If it's true that Americans are losing faith, then things will only get worse, not better

That sounds like the argument of a eugenicist.

No one knows the path not taken.

No, but can guess that the kid who was wanted and loved will be a productive citizen, while the kid with no father and a mother who screams at him, "You fucked up my life!!!!" is more likely to be anti-social.

Every child a wanted child... PP Motto and a darned good idea.
Sure, there’s a distribution. But no one knows how any one individual will turn out. But that’s really beside the point. The point is that it is wrong.
The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.

actually, they're leading us into the 'mess'

No. They’re not.

We don’t need any help. We are getting there on our own.

It’s cyclical. When we become satisfied we become proud and then we fall. Then we remember the behaviors that made us successful and we rise from the ashes. It’s the history of man.

The cycle is not limited to societies. It can be seen at the individual level. It is perfectly logical and makes complete sense. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success and failed behaviors naturally lead to failure.
Yes, they are.

It’s social conservatives and the religious right that, for the most part, propagates unwarranted hatred directed at gay and transgender Americans, immigrants, Muslims, and seeks to compel women to give birth against there will through force of law – social conservatives and the religious right who are very much the driving force behind the authoritarian reactionary right and its fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.
Give me a break, Karl.

Stereotype much? You are literally doing exactly what you accuse others of doing.
The churches used to play an important role in relieving poverty, taking care of the sick, taking care of widows and orphans, but much of that work has been transferred to the government. I

The charities get their money from the government.

You know this.
That’s news to me.
“We all know that charities receive their funding from multiple sources. The majority of contributions come from individuals; foundations and corporations also give significant amounts to nonprofits each year. What most of us don't realize is that another considerable source are taxpayer dollars, or government funding. While overall it represents a small percentage of a charity's contributed income, government funding is a generally reliable source that is typically renewed each year, or even increased.”

Government Funding for Charities: When it declines, the charities lose twice : Charity Navigator

Now it’s not.
And taxpayer dollars come from individuals. So all so called charity is paid by the individuals except some of it is forced charity.

Government charity doesn’t work.
Fetuses are human beings in the early stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. At every point along the continuum he or she is fully human and possess the appropriate attributes for that point in time. This is no longer conjecture. This is scientific fact supported by empirical evidence.

The reality is you know it is wrong to abort a baby in the womb which is why you need to dehumanize it.

Wonderful religious opinion you have, but fetuses aren't viable, so they aren't babies. We don't give funerals to zygotes that end up in Tampons, we don't treat miscarriages like murder investigations and we don't throw women in prison for having abortions.

What you want is a world where zygotes have more rights than the woman they are inside. That's just fucking crazy.
Viability doesn’t define living human life, Joey.

Ever heard of DNA?
But the law does.

And when you and other authoritarian conservatives seek to deny a woman her right to privacy, you’ll be stopped by the law, and thankfully so.
The law also used to say that slaves were property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, right?
Why do you blame God???!!!???!!! It's like blaming Obama for handing out tax breaks. Isn't it Satan and sin that caused all our troubles?

God created Satan... (According to your backward ass bronze age mythology, anyway.) That makes him responsible for any bad Satan does.

Although reading the Bi-Bull, God kills a whole bunch of people and Satan only kills 10.

To teach others to set aside the law of God which results in death is the kind of murder satan was guilty of from the beginning.

According to my calculations that makes the body count in the billions. Most of the people in the world are dead.

You're also of the ones who think God is evil???!!!???!!! LMAO at the one who uses the quotes for his own gain. You've never heard of the wages of sin is death? And you didn't learn anything from what happened to Adam and Eve and humankind after Paradise Lost? It goes to demonstrate that Satan is alive and well and does exist. He said that you aren't going to die. But you just said "... the body count in the billions. Most of the people in the world are dead." Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What a piddling little man you are and a fool at that.

You just went on to prove that it's sin that is evil.
Why do you blame God???!!!???!!! It's like blaming Obama for handing out tax breaks. Isn't it Satan and sin that caused all our troubles?

