IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will

We won't notice ISIS because we're too busy shooting each other. They may as well stay home and just wait for the nutters to finish us off.

Have you been shot? Anyone you know? Nah, You're just ass talking. Again.
Why worry about borders?

Maybe put a few minutes into worrying about the ISIS "soldiers" already in The White House.
care to name some names?.....who are these "soldiers".....
Maybe this guy?.....
Who Is Mohamed Elibiary

Mohamed Elibiary is a senior member of the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council. According to a report by the Center for Security Policy, Elibiary also supports brokering a U.S. partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group.
This week, Breitbart’s Kerry Picket reported that Elibiary wrote on Twitter that it is “inevitable that [the] Caliphate returns.”

Under an Islamic caliphate, all citizens would be forced to comply with the highly oppressive Islamic Sharia law.

Weasel Zippers reported Wednesday that ISIS is now flooding social media sites using DHS advisor Elibiary's "inevitable caliphate" comments, hoping to use Elibiary's words as a recruiting tool to add more militants to their jihadi personnel.
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?

They've kept their promise, that's for sure. The Rs have been quite successful in tearing us apart.
Where did this alleged Republican pledge come from? Nowhere.

Obama failed to work with the GOP, declaring "elections have consequences." His chief of staff, Rahm, declared "fuck em, we've got the votes." With an attitude like that don't be surpirsed if the other side just wont roll over and do what you want.
Obama planned to change the tone in Washington. Boy, was he successful. He will Hope N Change the shit out of us.
How are Iraq and Syria "Obama's mess", exactly?

He's not the President of the whole world.
He'd like to think he is. Regarding Syria, Obama is demanding that Assad step down. Who does he think he is?

You confuse pointing out how rightards have no standing to criticize Obama with blaming Boooosh.
No standing to criticize Obama? That's laughable! Obama has been POTUS for six years...has managed to rack up more debt that all Presidents before him combined, has divided the nation racially, has the lowest approval rating since Jimmuh Cottah, can't speak without a teleprompter, coddles the Muslim Brotherhood, speaks by memory in telling us what "the holy Korrrrran tells us", was politically launched in the living room of an unrepentant bomber of government property, plays golf while "Rome burns", bypasses Congress to change laws, etc. ad infinitum.

Obama blames everybody but himself. He admits to no wrong. He is infallible. He is godlike.
obviously the cover names.....come on inquiring minds and all that.....

Sorry about that but the cover names are classified. Can't have Americans know which of the names they read in the controlled press are sleepers. Who knows, one or two may be promoting disinformation on sites like these. They use very American sounding names - like "Harry". Coupled with names associated with wartime destruction. Like "Berlin" or "Hamburg", that sort.
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?

They've kept their promise, that's for sure. The Rs have been quite successful in tearing us apart.
yes they have luddy.....now let me finish what you are unable to say......so have the Democrats....
obviously the cover names.....come on inquiring minds and all that.....

Sorry about that but the cover names are classified. Can't have Americans know which of the names they read in the controlled press are sleepers. Who knows, one or two may be promoting disinformation on sites like these. They use very American sounding names - like "Harry". Coupled with names associated with wartime destruction. Like "Berlin" or "Hamburg", that sort.
so you are full of shit?.....guess i wasted a few posts....
Would be nice if the so called leader of the free world didn't tell the entire world that he had no clue what he was doing...

there is no truth to your statement. Obama has never said or implied or suggested that he had no clue to what he was doing.

I'm still having a great time tonight and only checking in to see if you idiots on the left have figured out ISIS yet.

Please do tell what you figured out on ISIS and multiply that by ten zillion. Seriously, what have you yourself personally figured out about ISIS?
You nuts are going to blame an ISIS terrorist attack in the US on President Obama because he hasn't done what, exactly?

That's what I thought. The deranged are all set to blame Obama for not having done something if an ISIS terrorist attack should happen,

but not one of you has any idea whatsoever as to what the president should be doing.
You nuts are going to blame an ISIS terrorist attack in the US on President Obama because he hasn't done what, exactly?

That's what I thought. The deranged are all set to blame Obama for not having done something if an ISIS terrorist attack should happen,

but not one of you has any idea whatsoever as to what the president should be doing.
Bullshit. We've been pretty clear what needs to be done.

If ISIS attacks the US Obama's first job will be to explain it was Bush's fault.
You nuts are going to blame an ISIS terrorist attack in the US on President Obama because he hasn't done what, exactly?

That's what I thought. The deranged are all set to blame Obama for not having done something if an ISIS terrorist attack should happen,

but not one of you has any idea whatsoever as to what the president should be doing.
Bullshit. We've been pretty clear what needs to be done.

If ISIS attacks the US Obama's first job will be to explain it was Bush's fault.

No you haven't.
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Oh, the irony ...

"And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, there's one terrible pilot." - Bush, 12.4.2001
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?
even when he is not around those people he doesnt do much uniting.....and a hell of a lot of moderate Republicans were not part of the far right bullshit but yet he hasnt got enough leadership in him to try and win them over.....i worked with Democrats who were starting to question the guy and his ability to lead....i get it...some of you guys like the guy....but geezus....the guy is not flawless....he isnt perfect.....he wasnt ready for this job but your fucking party pushed him even though they knew he wasnt ready....so now we got what we got....
What we got is a growing economy, no more recessions despite the many predictions of a double-dip, a record high stock market, no 9.11 attacks inside America, national healthcare, and two Liberal Supreme Court justices. Hell, I'd vote for him again if he could run in 2016 and he wasn't my first choice in 2008.
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?
even when he is not around those people he doesnt do much uniting.....and a hell of a lot of moderate Republicans were not part of the far right bullshit but yet he hasnt got enough leadership in him to try and win them over.....i worked with Democrats who were starting to question the guy and his ability to lead....i get it...some of you guys like the guy....but geezus....the guy is not flawless....he isnt perfect.....he wasnt ready for this job but your fucking party pushed him even though they knew he wasnt ready....so now we got what we got....
What we got is a growing economy, no more recessions despite the many predictions of a double-dip, a record high stock market, no 9.11 attacks inside America, national healthcare, and two Liberal Supreme Court justices. Hell, I'd vote for him again if he could run in 2016 and he wasn't my first choice in 2008.
It's not growing in Fergie is it?
We never got out of the recession...which "ended" in 2009.
By borrowing trillions from china
Only because we call it workplace violence now.
Premiums increasing...availability decreasing
Dos lesbanos.
If ISIS attacks the USA in the homeland, Americans will blame Obama surely but far more so they will charge the GOP do nothing House as the far greater culprits for the tragedy.

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