If It's Bad.....Jews Did It

ol. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on the American Battle Monuments Commission (1990 - 1994), and on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1994.

  • Article 7/1/06: "The former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and Colonel has gone on the record to voice his doubts about the official story of 9/11 - calling it ‘the dog that doesn't hunt.’ ‘I'm astounded that the conspiracy theory advanced by the administration could in fact be true and the evidence does not seem to suggest that's accurate,’ he said."http://www.propagandamatrix.com The

You are a silly conspiracy theorist. Nobody takes you seriously, hope you know. :D
Well that may be Your Sordid Opinion......but not mine and others...Eots is one of the more honest and effective posters here.siam
his would seem to be more educated and experienced of the two

Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army (ret)
– Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. Former inspector and interpreter for the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty team.

  • Essay 9/11 and Non-investigation: "As a former Army officer, my tendency immediately after 911 was to rally 'round the colors and defend the country against what I then thought was an insidious, malicious all-Arab entity called Al-Qaida. In fact, in April of 2002, I attempted to reactivate my then-retired commission to return to serve my country in its time of peril. ... Now I view the 911 event as Professor David Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, views it: as a matter that implies eitherA) passive participation by the Bush White House through a deliberate stand-down of proper defense procedures that (if followed) would have led US air assets to a quick identification and confrontation of the passenger aircraft that impacted WTC 1 and WTC 2, or worse ... B) active execution of a plot by rogue elements of government, starting with the White House itself, in creating a spectacle of destruction that would lead the United States into an invasion of the Middle East ..." Captain Eric May
lol..got nothing do you ..and it is you monkeys that keep bringing up 9/11 in an attempt to bolster Israels stance against palatine, don't blame me if it backfires on you

Speaking of monkeys, have you seen your selfie avatar, chimp?
ol. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on the American Battle Monuments Commission (1990 - 1994), and on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1994.

  • Article 7/1/06: "The former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and Colonel has gone on the record to voice his doubts about the official story of 9/11 - calling it ‘the dog that doesn't hunt.’ ‘I'm astounded that the conspiracy theory advanced by the administration could in fact be true and the evidence does not seem to suggest that's accurate,’ he said."http://www.propagandamatrix.com The

You are a silly conspiracy theorist. Nobody takes you seriously, hope you know. :D
Well that may be Your Sordid Opinion......but not mine and others...Eots is one of the more honest and effective posters here.siam

:lol: You internet nuts crack me up. Bunch of delusional weirdos, that's all you are to me.
Not to mention, there are plenty of respectable people and websites that would completely disagree, and most of these claims have already been debunked YEARS ago. Why these people persist with this ridiculous assertion, I have no idea. They must be paranoid or something. :rolleyes-41:

Not to mention Osama Bin Laden CLAIMED responsibility, we have photos of the terrorists boarding planes at Logan, phone calls that some of the victims made to their families FROM the hijacked planes, etc., etc.
debwunked by who ?..who said anything about phone calls? or who was on the plane ?

Don't you know anything about which you speak?

The extraordinary last calls of Flight UA93 - Telegraph
I know what I know...and nothing you said is of any relevance to me

That's how it is when you are a know nothing. :clap2:
why do you so disrespect 9/11 families ?

That would be yourself. You and your fellow delusional conspiracy theorists.
a plane load of evidence could drop on them and they still would not bother to check facts
could you name one of these facts you speak ?

Google is your friend.
translation I have no facts eots..I just make empty statements

Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
a plane load of evidence could drop on them and they still would not bother to check facts
could you name one of these facts you speak ?