God created Satan... (According to your backward ass bronze age mythology, anyway.) That makes him responsible for any bad Satan does.

Although reading the Bi-Bull, God kills a whole bunch of people and Satan only kills 10.

To teach others to set aside the law of God which results in death is the kind of murder satan was guilty of from the beginning.

According to my calculations that makes the body count in the billions. Most of the people in the world are dead.

You're also of the ones who think God is evil???!!!???!!! LMAO at the one who uses the quotes for his own gain. You've never heard of the wages of sin is death? And you didn't learn anything from what happened to Adam and Eve and humankind after Paradise Lost? It goes to demonstrate that Satan is alive and well and does exist. He said that you aren't going to die. But you just said "... the body count in the billions. Most of the people in the world are dead." Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What a piddling little man you are and a fool at that.

You just went on to prove that it's sin that is evil.

Wow. Perhaps you should take some more time to try and understand what I wrote before you have another hissy fit.
Now, you are going on to something else and think my worldview is mythology or similar to the writings (Paradise Lost) of a 16th century author because you do not want to answerable for your moral actions to anybody. You want to do whatever*, and get away with it.. But also take look at your worldview. It is exactly the same thing you thought of mine. It's mythology. You can't "prove" it as much as I can. At least, I can provide you evidence and these stories by Milton or Dante before him (Dante's Inferno) is part of it. They are based on the Bible, i.e. word of God. We also have many stories being put out as film from the Bible. Why is that?

Well, here's the thing. You really don't have any proof, other than stories written by dudes. The fact that you have conflated the writings of Milton for what is actually in the Bible, isn't much proof, at the end of the day, the Bible Writers and Milton were just dudes. Milton was just a better writer.

The proof is in the pudding; It's God's word. We have the prophecies that have come true so far. All of them. We have the science in the Bible which modern science and the scientific method backs up such as the chicken BEFORE the egg. We have a flat universe which was described in the Bible like that of a scroll. It even curves towards the edges and we know space time is curved. OTOH, we have ToE, evolutionary thinking and history which is attributable to Satan and his lies. Nothing has been observed, tested and falsified about it. You can't even demonstrate abiogenesis (formerly spontaneous generation). We have no aliens. God didn't make intelligent aliens in his image. We have no macroevolution of humans from monkeys nor birds from dinosaurs.

You are a gigantic fool for believing in Satan's lies and just a follower as part of the masses.

Dude, everything leads to death! No one here gets out alive, as Jim Morrison once wisely opined. As for "Hollywood values", I'm sorry, the only people doing movies about abortion are the crazy religious right. If you won't want to do those things, don't do them. I don't think you guys can restrain yourselves as we find some minister next to a boy-hooker and a pile of blow every month.

Yes, you yourself back up the Bible. The wages of sin is death. Didn't Satan himself claim in the beginning that you aren't going to die. Are you just discovering now that he lied?

As for the homosexual agenda, we know God has agenda against it. Once a person becomes homosexual, then it's hard for them to go back. God created humans to be men or women with the exception of hermaphrodites. Through sin, they turn themselves into homosexuals. There is no sexual orientation, gender identity nor gay gene and the other stuff that liberals spew forth. Those are human-made constructs and people end up believing them. Satan has trained you well. As for gays, the sin of homosexual practice brought aids and it has killed millions more.

Here's the thing. The ancient Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife. Modern Jews are a bit shifty on the subject. This whole "Puppies and Sunshine Heaven/Flames and Torment Hell" Is a Christian invention. And understandable. Because good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, which is not the case if there was an omnipotent sky pixie rigging the game. But that's okay, there's an afterlife, and everything will balance out.

It's a scam. I refuse to fall for it.

And yet, you continue to believe in Satan's lies. He's hooked you good mebucko!!!

