If its bad for Trump to go to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden...

...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?
Because it is perfectly legal under US law to hire a British firm to do opposition research, as other GOP candidates used the same group for the same reasons in the GOP primary.

It is completely illegal to use Congressionally approved aid as a tool for political gains against a potential rival. Especially when that aid is needed to fight a war against Russia.

See the distinction.

Hey at least you can admit that there was a Quid Pro QUo. Better then most. Really I think the GOP should use the Mulvaney defense, admit it, but say it's not a big deal, at least that is respectable. This total fantasy land lie that there was no QPQ is just pathetic.
What was the Quid Pro Quo? I must have missed that part.
Because you live in a total fantasy land and can't accept simple facts and reality...
Fantasy world my ass. Democrats always fantasize about what was said and expect people to believe it. Those days are over.
...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?

Hillary didn't go anywhere to dig up dirt except her lawyer's office. That's why. She had no contact whatsoever with anyone about digging up dirt. Why do we keep having to explain this to you fools.

Trump telephoned the President of the Ukraine, and tried to use the power of the Presidency to extort him into giving him evidence to prove conspiracy theories based on Russian propaganda. He didn't even care if nothing was found, he just wanted the Ukraines to announce an investigation on CNN. That way, he got a 'two-for". He could claim Biden is corrupt and use the investigation as proof, and then call CNN for promoting fake news when the Biden investigation found nothing.
Epstein was murdered to cover up for Clinton, who is a pedophile

Why don't Democrats want Clinton prosecuted for that?
Because that is fake news and didn't happen as they determined there was no foul play what so ever. The fact that you think that was a scandal shows you are just a clueless partisan hack that believes anything Foxnews tells you to believe instead of thinking for yourself.
Epstein didn't kill himself.

Even the retarded man in the home for retarded people knows that.
Oh because Alex Jones said so I guess. Too bad in the real world you need facts and evidence.

Now you just look stupid.

you keep yammering on about facts and evidence, both of which are extremely lacking pertaining to the Quid Pro Quo Trump is being accused of. I don’t even care, force him out of office, arrest him for all I care. This country is going down in flames and Democrats are a big part of the problem.
...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?
Because it is perfectly legal under US law to hire a British firm to do opposition research, as other GOP candidates used the same group for the same reasons in the GOP primary.

It is completely illegal to use Congressionally approved aid as a tool for political gains against a potential rival. Especially when that aid is needed to fight a war against Russia.

See the distinction.

Hey at least you can admit that there was a Quid Pro QUo. Better then most. Really I think the GOP should use the Mulvaney defense, admit it, but say it's not a big deal, at least that is respectable. This total fantasy land lie that there was no QPQ is just pathetic.
What was the Quid Pro Quo? I must have missed that part.
Because you live in a total fantasy land and can't accept simple facts and reality...
Fantasy world my ass. Democrats always fantasize about what was said and expect people to believe it. Those days are over.
Great comeback, too bad the facts and evidence clearly demonstrate the Quid Pro Quo, with numerous witnesses to back that all.

You have nothing and no defense.
Epstein was murdered to cover up for Clinton, who is a pedophile

Why don't Democrats want Clinton prosecuted for that?
Because that is fake news and didn't happen as they determined there was no foul play what so ever. The fact that you think that was a scandal shows you are just a clueless partisan hack that believes anything Foxnews tells you to believe instead of thinking for yourself.
Epstein didn't kill himself.

Even the retarded man in the home for retarded people knows that.
Oh because Alex Jones said so I guess. Too bad in the real world you need facts and evidence.

Now you just look stupid.

you keep yammering on about facts and evidence, both of which are extremely lacking pertaining to the Quid Pro Quo Trump is being accused of. I don’t even care, force him out of office, arrest him for all I care. This country is going down in flames and Democrats are a big part of the problem.
WAAAA!!! WAAA!!!! Mommy they democrats are being mean to Trumpy.

...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?
Because it is perfectly legal under US law to hire a British firm to do opposition research, as other GOP candidates used the same group for the same reasons in the GOP primary.

