into another mess like the Iraq war.

It irks them that the President refuses to be as stupid as Bush & Cheney were.
OP- Obama will kick their ass wherever the hell they are, dumbass. How do hater dupe racists get so incredibly stupid?
Yeah Obama proved his man hood, drawing that red line.
So, what happened to all of Syria's chemical weapons? Not looking for a factual answer, just the Fox bizarro version....we'll leave the dumbass chickenhawk manhood proofs up to your lying, ignorant, disastrous heroes...
I would rather have a thoughtful president than another cowboy-cheerleader any day. Take your time Mr. President...you were elected twice partly because the majority of Americans had confidence that would not rush in to another immoral, unnecessary civil war in the Middle East.

We appreciate your continued commitment to that approach!
When you have one faction , the right, the first day after the election, they have a meeting and make the statement of making his presidency one term. That is their only goal. Nothing else, a big portion of the blame of the country being divided lies on their shoulders too.

Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
When you have one faction , the right, the first day after the election, they have a meeting and make the statement of making his presidency one term. That is their only goal. Nothing else, a big portion of the blame of the country being divided lies on their shoulders too.
sorry thats an excuse.....someone who knows how to communicate with people who dont see things like he does would have had many moderate Repubs and the RINOS giving him the benefit of the doubt....like Clinton and Reagan did.....i was giving him that until i seen that this guy aint no leader.....i supported him as long as i could ....but hey the guy aint a good President....thats 2 in a row now.....if we get another,i pity this Country....
I would rather have a thoughtful president than another cowboy-cheerleader any day. Take your time Mr. President...you were elected twice partly because the majority of Americans had confidence that would not rush in to another immoral, unnecessary civil war in the Middle East.

We appreciate your continued commitment to that approach!
Rush? Bush gave Saddam plenty of time to comply with the treaty. Fail, on trying to rewrite history.
Obama doesn't have a strategy , said it himself. Bush may have been clueless after 9/11, Obama is deaf dumb and blind. Jesus.

So...it's now a good idea to announce publicly that one has a strategy?

NO, but it would be nice if he took a stand like Cameron did. Why does obama refuse to denounce radical islam? why did he cancel the national day of prayer and participate in a muslim prayer gathering?

YES !! AMERICA..., WAKE UP, SEE WHO THIS GUY REALLY IS...., and what he is, is an illegal alien muslime mulatto who was raised from childhood to HATE America for what America is and stands for, for 232 years..., 1776 till Obozo came onto the scene and started his unrelenting destruction of patriotic Americans United States of America. :up:
oh geezus.....:rolleyes:
You know what?

After 9/11, when Bush said that he was going after the terrorists in Afghanistan? I fully supported that.

Can't we all agree ISIL is fucked up and need to be taken out?

We really all need to support the President on this.
i will support who ever wants to wipe these fuckers out.....but i hope it is just not us and the UK again....
WTG Liberals!!!!
Online posts show ISIS eyeing Mexican border, says law enforcement bulletin-- LIBERALS SOLD AMERICA for power, ie votes.
ISIS does not need to enter through Mexico. There have members holding US passports and British passports. Probably some French in their midst also. It took only 19 individuals to pull off the 9-11-01 attack.
OP- Obama will kick their ass wherever the hell they are, dumbass. How do hater dupe racists get so incredibly stupid?
Yeah Obama proved his man hood, drawing that red line.
So, what happened to all of Syria's chemical weapons? Not looking for a factual answer, just the Fox bizarro version....we'll leave the dumbass chickenhawk manhood proofs up to your lying, ignorant, disastrous heroes...
what happened to them?.....do you think they might still have some choice ones hidden somewhere?.....or do you just believe they gave them all up?....
Why worry about borders?

Maybe put a few minutes into worrying about the ISIS "soldiers" already in The White House.
I would not put it beyond our current "leader" to welcome a large scale attack so he can declare martial law.
No, not an excuse, Obviously you have no idea what mediation is about.

When you have one faction , the right, the first day after the election, they have a meeting and make the statement of making his presidency one term. That is their only goal. Nothing else, a big portion of the blame of the country being divided lies on their shoulders too.
sorry thats an excuse.....someone who knows how to communicate with people who dont see things like he does would have had many moderate Repubs and the RINOS giving him the benefit of the doubt....like Clinton and Reagan did.....i was giving him that until i seen that this guy aint no leader.....i supported him as long as i could ....but hey the guy aint a good President....thats 2 in a row now.....if we get another,i pity this Country....
No, not an excuse, Obviously you have no idea what mediation is about.

When you have one faction , the right, the first day after the election, they have a meeting and make the statement of making his presidency one term. That is their only goal. Nothing else, a big portion of the blame of the country being divided lies on their shoulders too.
sorry thats an excuse.....someone who knows how to communicate with people who dont see things like he does would have had many moderate Repubs and the RINOS giving him the benefit of the doubt....like Clinton and Reagan did.....i was giving him that until i seen that this guy aint no leader.....i supported him as long as i could ....but hey the guy aint a good President....thats 2 in a row now.....if we get another,i pity this Country....
Obviously you have no idea what mediation is about.

yea its intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it.....something Obama aint very good at here at home....you just wont say it.....so i will say it for you....the guy is not much of a leader.....and this Country needs one badly and we havent had one since last Century.....and there doesnt seem to be any on the horizon...

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