First, Adam died and we all inherited his sin because he was the first human. He believed in Eve who believed in Satan. Both Adam and Eve were perfect humans, but they fell. What chance do you have? Not believing that Jesus saved us is just as big as Adam's sin. God tested Adam with a negative test. He tests us with a positive test -- John 3:16. Even the street beggar in Berkeley whom I practically saw every day holding his sign "John 3:16 REPENT! The end is near." had it right. Jesus became the first perfect human. All of the Bible becomes true. I can't help it if your liberal worldview prevents you from believing in the truth. Otherwise, it would've been disproved thousands of years ago like the Greek myths.
Why do you blame God???!!!???!!! It's like blaming Obama for handing out tax breaks. Isn't it Satan and sin that caused all our troubles?

God created Satan... (According to your backward ass bronze age mythology, anyway.) That makes him responsible for any bad Satan does.

Although reading the Bi-Bull, God kills a whole bunch of people and Satan only kills 10.

To teach others to set aside the law of God which results in death is the kind of murder satan was guilty of from the beginning.

According to my calculations that makes the body count in the billions. Most of the people in the world are dead.

You're also of the ones who think God is evil???!!!???!!! LMAO at the one who uses the quotes for his own gain. You've never heard of the wages of sin is death? And you didn't learn anything from what happened to Adam and Eve and humankind after Paradise Lost? It goes to demonstrate that Satan is alive and well and does exist. He said that you aren't going to die. But you just said "... the body count in the billions. Most of the people in the world are dead." Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What a piddling little man you are and a fool at that.

You just went on to prove that it's sin that is evil.

Wow. Perhaps you should take some more time to try and understand what I wrote before you have another hissy fit.

I haven't had my coffee yet. Did I confuse JoeB131 with yours? Please expand on your reply to JoeB131? Why is satan written like that?
Now, you are going on to something else and think my worldview is mythology or similar to the writings (Paradise Lost) of a 16th century author because you do not want to answerable for your moral actions to anybody. You want to do whatever*, and get away with it.. But also take look at your worldview. It is exactly the same thing you thought of mine. It's mythology. You can't "prove" it as much as I can. At least, I can provide you evidence and these stories by Milton or Dante before him (Dante's Inferno) is part of it. They are based on the Bible, i.e. word of God. We also have many stories being put out as film from the Bible. Why is that?

Well, here's the thing. You really don't have any proof, other than stories written by dudes. The fact that you have conflated the writings of Milton for what is actually in the Bible, isn't much proof, at the end of the day, the Bible Writers and Milton were just dudes. Milton was just a better writer.

The proof is in the pudding; It's God's word. We have the prophecies that have come true so far. All of them. We have the science in the Bible which modern science and the scientific method backs up such as the chicken BEFORE the egg. We have a flat universe which was described in the Bible like that of a scroll. It even curves towards the edges and we know space time is curved. OTOH, we have ToE, evolutionary thinking and history which is attributable to Satan and his lies. Nothing has been observed, tested and falsified about it. You can't even demonstrate abiogenesis (formerly spontaneous generation). We have no aliens. God didn't make intelligent aliens in his image. We have no macroevolution of humans from monkeys nor birds from dinosaurs.

You are a gigantic fool for believing in Satan's lies and just a follower as part of the masses.

Dude, everything leads to death! No one here gets out alive, as Jim Morrison once wisely opined. As for "Hollywood values", I'm sorry, the only people doing movies about abortion are the crazy religious right. If you won't want to do those things, don't do them. I don't think you guys can restrain yourselves as we find some minister next to a boy-hooker and a pile of blow every month.

Yes, you yourself back up the Bible. The wages of sin is death. Didn't Satan himself claim in the beginning that you aren't going to die. Are you just discovering now that he lied?

As for the homosexual agenda, we know God has agenda against it. Once a person becomes homosexual, then it's hard for them to go back. God created humans to be men or women with the exception of hermaphrodites. Through sin, they turn themselves into homosexuals. There is no sexual orientation, gender identity nor gay gene and the other stuff that liberals spew forth. Those are human-made constructs and people end up believing them. Satan has trained you well. As for gays, the sin of homosexual practice brought aids and it has killed millions more.