Google is your friend.
translation I have no facts eots..I just make empty statements

Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
If you talking about popular mechanics no thanks ..but I would be happy to tell you all that is wrong with it...as far as the rest of your histrionics they are not really worth addressing

Like I thought, you (like other delusional CTs) will ignore the facts to continue living in your delusional fantasy world. Maybe you need to get a life or something.
9 11 Truth movement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) engineering professor Thomas W. Eagar was at first unwilling to acknowledge the concerns of the movement, saying "if (the argument) gets too mainstream, I'll engage in the debate." In response to Steven E. Jones publication of a hypothesis that the World Trade Center was destroyed by controlled demolition, Eagar said that adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement would use the reverse scientific method to arrive at their conclusions, as they "determine what happened, throw out all the data that doesn't fit their conclusion, and then hail their findings as the only possible conclusion".[112]

Calling conspiracy theorists "the truthers", Bill Moyers has quoted journalist Robert Parry by stating that the theorists "...threw out all the evidence of al-Qaeda's involvement, from contemporaneous calls from hijack victims on the planes to confessions from al-Qaeda leaders both in and out of captivity that they had indeed done it. Then, recycling some of the right's sophistry techniques, such as using long lists of supposed evidence to overcome the lack of any real evidence, the 'truthers' cherry-picked a few supposed 'anomalies' to build an 'inside-job' story line".[113]

Al Qaeda has sharply criticized Iran's ex-president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, over his suggestions that the U.S. government was behind the September 11 attacks, dismissing his comments as "ridiculous".[114]

'Skeptics', who oppose conspiracy as the a-priori explanation to events, and who find most of the questions posed by the Truthers to be either easily answered[115] or based on misleading or false facts[116] have claimed that some of the Truthers are knowingly disseminating false information, with no care for the grieving families, and accordingly called them "disrespectful" or even "sickos".[117]
9 11 Truth movement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) engineering professor Thomas W. Eagar was at first unwilling to acknowledge the concerns of the movement, saying "if (the argument) gets too mainstream, I'll engage in the debate." In response to Steven E. Jones publication of a hypothesis that the World Trade Center was destroyed by controlled demolition, Eagar said that adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement would use the reverse scientific method to arrive at their conclusions, as they "determine what happened, throw out all the data that doesn't fit their conclusion, and then hail their findings as the only possible conclusion".[112]

Calling conspiracy theorists "the truthers", Bill Moyers has quoted journalist Robert Parry by stating that the theorists "...threw out all the evidence of al-Qaeda's involvement, from contemporaneous calls from hijack victims on the planes to confessions from al-Qaeda leaders both in and out of captivity that they had indeed done it. Then, recycling some of the right's sophistry techniques, such as using long lists of supposed evidence to overcome the lack of any real evidence, the 'truthers' cherry-picked a few supposed 'anomalies' to build an 'inside-job' story line".[113]

Al Qaeda has sharply criticized Iran's ex-president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, over his suggestions that the U.S. government was behind the September 11 attacks, dismissing his comments as "ridiculous".[114]

'Skeptics', who oppose conspiracy as the a-priori explanation to events, and who find most of the questions posed by the Truthers to be either easily answered[115] or based on misleading or false facts[116] have claimed that some of the Truthers are knowingly disseminating false information, with no care for the grieving families, and accordingly called them "disrespectful" or even "sickos".[117]
meaningless editorial drivel that again pretends to speak
for grieving families,with no regard for or mention of families being key members of 9/11 truth
could you name one of these facts you speak ?

Google is your friend.
translation I have no facts eots..I just make empty statements

Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
could you name one of these facts you speak ?

Google is your friend.
translation I have no facts eots..I just make empty statements

Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
If you talking about popular mechanics no thanks ..but I would be happy to tell you all that is wrong with it...as far as the rest of your histrionics they are not really worth addressing

Like I thought, you (like other delusional CTs) will ignore the facts to continue living in your delusional fantasy world. Maybe you need to get a life or something.
a dime store magazine is where you seek information on 9/11..lol why not just a 9/11 comic book
debwunked by who ?..who said anything about phone calls? or who was on the plane ?

Don't you know anything about which you speak?

The extraordinary last calls of Flight UA93 - Telegraph
I know what I know...and nothing you said is of any relevance to me

That's how it is when you are a know nothing. :clap2:
why do you so disrespect 9/11 families ?