It is completely illegal to use Congressionally approved aid as a tool for political gains against a potential rival. Especially when that aid is needed to fight a war against Russia.

See the distinction.

Hey at least you can admit that there was a Quid Pro QUo. Better then most. Really I think the GOP should use the Mulvaney defense, admit it, but say it's not a big deal, at least that is respectable. This total fantasy land lie that there was no QPQ is just pathetic.
What was the Quid Pro Quo? I must have missed that part.
Because you live in a total fantasy land and can't accept simple facts and reality...
Fantasy world my ass. Democrats always fantasize about what was said and expect people to believe it. Those days are over.
Great comeback, too bad the facts and evidence clearly demonstrate the Quid Pro Quo, with numerous witnesses to back that all.

You have nothing and no defense.

Yep, and all those witnesses have been doing so well at the impeachment inquiry.
Epstein was murdered to cover up for Clinton, who is a pedophile

Why don't Democrats want Clinton prosecuted for that?
Because that is fake news and didn't happen as they determined there was no foul play what so ever. The fact that you think that was a scandal shows you are just a clueless partisan hack that believes anything Foxnews tells you to believe instead of thinking for yourself.
Epstein didn't kill himself.

Even the retarded man in the home for retarded people knows that.
Oh because Alex Jones said so I guess. Too bad in the real world you need facts and evidence.

Now you just look stupid.

you keep yammering on about facts and evidence, both of which are extremely lacking pertaining to the Quid Pro Quo Trump is being accused of. I don’t even care, force him out of office, arrest him for all I care. This country is going down in flames and Democrats are a big part of the problem.
WAAAA!!! WAAA!!!! Mommy they democrats are being mean to Trumpy.


Reading comprehension. Try it sometime. I just said I don’t care what happens with Trump because the country is fucked anyway.
Obama allowed four men to die, including our Ambassador, rather than fight al Quada terrorists that he funded.

Why wasn't Obama impeached for that?
How did Obama allow them to die?
Congress is responsible for funding embassy security.
Four died under Trump. Is Trump responsible for those 4 lives in Niger?

Are you referring to fast & furious gun walking?
ATF is responsible for that, not Obama.
But if you want to go down that road, its the right which is inciting violence.
...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?
Because it is perfectly legal under US law to hire a British firm to do opposition research, as other GOP candidates used the same group for the same reasons in the GOP primary.

It is completely illegal to use Congressionally approved aid as a tool for political gains against a potential rival. Especially when that aid is needed to fight a war against Russia.

See the distinction.

Hey at least you can admit that there was a Quid Pro QUo. Better then most. Really I think the GOP should use the Mulvaney defense, admit it, but say it's not a big deal, at least that is respectable. This total fantasy land lie that there was no QPQ is just pathetic.
What was the Quid Pro Quo? I must have missed that part.
Because you live in a total fantasy land and can't accept simple facts and reality...
Fantasy world my ass. Democrats always fantasize about what was said and expect people to believe it. Those days are over.
Great comeback, too bad the facts and evidence clearly demonstrate the Quid Pro Quo, with numerous witnesses to back that all.

You have nothing and no defense.

Which witnesses who talked to Trump said that? What were the exact words Trump used to coerce?
Epstein was murdered to cover up for Clinton, who is a pedophile.

Why don't Democrats want Clinton prosecuted for that?
Because that is fake news and didn't happen as they determined there was no foul play what so ever. The fact that you think that was a scandal shows you are just a clueless partisan hack that believes anything Foxnews tells you to believe instead of thinking for yourself.

If you honestly think the most prolific pedophile in modern history, with documented ties to elitists around the globe, committed suicide in a federal prison under 24/7 surveillance - you are a class A moron.
...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?

Are you really that stupid? Hillary was not president - nor was she involved in a quid pro quo (bribery/extortion) like Trump was.
Epstein was murdered to cover up for Clinton, who is a pedophile.

Why don't Democrats want Clinton prosecuted for that?
Because that is fake news and didn't happen as they determined there was no foul play what so ever. The fact that you think that was a scandal shows you are just a clueless partisan hack that believes anything Foxnews tells you to believe instead of thinking for yourself.