Here's the thing. The ancient Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife. Modern Jews are a bit shifty on the subject. This whole "Puppies and Sunshine Heaven/Flames and Torment Hell" Is a Christian invention. And understandable. Because good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, which is not the case if there was an omnipotent sky pixie rigging the game. But that's okay, there's an afterlife, and everything will balance out.

It's a scam. I refuse to fall for it.

And yet, you continue to believe in Satan's lies. He's hooked you good mebucko!!!

First, Adam died and we all inherited his sin because he was the first human. He believed in Eve who believed in Satan. Both Adam and Eve were perfect humans, but they fell. What chance do you have? Not believing that Jesus saved us is just as big as Adam's sin. God tested Adam with a negative test. He tests us with a positive test -- John 3:16. Even the street beggar in Berkeley whom I practically saw every day holding his sign "John 3:16 REPENT! The end is near." had it right. Jesus became the first perfect human. All of the Bible becomes true. I can't help it if your liberal worldview prevents you from believing in the truth. Otherwise, it would've been disproved thousands of years ago like the Greek myths.

This is fucking hilarious! But, please tell me that you are joking! I would hate to think that there is a functioning human being walking around out there who believes this stuff.....
Now, you are going on to something else and think my worldview is mythology or similar to the writings (Paradise Lost) of a 16th century author because you do not want to answerable for your moral actions to anybody. You want to do whatever*, and get away with it.. But also take look at your worldview. It is exactly the same thing you thought of mine. It's mythology. You can't "prove" it as much as I can. At least, I can provide you evidence and these stories by Milton or Dante before him (Dante's Inferno) is part of it. They are based on the Bible, i.e. word of God. We also have many stories being put out as film from the Bible. Why is that?

Well, here's the thing. You really don't have any proof, other than stories written by dudes. The fact that you have conflated the writings of Milton for what is actually in the Bible, isn't much proof, at the end of the day, the Bible Writers and Milton were just dudes. Milton was just a better writer.

The proof is in the pudding; It's God's word. We have the prophecies that have come true so far. All of them. We have the science in the Bible which modern science and the scientific method backs up such as the chicken BEFORE the egg. We have a flat universe which was described in the Bible like that of a scroll. It even curves towards the edges and we know space time is curved. OTOH, we have ToE, evolutionary thinking and history which is attributable to Satan and his lies. Nothing has been observed, tested and falsified about it. You can't even demonstrate abiogenesis (formerly spontaneous generation). We have no aliens. God didn't make intelligent aliens in his image. We have no macroevolution of humans from monkeys nor birds from dinosaurs.

You are a gigantic fool for believing in Satan's lies and just a follower as part of the masses.

Dude, everything leads to death! No one here gets out alive, as Jim Morrison once wisely opined. As for "Hollywood values", I'm sorry, the only people doing movies about abortion are the crazy religious right. If you won't want to do those things, don't do them. I don't think you guys can restrain yourselves as we find some minister next to a boy-hooker and a pile of blow every month.

Yes, you yourself back up the Bible. The wages of sin is death. Didn't Satan himself claim in the beginning that you aren't going to die. Are you just discovering now that he lied?

As for the homosexual agenda, we know God has agenda against it. Once a person becomes homosexual, then it's hard for them to go back. God created humans to be men or women with the exception of hermaphrodites. Through sin, they turn themselves into homosexuals. There is no sexual orientation, gender identity nor gay gene and the other stuff that liberals spew forth. Those are human-made constructs and people end up believing them. Satan has trained you well. As for gays, the sin of homosexual practice brought aids and it has killed millions more.

Here's the thing. The ancient Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife. Modern Jews are a bit shifty on the subject. This whole "Puppies and Sunshine Heaven/Flames and Torment Hell" Is a Christian invention. And understandable. Because good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, which is not the case if there was an omnipotent sky pixie rigging the game. But that's okay, there's an afterlife, and everything will balance out.

