If It's About the Latest Trump Groping Accusations -- Put it HERE !!!!

He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.

Yep, and the shit about jailing his political opponents.

I have seen something like it....... in third world failed states

And his comment about killing a whistleblower by sending a drone was the scariest of all remarks. And just because the guy exposed the truth. Oh, wait, that was Hillary who wanted to kill Assange.
And THAT has been DEBUNKED, fact check it!
Fact check.. That is so over.
He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.

Yep, and the shit about jailing his political opponents.

I have seen something like it....... in third world failed states

And his comment about killing a whistleblower by sending a drone was the scariest of all remarks. And just because the guy exposed the truth. Oh, wait, that was Hillary who wanted to kill Assange.
And THAT has been DEBUNKED, fact check it!
Fact check.. That is so over.


You are so fucked. :lmao:


One in 1000 women wouldn't go running for a cop or a lawyer for what he did. It is annoying, upsetting, rude behavior but not uncommon and they're only coming forward now because the lying piece of shit said it was just talk. You could probably fill a stadium with the women Tiny Hands has disrespected over the years.
But let's get back to defeating ISIS, shall we?:woohoo:
Yeah, but then all you douche bags discount the stories of Juanita Brodderick and others because they didn't come forward until long after they occurred.

You need to keep your stories consistent if you don't want to be laughed out of society.
It wasn't that Juanita just waited 20 years before bringing it up, Juanita testified before a grand jury, that bill clinton did not rape her.... and then later she came out and said he did.... And there is the part where she went to the clinton fund Raiser party 2 weeks after he raped her? Yes, she also invited him up to her hotel room, BUT that does not rule out rape in my mind because if she did say no, then no is no, no matter where they were....

so for me, it isn't that bill deserved defending or Juanita deserved to be believed, the circumstance and actual actions of the alleged victim, make it confusing on what actually to believe.....

On Kathleen Willey, she told Linda Tripp that she wanted to get bill Clinton to sleep with her, and Monica also told Linda Tripp that she was going after bill clinton to sleep with her.... this all came out in testimony before a grand jury...

So yes, Bill was a cheat, an adulterer, couldn't control his need for sex....lied about having sex and all of that and believe me, we were very pissed at him...he was a good President, he could have gone down as one of the best Democratic Presidents, but instead he put the scarlet letter on himself and the Democratic party for the next two to three decades....if not a half a century.

No one blamed Hillary at the time....everyone felt embarrassed and sad for her, they pitied her, and wanted them to work it out...Hillary had extremely high ratings during it all, the people gave her their support through what we imagined as tough times...in their marriage....
He has used federal lawsuits to silence his critics dozens of times.

I pointed it out right from the gecko. Worse free speech candidate ever.

He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.

First off the NYT broke federal law by publishing his tax returns. And if a media outlet such as Rolling Stone publishes a completely false story such as the Rape on Campus story the University Adminstrator is not being a pussy to sue the magazine.

Free speech does not give media the right to publish a lie.

Evidently the NYT substantiated the women's story before they printed it
In each case, other witnesses came forward to confirm the woman had told them about Trump groping them
Bullshit.. Unless they can provide evidence other than their hysterical clouded memories, it didn't happen.
This whole thing is just a set up.....This is nothing but a ploy perpetrated by democrat operatives.
BTW, notice how the in the bag for Clinton media is running away from the wikileaks email dump...
Those people are not journalists. They are left wing hacks.
He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.

Yep, and the shit about jailing his political opponents.

I have seen something like it....... in third world failed states

And his comment about killing a whistleblower by sending a drone was the scariest of all remarks. And just because the guy exposed the truth. Oh, wait, that was Hillary who wanted to kill Assange.
And THAT has been DEBUNKED, fact check it!
Fact check.. That is so over.


Keep laughing. These so called fact checking sites are left wing biased. Especially factcheck.org.
Yep, and the shit about jailing his political opponents.

I have seen something like it....... in third world failed states

And his comment about killing a whistleblower by sending a drone was the scariest of all remarks. And just because the guy exposed the truth. Oh, wait, that was Hillary who wanted to kill Assange.
And THAT has been DEBUNKED, fact check it!
Fact check.. That is so over.


Keep laughing. These so called fact checking sites are left wing biased. Especially factcheck.org.

Well, you know what they say, reality has a liberal bias..

It must really suck to be a conservative in this day and age.

"two gals one named Leeds and the other Crooks (how appropriate) suddenly fall from the sky and accuse Trump of sexual assault. seems they forgot to mention their both Clinton supporters and contributed to Clinton's cause. a slight conflict of interest. but the Lib media here is really desperate.
so what's next?? he pissed in the street, hang nails, flatulence. they'll think of something


Isn’t it ironic that only three weeks before the presidential election, two women come forward claiming Donald Trump sexually assaulted them, one of which was over 30 years ago?
That’s after this entire campaign season, after all the media attacks, suddenly they’re coming out now. But the most interesting part of the story is that both women are Hillary Clinton supporters and donors
Something seems a bit off. And if this is the case, why was the New York Times sitting on this story until after the second presidential debate and after the audio of Trump talking dirty was leaked?"

One woman who claimed that he touched her during a photoshoot said that at the time, ten years ago, she thought that a camera had brushed up against her. Last week she remembered it and it must have been Trump.
Keep laughing. These so called fact checking sites are left wing biased. Especially factcheck.org.

Especially for people who do not want to deal in facts.....just someone else's opinion, particularly opinions that one wants to hear.
He has used federal lawsuits to silence his critics dozens of times.

I pointed it out right from the gecko. Worse free speech candidate ever.

He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.
You lefties cannot deal with anyone who refuses to take shit off you and fights back..
Umm, when it involves private individuals, you do not have freedom of speech..You DON'T get to say whatever you want and walk away.
So don't be surprised when you turn your back on the person who just verbally or literally attacked puts his foot up your ass.

