If It's About the Latest Trump Groping Accusations -- Put it HERE !!!!

This looks like respect to you old lady?

Show me when he stuck it between anyone's legs or he grabbed a booby, weasel.
LOL. You are as dishonest as they come. That's not crude behavior? And I don't even know what you are trying to deflect into.

That's because I'm not deflecting. I believe I have been told that hard-ons happen. He had to get up for some reason, he couldn't hide it, so he might as well acknowledge it and laugh at himself. What else does it show?
Or they will cause a financial collapse again.
Yeah, he sure has rattled the Globalist Elite Establishment. They're throwing everything they have at him. At this point, i don't even know if it's worth it for him to win. If he does win, the Globalist assholes will sabotage his Presidency.

They'll likely set him up for Impeachment, start WWIII, or maybe kill him. They have all the power at this point. They can do anything. He's advocating looking out for American Citizens. And that's a big no-no with the NWO Globalists. I'll pray for the man. I hope he makes it.
This looks like respect to you old lady?

Show me when he stuck it between anyone's legs or he grabbed a booby, weasel.
LOL. You are as dishonest as they come. That's not crude behavior? And I don't even know what you are trying to deflect into.

That's because I'm not deflecting. I believe I have been told that hard-ons happen. He had to get up for some reason, he couldn't hide it, so he might as well acknowledge it and laugh at himself. What else does it show?
He couldn't hide it? You stupid asshole!
You are so fucked. :lmao:


One in 1000 women wouldn't go running for a cop or a lawyer for what he did. It is annoying, upsetting, rude behavior but not uncommon and they're only coming forward now because the lying piece of shit said it was just talk. You could probably fill a stadium with the women Tiny Hands has disrespected over the years.
But let's get back to defeating ISIS, shall we?:woohoo:
Yeah, but then all you douche bags discount the stories of Juanita Brodderick and others because they didn't come forward until long after they occurred.

You need to keep your stories consistent if you don't want to be laughed out of society.
You are so fucked. :lmao:


One in 1000 women wouldn't go running for a cop or a lawyer for what he did. It is annoying, upsetting, rude behavior but not uncommon and they're only coming forward now because the lying piece of shit said it was just talk. You could probably fill a stadium with the women Tiny Hands has disrespected over the years.
But let's get back to defeating ISIS, shall we?:woohoo:
Yeah, but then all you douche bags discount the stories of Juanita Brodderick and others because they didn't come forward until long after they occurred.

You need to keep your stories consistent if you don't want to be laughed out of society.
Too late.
You are so fucked. :lmao:


One in 1000 women wouldn't go running for a cop or a lawyer for what he did. It is annoying, upsetting, rude behavior but not uncommon and they're only coming forward now because the lying piece of shit said it was just talk. You could probably fill a stadium with the women Tiny Hands has disrespected over the years.
But let's get back to defeating ISIS, shall we?:woohoo:

The airline story has been debunked. First, Trump has had his own plane for ages. Second, in first class you can't raise the arm rest:


The NYT just pounded another nail into the coffin containing its credibility, and like the world's biggest sucker, you fell for it.
It appears we are going to need a list as more brave women and girls come forward and tell their individual stories of the degenerate Donald Trump and his vile attacks on them.
Let's start with the teenage girls in the Miss Teen America pageant he walked in on while they were naked or semi-naked because he was the owner of the event. Anybody know their names?

And these stories just happen to come out right before the election.
Gee, what a coincidence.
Sort of like what happened with Herman Cain in 2012. Notice that those women vanished after he dropped out.
He has used federal lawsuits to silence his critics dozens of times.

I pointed it out right from the gecko. Worse free speech candidate ever.

He is the biggest fucking pussy I've ever seen. It's as if he grew up in North Korea. I've never seen anything like it. And conservatives love him.

First off the NYT broke federal law by publishing his tax returns. And if a media outlet such as Rolling Stone publishes a completely false story such as the Rape on Campus story the University Adminstrator is not being a pussy to sue the magazine.

Free speech does not give media the right to publish a lie.

Evidently the NYT substantiated the women's story before they printed it
In each case, other witnesses came forward to confirm the woman had told them about Trump groping them

Doesn't even matter, since the various papers aren't reporting that the event happened. They're reporting that these various women SAY they happened. And that's a fact --- they DID in fact say that. And that distinction is exactly why the articles are worded and headlined the way they are -- and always have been.

I essplained all this basic journalism to TD -- who's apparently never been inside either a courtroom or a newspaper --- in my thread on these empty Agent Orange threats.
He eats kittens?
this just in from CNN. a 54 year old white woman from Manhattan has informed us here at CNN that in 1997, when she was doing a Ronald McDonald event at one of the many McDonalds restaurants in Manhattan, she claims Donald approached her while she was still in costume, fondled her boobs offered her 500.00 to "Have It His Way" with her in his limousine after her appearance.
I tried to download the list and got a message saying my PC
does not have the resources to process the information...

The recommendation is....

Get a larger hard drive...
Add memory....
Upgrade the processor....


Every woman in America should start coming forward. Call the New York Times or the Washington Post and claim they were groped by Donald Trump. Illustrate the extreme absurdity of this even being a part of our election process. Damn, it's like we are in Jr High. Psst, I heard Donald touched Kerry in the naughty place. Really? I heard he said a bad word!
Next Week Joyce Blowfart will announce on the View that Bill Clinton still has the 34 Vibrators he and Monica messed with in the 90's.
A young office intern will come forward with a stained dress as evidence of her secret relationship with the business mogul Donald J. Trump. She thought they were to be wed in the near future but she's now suspicious she was being led on all along. He been distant and doesn't return phone calls anymore.

The NYT Times has a forensic team on it and the results will be in on November 9th.
Maybe some dudes come out with complaints....
I'm not sayin....
I'm just sayin....
A young office intern will come forward with a stained dress as evidence of her secret relationship with the business mogul Donald J. Trump. She thought they were to be wed in the near future but she's now suspicious she was being led on all along. He been distant and doesn't return phone calls anymore.

The NYT Times has a forensic team on it and the results will be in on November 9th.
A Female Gorilla from an Ohio zoo will claim that somehow, Donald got in the cage/area, then approached her, fondled her breasts and butt. And she enjoyed it until he went for a very private area, thats when she lost her temper and threw Donald 30 feet into a body of water.
A young office intern will come forward with a stained dress as evidence of her secret relationship with the business mogul Donald J. Trump. She thought they were to be wed in the near future but she's now suspicious she was being led on all along. He been distant and doesn't return phone calls anymore.

The NYT Times has a forensic team on it and the results will be in on November 9th.
A Female Gorilla from an Ohio zoo will claim that somehow, Donald got in the cage/area, then approached her, fondled her breasts and butt. And she enjoyed it until he went for a very private area, thats when she lost her temper and threw Donald 30 feet into a body of water.
And that's when he raped the alligator.
You are so fucked. :lmao:


One in 1000 women wouldn't go running for a cop or a lawyer for what he did. It is annoying, upsetting, rude behavior but not uncommon and they're only coming forward now because the lying piece of shit said it was just talk. You could probably fill a stadium with the women Tiny Hands has disrespected over the years.
But let's get back to defeating ISIS, shall we?:woohoo:

According to dipshit John Kerry, ISIS has been "contained", so why do we even need to do anything more?

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