That would be yourself. You and your fellow delusional conspiracy theorists.
strawman is all you have you could not support your position with facts if your life depended on it
Google is your friend.
translation I have no facts eots..I just make empty statements

Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
Google is your friend.
translation I have no facts eots..I just make empty statements

Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
If you talking about popular mechanics no thanks ..but I would be happy to tell you all that is wrong with it...as far as the rest of your histrionics they are not really worth addressing

Like I thought, you (like other delusional CTs) will ignore the facts to continue living in your delusional fantasy world. Maybe you need to get a life or something.
a dime store magazine is where you seek information on 9/11..lol why not just a 9/11 comic book

Yeah sure. Lol. This is the response one would expect from a 9/11 denier. Shame . . . shame on YOU!
Don't you know anything about which you speak?

The extraordinary last calls of Flight UA93 - Telegraph
I know what I know...and nothing you said is of any relevance to me

That's how it is when you are a know nothing. :clap2:
why do you so disrespect 9/11 families ?

That would be yourself. You and your fellow delusional conspiracy theorists.
strawman is all you have you could not support your position with facts if your life depended on it

I don't think you know what a FACT is. :cuckoo: YOU are a conspiracy theorist and all of your so-called "evidence" has already been debunked many times.
I know what I know...and nothing you said is of any relevance to me

That's how it is when you are a know nothing. :clap2:
why do you so disrespect 9/11 families ?

That would be yourself. You and your fellow delusional conspiracy theorists.
strawman is all you have you could not support your position with facts if your life depended on it

I don't think you know what a FACT is. :cuckoo: YOU are a conspiracy theorist and all of your so-called "evidence" has already been debunked many times.
What theory has been debunked and by who exactly ?
translation I have no facts eots..I just make empty statements

Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
translation I have no facts eots..I just make empty statements

Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
If you talking about popular mechanics no thanks ..but I would be happy to tell you all that is wrong with it...as far as the rest of your histrionics they are not really worth addressing

Like I thought, you (like other delusional CTs) will ignore the facts to continue living in your delusional fantasy world. Maybe you need to get a life or something.
a dime store magazine is where you seek information on 9/11..lol why not just a 9/11 comic book

Yeah sure. Lol. This is the response one would expect from a 9/11 denier. Shame . . . shame on YOU!
popular mechanics is some kind of authority in your mind ?
here is the brains of the operation
Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
Want me to post the links again for you? I will. Or you could go back a couple/few pages and read them. Not to mention, the one I just posted for you about people calling their family members from the planes that were hijacked and keeping them updated, telling them what was going on. There was the one where the man told his wife that they were going to fight the terrorists to stop them from crashing into a building and that he would probably die, so he said his goodbyes to his family. Now, here you are, trying to make a mockery of such things. It's really disgusting. Have you NO conscience?
If you talking about popular mechanics no thanks ..but I would be happy to tell you all that is wrong with it...as far as the rest of your histrionics they are not really worth addressing

Like I thought, you (like other delusional CTs) will ignore the facts to continue living in your delusional fantasy world. Maybe you need to get a life or something.
a dime store magazine is where you seek information on 9/11..lol why not just a 9/11 comic book

Yeah sure. Lol. This is the response one would expect from a 9/11 denier. Shame . . . shame on YOU!
popular mechanics is some kind of authority in your mind ?
here is the brains of the operation

It's not just PM. A LOT of scientists have explored, studied, and debunked your "myths." ;)

Debunking 911 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Homepage
If you talking about popular mechanics no thanks ..but I would be happy to tell you all that is wrong with it...as far as the rest of your histrionics they are not really worth addressing

Like I thought, you (like other delusional CTs) will ignore the facts to continue living in your delusional fantasy world. Maybe you need to get a life or something.
a dime store magazine is where you seek information on 9/11..lol why not just a 9/11 comic book

Yeah sure. Lol. This is the response one would expect from a 9/11 denier. Shame . . . shame on YOU!
popular mechanics is some kind of authority in your mind ?
here is the brains of the operation

It's not just PM. A LOT of scientists have explored, studied, and debunked your "myths." ;)

Debunking 911 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Homepage

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