If it was about saving lives

Why isn't there a push to ban alcohol? Since death contributed to alcohol deaths surpass gun death by a large number.
Alcohol Related Deaths per Year, State & More | 2023 Analysis
Nope it's all about control.
You have to be 21 to buy alcohol. You cannot drive while drunk. You cannot be intoxicated in public. You cannot open carry alcohol in public.

Alcohol-related deaths plummeted when alcohol-related laws were strengthened.

The rate of all alcohol-induced deaths fell 19 percent between 1980 and 1994, noted the report on
alcohol and crime, citing National Center for Health Statistics data.

"We also have seen recent declines in violence between current and former spouses, boyfriends and
girlfriends," commented BJS Director Jan M. Chaiken. "This is the kind of violence most likely to involve
alcohol abuse."

Every developed country which has stronger gun control than we do has a far, far lower homicide rate.

You can hem and haw, gnash your teeth, and throw out all the red herrings you wish, but this is a simple fact.
So what part is a lie? Did he not attack Zimmerman until after he hung up with police? Was he not waiting in the shadows to attack Zimmerman? After all, he was much faster than Zim. In fact he lost him in 10 seconds. Why didn't he just run back to the condo he was staying at instead of waiting there? He did play high school football after all, and between where Zim lost him and the condo, it was about a football field away.
If he lost him why didn't the murderer just go back to his truck.
No, this Latin wearing gang colors didn't go back he kept coming because he knew that N**** was up to no good.

and of course the big lie...
Chasing that scary Black man the coward is confronted and given the choice of gun or phone, pulls out his phone?
And you claim to be stupid enough to believe that.
If he lost him why didn't the murderer just go back to his truck.
No, this Latin wearing gang colors didn't go back he kept coming because he knew that N**** was up to no good.

and of course the big lie...
Chasing that scary Black man the coward is confronted and given the choice of gun or phone, pulls out his phone?
And you claim to be stupid enough to believe that.

Zimmerman explained all that. He was in back of the buildings. He went up front to get an address to provide police of where Martin disappeared.

The only confrontation between Zim and Martin was when Martin brutally attacked him. Zim placed the phone call in his truck, and only left the vehicle after Martin took off running. He was still on the phone with police during that entire time.
Zimmerman explained all that. He was in back of the buildings. He went up front to get an address to provide police of where Martin disappeared.

The only confrontation between Zim and Martin was when Martin brutally attacked him. Zim placed the phone call in his truck, and only left the vehicle after Martin took off running. He was still on the phone with police during that entire time.
so if he was on the phone with police why did he reach for his phone, in his pocket?
Shouldn't it have been in his hand?
If he was on the phone with police why did he have to call the police after murdering Martin?

Don't worry.
You can now worship that guy in Texas who murdered 5 people.
so if he was on the phone with police why did he reach for his phone, in his pocket?
Shouldn't it have been in his hand?
If he was on the phone with police why did he have to call the police after murdering Martin?

Don't worry.
You can now worship that guy in Texas who murdered 5 people.

Why would he call police when they were already on their way? And what are you talking about with reaching for his phone? What does that have to do with the price of rice in China? Reach for his phone when?

After Martin attacked Zim he was trying to break away, but the thug had his knees pinning his shoulders down so he couldn't get away. When his shirt lifted Martin seen the gun and Zim realized he had no choice but to grab it before Martin did. That's when he shot Martin.

Forensic evidence revealed that the back of Zims coat was wet with grass stains as was his pants and all of Martin's attire was dry. They concluded that the attack happened exactly the way Zimmerman described. There was no struggle, no fight, just a plain assault where Zimmerman had no chance.
Why would he call police when they were already on their way? And what are you talking about with reaching for his phone? What does that have to do with the price of rice in China? Reach for his phone when?

After Martin attacked Zim he was trying to break away, but the thug had his knees pinning his shoulders down so he couldn't get away. When his shirt lifted Martin seen the gun and Zim realized he had no choice but to grab it before Martin did. That's when he shot Martin.

Forensic evidence revealed that the back of Zims coat was wet with grass stains as was his pants and all of Martin's attire was dry. They concluded that the attack happened exactly the way Zimmerman described. There was no struggle, no fight, just a plain assault where Zimmerman had no chance.
I got mine from Zimmerman 's own testimony.
You got yours from mother Goose.
I got mine from Zimmerman 's own testimony.
You got yours from mother Goose.