If you honestly think the most prolific pedophile in modern history, with documented ties to elitists around the globe, committed suicide in a federal prison under 24/7 surveillance - you are a class A moron.
Yes because he must be the first guy to commit suicide in prison... Just like Arron Hernandez did, and about a million other people... idiot.

How is somebody going to get to him when he is locked in a cell with cameras and guards EVERYWHERE. AND he is in a cell block with hundreds of other inmates. He killed himself in the middle of the night, a common thing in prisons. and no, somebody is not watching him 24/7, they walk around and look in the cell every few hours giving him an easy window to hang himself, like he did. On top of that an investigation showed that there was no grand conspiracy.

The fact that you think this is a scandal shows how desperate and pathetic you are, just like pizzagate, and the now debunked HRC fake email scandal. The independent IG AND Trump's own State dept have both fully exonerated HRC. All your scandals are fake news. next!

You're just pissed because you have tried desperately for 20+ yrs to pin some scandal on the Clinton's and every single one has been debunked with no merit. Meanwhile a real deal impeachment scandal, with real deal evidence fell into our laps and you have to watch your boy get impeached. Enjoy the impeachment bud!!! AHAHA!!!!!!!!!
...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?
Because it is perfectly legal under US law to hire a British firm to do opposition research, as other GOP candidates used the same group for the same reasons in the GOP primary.

It is completely illegal to use Congressionally approved aid as a tool for political gains against a potential rival. Especially when that aid is needed to fight a war against Russia.

See the distinction.

Hey at least you can admit that there was a Quid Pro QUo. Better then most. Really I think the GOP should use the Mulvaney defense, admit it, but say it's not a big deal, at least that is respectable. This total fantasy land lie that there was no QPQ is just pathetic.
Please cite the statute that Trump broke.
11 CFR § 110.20 | eRegulations

America’s top election official explains why Trump may be committing crimes
Epstein was murdered to cover up for Clinton, who is a pedophile.

Why don't Democrats want Clinton prosecuted for that?
Because that is fake news and didn't happen as they determined there was no foul play what so ever. The fact that you think that was a scandal shows you are just a clueless partisan hack that believes anything Foxnews tells you to believe instead of thinking for yourself.

If you honestly think the most prolific pedophile in modern history, with documented ties to elitists around the globe, committed suicide in a federal prison under 24/7 surveillance - you are a class A moron.
Yes because he must be the first guy to commit suicide in prison... Just like Arron Hernandez did, and about a million other people... idiot.

How is somebody going to get to him when he is locked in a cell with cameras and guards EVERYWHERE. AND he is in a cell block with hundreds of other inmates. He killed himself in the middle of the night, a common thing in prisons. and no, somebody is not watching him 24/7, they walk around and look in the cell every few hours giving him an easy window to hang himself, like he did. On top of that an investigation showed that there was no grand conspiracy.

The fact that you think this is a scandal shows how desperate and pathetic you are, just like pizzagate, and the now debunked HRC fake email scandal. The independent IG AND Trump's own State dept have both fully exonerated HRC. All your scandals are fake news. next!

You're just pissed because you have tried desperately for 20+ yrs to pin some scandal on the Clinton's and every single one has been debunked with no merit. Meanwhile a real deal impeachment scandal, with real deal evidence fell into our laps and you have to watch your boy get impeached. Enjoy the impeachment bud!!! AHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Just as I suspected: Moron.

You wouldn't see the forest for the trees if you were in a fucking tree stand.
...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?
Because it is perfectly legal under US law to hire a British firm to do opposition research, as other GOP candidates used the same group for the same reasons in the GOP primary.

It is completely illegal to use Congressionally approved aid as a tool for political gains against a potential rival. Especially when that aid is needed to fight a war against Russia.

See the distinction.