Here's what you're missing -- apparently intentionally.

The NY Times (or any paper) can't report that "Donald Rump sexually assaulted woman A, woman B woman C" without some kind of proof. But that isn't what they're doing anyway. At all. What they're doing is reporting that "woman A, woman B, woman C allege that Rump sexually assaulted them" --- and that *IS* true. They have pictures, they have quotes, they have interviews. There is no case to make that the women didn't say that.

To cower in your tree house and play stupid claiming you're going to go after newspapers for simply reporting (correctly) what someone SAID is the height of arrogant self-delusional dickishness. All it will accomplish is the same thing everything else he does accomplishes --- to dig Rump even deeper in the hole he's already in. Taking him straight to rhetorical bankruptcy. Only in this kind of bankruptcy he doesn't get to lose somebody else's money. He gets to eat the ball.
The NY Times (or any paper) can't report that "Donald Rump sexually assaulted woman A, woman B woman C" without some kind of proof.
Yeah....That's correct......And they don't have any. These stories are based on the hysterical rantings of these obscure individuals who no doubt are being paid or at least being "strongly encouraged" to make these claims.
Without corroborating testimony from independent witnesses or video/audio recordings, it didn't happen. And that in and of itself eliminates "absence of malice" protection form civil action.
Finally, it is sad that your side needs to go to such depths to win an election.
The release of these so called 'reports' is proof positive that your side believes it cannot win this election at the ballot box.
And his comment about killing a whistleblower by sending a drone was the scariest of all remarks. And just because the guy exposed the truth. Oh, wait, that was Hillary who wanted to kill Assange.
And THAT has been DEBUNKED, fact check it!
Fact check.. That is so over.


Keep laughing. These so called fact checking sites are left wing biased. Especially factcheck.org.

Well, you know what they say, reality has a liberal bias..

It must really suck to be a conservative in this day and age.
Who is "they"?
Mod Note:

Take a 20 second rest. You political warriors must be EXHAUSTED running from Thread 1 to Thread 5. All about accusations that have not yet yielded details for any discussion. I've made your task easier by merging FOUR threads associated with these latest salacious accusations. Now you can work yourselves to a frenzy pitch, while your country crashes and burns. Without the commute.

If the "story" is sketchy -- we are gonna sweep it all into one place. Just to keep the ISSUES somewhere on top of Page3..

JESSICA H LEEDS 155 E 93RD ST, NEW YORK, NY address is 2.7 miles straight up Madison Ave from the Clinton Foundation
Mod Note:

Take a 20 second rest. You political warriors must be EXHAUSTED running from Thread 1 to Thread 5. All about accusations that have not yet yielded details for any discussion. I've made your task easier by merging FOUR threads associated with these latest salacious accusations. Now you can work yourselves to a frenzy pitch, while your country crashes and burns. Without the commute.

If the "story" is sketchy -- we are gonna sweep it all into one place. Just to keep the ISSUES somewhere on top of Page3..


I take issue with this thread merger. Not only is my hilarious headline gone, but my OP wasn't necessarily about groping allegations, as the article I quoted said the reasons for the lawsuit threats were unclear. They thought it was about the Times publishing a detailed investigation earlier on Saturday describing how the real estate developer had relied on nearly $900 million in taxpayer subsidies over the past four decades to build his fortune -- not from printing groping allegations.
Trump Faces Another Accusation — This Time, He Looked Up Models’ Skirts
Source: Huffington Post

Yet another woman is alleging that she witnessed inappropriate sexual advances by Donald Trump, now the Republican nominee for president.

Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, described a disturbing episode in the mid-1990s: While at a restaurant with her and others, she said Trump paraded women in front of their table, looked under women’s skirts, and commented on whether they were wearing underwear.


Once at the restaurant, the group met up with Casablancas, who had brought along five or six models. It quickly became clear to Boyne that this was an opportunity for Trump to meet young, attractive women. Months earlier, Trump’s then-wife Marla Maples had allegedly been caught sleeping with a bodyguard. (Trump and Maples would officially divorce in 1997.)

According to Boyne, the group was seated at a semi-circular table, with the women in the middle and Trump and Casablancas flanking either end. The women couldn’t get out of their seats without one of the men getting up ― which they refused to do. Instead, Boyne said, Trump insisted that the women walk across the table, allowing him to peer up their skirts while they did so. Trump “stuck his head right underneath their skirts,” Boyne said, and commented on whether they were wearing underwear and what their genitalia looked like.


Read more: Trump Faces Another Accusation -- This Time, He Looked Up Models' Skirts | Huffington Post
Donald Trump Called Deaf ‘Apprentice’ Marlee Matlin ‘Retarded’
Source: The Daily Beast
Just in case you thought Donald Trump was insufficiently awful: He repeatedly called a deaf actress “retarded,” three sources tell The Daily Beast.

Trump, who was accused on Wednesday of making sexual comments to Marlee Matlin, an Oscar-winning actress who once competed on Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice, also apparently had a habit of insulting, mimicking, and demeaning as mentally handicapped his star female contestant—all because she was deaf.

In 2011, Matlin, who is still the only deaf actor or actress to win an Academy Award for best actress, appeared on Trump’s NBC reality-TV series. By the end of the season, she had come in second place and earned her fair share of compliments from Trump in the aired footage. But according to three longtime staffers who worked on Matlin’s season of Celebrity Apprentice, Trump would regularly disrespect the actress and would even treat her as if she were mentally disabled.

Sometimes the insults would be behind her back; other times they would be right in front of her.


Read more: Donald Trump Called Deaf ‘Apprentice’ Marlee Matlin ‘Retarded,’ Three Staffers Say

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