What testimony are you talking about? Zimmerman's story never changed from the time he made the police report. He called police from his truck, when Martin took off running, Zimmerman ran after him to help police locate the subject. He stopped running when the dispatcher said he didn't need to do that. Zimmerman continued his conversation with police for about another minute. He went to the front of the buildings to get an address after he hung up with the police. On his way back to his truck, Martin jumped out from behind some bushes and attacked him. It was a simple open and shut case as all investigations revealed that Zims account of what happened all matched up with the evidence they found.
What testimony are you talking about? Zimmerman's story never changed from the time he made the police report. He called police from his truck, when Martin took off running, Zimmerman ran after him to help police locate the subject. He stopped running when the dispatcher said he didn't need to do that. Zimmerman continued his conversation with police for about another minute. He went to the front of the buildings to get an address after he hung up with the police. On his way back to his truck, Martin jumped out from behind some bushes and attacked him. It was a simple open and shut case as all investigations revealed that Zims account of what happened all matched up with the evidence they found.

"Zimmerman, the source said, told officers he was so paralyzed by fear that he initially forgot he had a gun,..."

Martin, according to zimmerman was straddling zimmerman's shoulders holding him do2wn and cracking his head on the ground...

"...but he said that after Martin noticed his 9mm pistol, Zimmerman pulled it out of his belt holder..."

So martin facing forward, 3 ft from Zimmerman's gun with both hands on his head "notices" the gun?
Eyes in the back of his head?

Now the real story

Zimmerman followed Martin. Martin stepped from behind a bush and confronted Zimmerman to ask "what up?" Zimmerman panicked and pulled his gun. Martin grabbed the gun and wrestled with Zimmerman and Zimmerman shot Martin.

Occam's razor.

"Zimmerman, the source said, told officers he was so paralyzed by fear that he initially forgot he had a gun,..."

Martin, according to zimmerman was straddling zimmerman's shoulders holding him do2wn and cracking his head on the ground...

"...but he said that after Martin noticed his 9mm pistol, Zimmerman pulled it out of his belt holder..."

So martin facing forward, 3 ft from Zimmerman's gun with both hands on his head "notices" the gun?
Eyes in the back of his head?

Now the real story

Zimmerman followed Martin. Martin stepped from behind a bush and confronted Zimmerman to ask "what up?" Zimmerman panicked and pulled his gun. Martin grabbed the gun and wrestled with Zimmerman and Zimmerman shot Martin.

Occam's razor.

Oh, so Martin wrestled with Zim for the gun, in the meantime giving him several abrasions on the back of the head, a broken nose, two black eyes while he had complete control of him on the ground? What world do you live in anyhow?
Oh, so Martin wrestled with Zim for the gun, in the meantime giving him several abrasions on the back of the head, a broken nose, two black eyes while he had complete control of him on the ground? What world do you live in anyhow?
A world where a kid died fighting for his life with a man who followed him because he was a Black kid in a hoodie.
A world where people like Zimmerman, Kyle whosi, and others are admired and even worshipped for killing one of "them"
A world where a kid died fighting for his life with a man who followed him because he was a Black kid in a hoodie.
A world where people like Zimmerman, Kyle whosi, and others are admired and even worshipped for killing one of "them"

If he was fighting for his life, why did the autopsy report show he had no injuries outside of his knuckles? A person who attacks another is not fighting for his life, he is the attacker and all forensic and autopsy reports concluded that.
If he was fighting for his life, why did the autopsy report show he had no injuries outside of his knuckles? A person who attacks another is not fighting for his life, he is the attacker and all forensic and autopsy reports concluded that.
grabs gun with one had
punches with the other.

Occam's razor
One of the most honest statements made in this forum
Democrats don’t like law-abiding citizens owning guns. Everytime there is a mass shooting, Democrats go after the manufacturers and lawful gun owners. This weekend, there will be countless shootings in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, and NY. There will be nothing from Democrats. In Maryland, about 20 years ago, Republicans proposed legislation to double the punishment if you were caught with a gun doing a crime. The Democrats shot it down.
The victim.

Really? As much as I studied the case this is the first I ever heard of it. So how did he have one hand on Zims mouth to stop him from yelling for help, punching him with the other, and grab his gun? Did Martin have three arms or something?

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