If it's true that Americans are losing faith, then things will only get worse, not better

I said babies not fetuses

Nobody is killing babies.

Viability doesn’t define living human life, Joey.

Ever heard of DNA?

Yeah, my tonsils had DNA< and no one was going to grant them rights, either.

Where are the advanced scientists, entanproneurs, inventors, business people, industrialists and tech giants creating tens of millions of jobs? Fifty years is a long time. Having just large mouth bass bullcrap artists in TV/entertainment of all types/politician is old. Its like a plateau. Imagine one of those people who claim hate inventing a car component to increase gas mileage by 50% as an example. Not happening.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication?

Here's the thing... the fetuses that ended up at the bottom of medical waste containers weren't going to grow up to be those things. they were going to grow up to be your petty thugs. That's why the crime rate dropped so quickly after 1993.... 73 years after legalizing abortion, we got rid of the bad element by stopping it from reproducing and we are all better off for it.
That sounds like the argument of a eugenicist.

No one knows the path not taken.
You are proving my point.
No, youre point is idiotic, and I disproved it. No, people don't give enough to fill the need. So policy atttempts to do so.
Sorry ding, youre not going to dither for 10 pages amd alither out from under that. This isnt church...facts are facts, things don't become true because you believe theyvare true.
There are many possibilities of a Creator. One I kinda lean to is we are all fallen angels here to pay for our past life. Like mos not sure but knowledge is beign increased so maybe the truth will soon appear?

Or not. We invent God because we are aware of our mortality... nothing more complicated than that.
American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.
Why are we required to believe in YOUR religion in this country?
God will give is the power to strike down these left wing haters so they never get up again.
We must take Steps to prevent a rise of democrat ideology. With education .
Ah...more threats from the so-called religious.
Fetuses are human beings in the early stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At every point along the continuum he or she is fully human and possess the appropriate attributes for that point in time. This is no longer conjecture. This is scientific fact supported by empirical evidence.

The reality is you know it is wrong to abort a baby in the womb which is why you need to dehumanize it.

Wonderful religious opinion you have, but fetuses aren't viable, so they aren't babies. We don't give funerals to zygotes that end up in Tampons, we don't treat miscarriages like murder investigations and we don't throw women in prison for having abortions.

What you want is a world where zygotes have more rights than the woman they are inside. That's just fucking crazy.
Viability doesn’t define living human life, Joey.

Ever heard of DNA?
EVery cell has DNA....are you advocating for saving the tumors....they have DNA.
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God will give is the power to strike down these left wing haters so they never get up again.
We must take Steps to prevent a rise of democrat ideology. With education .
Ah...more threats from the so-called religious.
We get guidance from god..
How many of you are there?
We will find out

What name do you go by?
Blood or treasure
That sounds like the argument of a eugenicist.

No one knows the path not taken.

No, but can guess that the kid who was wanted and loved will be a productive citizen, while the kid with no father and a mother who screams at him, "You fucked up my life!!!!" is more likely to be anti-social.

Every child a wanted child... PP Motto and a darned good idea.
The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.

actually, they're leading us into the 'mess'

No. They’re not.

We don’t need any help. We are getting there on our own.

It’s cyclical. When we become satisfied we become proud and then we fall. Then we remember the behaviors that made us successful and we rise from the ashes. It’s the history of man.

The cycle is not limited to societies. It can be seen at the individual level. It is perfectly logical and makes complete sense. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success and failed behaviors naturally lead to failure.
Yes, they are.

It’s social conservatives and the religious right that, for the most part, propagates unwarranted hatred directed at gay and transgender Americans, immigrants, Muslims, and seeks to compel women to give birth against there will through force of law – social conservatives and the religious right who are very much the driving force behind the authoritarian reactionary right and its fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.
The churches used to play an important role in relieving poverty, taking care of the sick, taking care of widows and orphans, but much of that work has been transferred to the government. I

The charities get their money from the government.

You know this.
That’s news to me.
“We all know that charities receive their funding from multiple sources. The majority of contributions come from individuals; foundations and corporations also give significant amounts to nonprofits each year. What most of us don't realize is that another considerable source are taxpayer dollars, or government funding. While overall it represents a small percentage of a charity's contributed income, government funding is a generally reliable source that is typically renewed each year, or even increased.”

Government Funding for Charities: When it declines, the charities lose twice : Charity Navigator

Now it’s not.
Like what killing new born babies like democrats?

fetuses aren't babies.

God will give is the power to strike down these left wing haters so they never get up again.
We must take Steps to prevent a rise of democrat ideology. With education .

Uh, guy, education would be the worst thing that would happen to your side.... When people understand science and economics, they really don't support your positions.

In fact, your movement is mostly based on using sexual, religious and racial fears to get poor dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests.
Fetuses are human beings in the early stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At every point along the continuum he or she is fully human and possess the appropriate attributes for that point in time. This is no longer conjecture. This is scientific fact supported by empirical evidence.

The reality is you know it is wrong to abort a baby in the womb which is why you need to dehumanize it.
The reality is that you’re entitled to your subjective opinion as to the status of an embryo/fetus.

And you’re at liberty to act in accordance with your subjective beliefs.

But you’re not at liberty to force your subjective beliefs on others through force of law.

The right to privacy protects your liberty to believe as you see fit absent interference from the state, and the liberty of those who disagree with you, whose beliefs are also free from interference from the state.
Ya. Except when I tell you this you will smack yourself in the forehead because you have forgotten it. It's 10 years later than what I had.

Charitable choice - Wikipedia

Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: Guidance - Charitable Choice

Obama Expands Faith-Based Programs
Except this ignores all the charity given by we the people.

No what? People don’t contribute to charities?

No, hon. But that's a nice try.
It’s reality.

First of all people do give.

Secondly the only money the government receives comes from the people.

But, they do. However, you wanted to move the goal posts and that was a fail.
Fetuses are human beings in the early stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At every point along the continuum he or she is fully human and possess the appropriate attributes for that point in time. This is no longer conjecture. This is scientific fact supported by empirical evidence.

The reality is you know it is wrong to abort a baby in the womb which is why you need to dehumanize it.

Wonderful religious opinion you have, but fetuses aren't viable, so they aren't babies. We don't give funerals to zygotes that end up in Tampons, we don't treat miscarriages like murder investigations and we don't throw women in prison for having abortions.

What you want is a world where zygotes have more rights than the woman they are inside. That's just fucking crazy.
Viability doesn’t define living human life, Joey.

Ever heard of DNA?
But the law does.

And when you and other authoritarian conservatives seek to deny a woman her right to privacy, you’ll be stopped by the law, and thankfully so.

Fetuses are human beings in the early stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At every point along the continuum he or she is fully human and possess the appropriate attributes for that point in time. This is no longer conjecture. This is scientific fact supported by empirical evidence.

The reality is you know it is wrong to abort a baby in the womb which is why you need to dehumanize it.

Wonderful religious opinion you have, but fetuses aren't viable, so they aren't babies. We don't give funerals to zygotes that end up in Tampons, we don't treat miscarriages like murder investigations and we don't throw women in prison for having abortions.

What you want is a world where zygotes have more rights than the woman they are inside. That's just fucking crazy.
Viability doesn’t define living human life, Joey.

Ever heard of DNA?
EVery cell has DNA....are you advocating for saving the tumors....they have DNA.
Holy shit are you trying to argue every cell is a human being?

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