Hey at least you can admit that there was a Quid Pro QUo. Better then most. Really I think the GOP should use the Mulvaney defense, admit it, but say it's not a big deal, at least that is respectable. This total fantasy land lie that there was no QPQ is just pathetic.
Neither Trump nor the Ukraine President acknowledge a QPQ, why do you make stuff up?
...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?
Because it is perfectly legal under US law to hire a British firm to do opposition research, as other GOP candidates used the same group for the same reasons in the GOP primary.

It is completely illegal to use Congressionally approved aid as a tool for political gains against a potential rival. Especially when that aid is needed to fight a war against Russia.

See the distinction.

Hey at least you can admit that there was a Quid Pro QUo. Better then most. Really I think the GOP should use the Mulvaney defense, admit it, but say it's not a big deal, at least that is respectable. This total fantasy land lie that there was no QPQ is just pathetic.
Neither Trump nor the Ukraine President acknowledge a QPQ, why do you make stuff up?
Brilliant response!

So any criminal just says I didn't do it, and that's it they're not guilty!! AHAHA!!!!!!!!

This could be the dumbest statement ever made. I guess we should let all the criminals out of prison because they all said they didn't do it.


What a partisan hack you are
Epstein was murdered to cover up for Clinton, who is a pedophile.

Why don't Democrats want Clinton prosecuted for that?
Because that is fake news and didn't happen as they determined there was no foul play what so ever. The fact that you think that was a scandal shows you are just a clueless partisan hack that believes anything Foxnews tells you to believe instead of thinking for yourself.

If you honestly think the most prolific pedophile in modern history, with documented ties to elitists around the globe, committed suicide in a federal prison under 24/7 surveillance - you are a class A moron.
Yes because he must be the first guy to commit suicide in prison... Just like Arron Hernandez did, and about a million other people... idiot.

How is somebody going to get to him when he is locked in a cell with cameras and guards EVERYWHERE. AND he is in a cell block with hundreds of other inmates. He killed himself in the middle of the night, a common thing in prisons. and no, somebody is not watching him 24/7, they walk around and look in the cell every few hours giving him an easy window to hang himself, like he did. On top of that an investigation showed that there was no grand conspiracy.

The fact that you think this is a scandal shows how desperate and pathetic you are, just like pizzagate, and the now debunked HRC fake email scandal. The independent IG AND Trump's own State dept have both fully exonerated HRC. All your scandals are fake news. next!

You're just pissed because you have tried desperately for 20+ yrs to pin some scandal on the Clinton's and every single one has been debunked with no merit. Meanwhile a real deal impeachment scandal, with real deal evidence fell into our laps and you have to watch your boy get impeached. Enjoy the impeachment bud!!! AHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Just as I suspected: Moron.

You wouldn't see the forest for the trees if you were in a fucking tree stand.
yup and the evidence you have to refute me is.... Because the evidence I present is rock solid strong.

Just as thought, you believe what you are told to believe by Alex Jones, Reddit, Cambridge Analytica, and the Russian Bots.

If Alex Jones told you HRC was an alien life form from another planet trying to enslave every human being you'd believe it.

You are what they call an easy mark.
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...why was it okay for Hillary to go to Great Britain to dig up dirt on Trump?
No, it was not OK for a political candidate to pay an independently-operating former UK intelligence agent for such dirt.

But, given that she was not an office holder at the time of the proposed offense, Impeachment is not the legal mechanism for resolution.

No, it was not OK for the sitting President to coerce a foreign head of state for dirt on a domestic political opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.

Fortunately, given his own admissions and related testimony and evidence, impeachment IS the legal mechanism for resolution for Trump's own sins.
Ted Kennedy drove his car into a creek and left a woman to die.

Why didn't Democrats not force Ted out of the Senate for that?
Because they are damned-near as corrupt and amoral as your Orange Creature.
Epstein was murdered to cover up for Clinton, who is a pedophile.

Why don't Democrats want Clinton prosecuted for that?

Because that is your opinion that has no actual facts to support it.

Major issue for Democrats on the Ukraine issue is it is their opinion when it come to those that testified and no actual demand from Trump himself.

Rudy seem to be the one that will take the fall and the Democrats only hope is Bolton if he has anything and if not impeachment and the inquiry is pointless...

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