If It's About the Latest Trump Groping Accusations -- Put it HERE !!!!

At some point they're going to realize they can't harm Teflon Don Trump and just break down in tears in the middle of the news broadcast.
A young office intern will come forward with a stained dress as evidence of her secret relationship with the business mogul Donald J. Trump. She thought they were to be wed in the near future but she's now suspicious she was being led on all along. He been distant and doesn't return phone calls anymore.

The NYT Times has a forensic team on it and the results will be in on November 9th.
A Female Gorilla from an Ohio zoo will claim that somehow, Donald got in the cage/area, then approached her, fondled her breasts and butt. And she enjoyed it until he went for a very private area, thats when she lost her temper and threw Donald 30 feet into a body of water.
And that's when he raped the alligator.
then he walked half a mile to the "Horny Giraffe" complex and had his way with 4 Giraffess
utah temple taggart tapegate: This Bimbo actress says she thought "people from the East Coast just greeted each other like that" as she tries to convince the gullible that eons ago Trump kissed her on the lips. This was "temple"s explanation why she never "spoke up" (until Trump is beating Clinton and the truth about her corruption is starting to gel for many.)this is HA!..............................................................................................................................................................................NEW NEWS:

Trump up 6-point in Utah in second poll released after video emerged

Donald Trump has a small lead in a second poll of Utah conducted in the days after a video showed the Republican presidential nominee bragging about groping women.

Trump received 34 percent in the new Monmouth University Poll, followed by Democrat Hillary Clinton at 28 percent and independent Evan McMullin at 20 percent.
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Mr. Trump visited Florida and delivered remarks on the corrupt Washington establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it. There is no lie this establishment will not tell to hold prestige and power at your expense.

The Clinton Machine is at the center of the power structure of the political establishment that is responsible for disastrous trade deals, destruction of factories and jobs, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry. Its economic decisions have robbed our working class and stripped our country of its wealth while putting money in the pockets of corporate and political entities.

The WikiLeaks documents released prove that Senator Clinton has met in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich global financial powers.

These emails also show that the Clinton Machine works so closely with media organizations that she is given questions and answers in advance of her debates. The New York Times gives Senator Clinton veto power over the things written about her and her emails further show her collaboration with reporters to help her win the Election.

With trillions of dollars and their control of our government on the line, the Clinton Machine is determined to destroy our campaign. Their most powerful weapon is the corporate media who are no longer involved in journalism, they have become a political special interest.

The Clintons have engaged in criminal activity at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. Senator Clinton bleached 33,000 congressionally subpoenaed emails and destroyed thirteen phones among other pieces of evidence.
YOU KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN! The latest bs story to try and tarnish Trump to win the election is totally tied to the Clinton Foundation! This is how you know we’re winning! The Democrats are desperate and ruthless…The elitists in the Republican party are enablers of this desperate move by the Clinton machine. Do you REALLY want more of the crooked Clinton machine in our White House? These people are sickening!
Jessica Leads, who is accusing Trump of rape, allegedly has the same phone number as the Clinton Foundation… that’s curious From Podesta Wikileaks e-mails:

Twitter source:

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ProudBoy MAGAzine @ProudBoyMag

Jessica Leads, who is accusing Trump of rape, has the same phone number as the Clinton Foundation... that's curioushttps://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4308 …

9:35 PM - 12 Oct 2016Jessica Hopkins Leeds 74 years old PHONE 212-348-xxxx SPONSORED Online Photos | Social Profiles | Online Photos ADDITIONAL NAME Jessica C Leeds, Jessica J Caldwell, Jessica H Caldwell PLACES 1235 Park Avenue, New York, New York 155 E 93rd Street, New York, New York ASSOCIATED WITH 3 more » Budd Leeds Arnold I Leeds,Gail Susan Leeds.
An added bit of damning evidence against Jessica Leads: Trump accuser Jessica Leeds claims Trump lifted the armrest and groped her. But armrests in all 80’s planes don’t lift.
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YOU KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN! The latest bs story to try and tarnish Trump to win the election is totally tied to the Clinton Foundation! This is how you know we’re winning! The Democrats are desperate and ruthless…The elitists in the Republican party are enablers of this desperate move by the Clinton machine. Do you REALLY want more of the crooked Clinton machine in our White House? These people are sickening!
Jessica Leads, who is accusing Trump of rape, allegedly has the same phone number as the Clinton Foundation… that’s curious From Podesta Wikileaks e-mails:

Twitter source:

View image on Twitter

ProudBoy MAGAzine @ProudBoyMag

Jessica Leads, who is accusing Trump of rape, has the same phone number as the Clinton Foundation... that's curioushttps://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4308 …

9:35 PM - 12 Oct 2016

An added bit of damning evidence against Jessica Leads: Trump accuser Jessica Leeds claims Trump lifted the armrest and groped her. But armrests in all 80’s planes don’t lift.

How can anyone take those accusations seriously? Haven't we all been through this kind of fraud before?

Simply put, prove it or get out of here...
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trumppleUSA 392 points 23 hours ago

Also, read what they claim. At least try to make it sound realistic

Jessica Leeds, a businesswoman at a paper company, was sitting next to Donald J. Trump on a flight to New York in the early 1980s. She told The Times that he lifted the armrest and began to grope her

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  • BlakeRidleyCA 309 points 23 hours ago

    We already have 100% proof that the Clinton Campaign colludes with the NY Times. This is certainly a hit piece.
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    • k614MD 144 points 23 hours ago

      He may own the NY Times after this one.

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Leeds didn’t begin discussing her encounter with Trump until a year and a half ago, when it was apparent that he was actually running for president. During the 70s and 80s, she believes society instilled in victims that it was somehow their fault if they were sexually assaulted or harassed. She explains that culture perpetuated the idea that you had to “buck up and [move] on.”

Though many years have passed, Leeds hopes that sharing her story publicly will make a difference in the election and in society. ...........................................................................download (1).jpg madonna-whos-that-girl-tour-compressed.jpg jan-29-1977-cover-tv-guide-lynda-carter-600.jpg YES THE SEVENTIES AND EIGHTIES WERE SO BACKWARDS FOR WOMEN: Expansion of the Movement In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the United States experienced a tremendous increase in survivors of sexual violence publicly speaking out, sharing their stories of victimization. This resulted in increased activism around the issues of sexual violence, and the development of services for survivors. These efforts increased public awareness, reduced the trauma to survivors, and raised the demand for programs designed to prevent sexual violence. 1980s The current level of public awareness about acquaintance rape stems largely from the Ms. Magazine Project on Campus Sexual Assault in 1984
JESSICA H LEEDS 155 E 93RD ST, NEW YORK, NY address is 2.7 miles straight up Madison Ave from the Clinton Foundationimages (11).jpg
Ok I am sure The Donald was inappropriate at times, he does love women and is a cocky guy ...


I was watching one on tv who claims he touched her .
she has a long criminal record..so I find what she is saying to be bullshit, and is probably getting paid off..

I wish it would just stop, there is no prove , who cares.. deal with it in private.

Sixth woman claims Donald Trump 'touched her inappropriately' | Daily Mail Online
two gals one named Leeds and the other Crooks (how appropriate) suddenly fall from the sky and accuse Trump of sexual assault. seems they forgot to mention their both Clinton supporters and contributed to Clinton's cause. a slight conflict of interest. but the Lib media here is really desperate.
so what's next?? he pissed in the street, hang nails, flatulence. they'll think of something


Isn’t it ironic that only three weeks before the presidential election, two women come forward claiming Donald Trump sexually assaulted them, one of which was over 30 years ago?
That’s after this entire campaign season, after all the media attacks, suddenly they’re coming out now. But the most interesting part of the story is that both women are Hillary Clinton supporters and donors
Something seems a bit off. And if this is the case, why was the New York Times sitting on this story until after the second presidential debate and after the audio of Trump talking dirty was leaked?


OK globalist take it away in 5......4......3..........2..................
Long criminal record? She was arrested once for burglary, and once for DUI.

Hardly a crime spree..................

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