It's a scam. I refuse to fall for it.

And yet, you continue to believe in Satan's lies. He's hooked you good mebucko!!!

First, Adam died and we all inherited his sin because he was the first human. He believed in Eve who believed in Satan. Both Adam and Eve were perfect humans, but they fell. What chance do you have? Not believing that Jesus saved us is just as big as Adam's sin. God tested Adam with a negative test. He tests us with a positive test -- John 3:16. Even the street beggar in Berkeley whom I practically saw every day holding his sign "John 3:16 REPENT! The end is near." had it right. Jesus became the first perfect human. All of the Bible becomes true. I can't help it if your liberal worldview prevents you from believing in the truth. Otherwise, it would've been disproved thousands of years ago like the Greek myths.

This is fucking hilarious! But, please tell me that you are joking! I would hate to think that there is a functioning human being walking around out there who believes this stuff.....

I can't help it if the truth goes against your incorrect worldview.
American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.
Have faith.
As effective as thoughts and prayers :lmao:
Now, you are going on to something else and think my worldview is mythology or similar to the writings (Paradise Lost) of a 16th century author because you do not want to answerable for your moral actions to anybody. You want to do whatever*, and get away with it.. But also take look at your worldview. It is exactly the same thing you thought of mine. It's mythology. You can't "prove" it as much as I can. At least, I can provide you evidence and these stories by Milton or Dante before him (Dante's Inferno) is part of it. They are based on the Bible, i.e. word of God. We also have many stories being put out as film from the Bible. Why is that?

Well, here's the thing. You really don't have any proof, other than stories written by dudes. The fact that you have conflated the writings of Milton for what is actually in the Bible, isn't much proof, at the end of the day, the Bible Writers and Milton were just dudes. Milton was just a better writer.

The proof is in the pudding; It's God's word. We have the prophecies that have come true so far. All of them. We have the science in the Bible which modern science and the scientific method backs up such as the chicken BEFORE the egg. We have a flat universe which was described in the Bible like that of a scroll. It even curves towards the edges and we know space time is curved. OTOH, we have ToE, evolutionary thinking and history which is attributable to Satan and his lies. Nothing has been observed, tested and falsified about it. You can't even demonstrate abiogenesis (formerly spontaneous generation). We have no aliens. God didn't make intelligent aliens in his image. We have no macroevolution of humans from monkeys nor birds from dinosaurs.

You are a gigantic fool for believing in Satan's lies and just a follower as part of the masses.

Dude, everything leads to death! No one here gets out alive, as Jim Morrison once wisely opined. As for "Hollywood values", I'm sorry, the only people doing movies about abortion are the crazy religious right. If you won't want to do those things, don't do them. I don't think you guys can restrain yourselves as we find some minister next to a boy-hooker and a pile of blow every month.

Yes, you yourself back up the Bible. The wages of sin is death. Didn't Satan himself claim in the beginning that you aren't going to die. Are you just discovering now that he lied?

As for the homosexual agenda, we know God has agenda against it. Once a person becomes homosexual, then it's hard for them to go back. God created humans to be men or women with the exception of hermaphrodites. Through sin, they turn themselves into homosexuals. There is no sexual orientation, gender identity nor gay gene and the other stuff that liberals spew forth. Those are human-made constructs and people end up believing them. Satan has trained you well. As for gays, the sin of homosexual practice brought aids and it has killed millions more.

Here's the thing. The ancient Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife. Modern Jews are a bit shifty on the subject. This whole "Puppies and Sunshine Heaven/Flames and Torment Hell" Is a Christian invention. And understandable. Because good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, which is not the case if there was an omnipotent sky pixie rigging the game. But that's okay, there's an afterlife, and everything will balance out.

It's a scam. I refuse to fall for it.

And yet, you continue to believe in Satan's lies. He's hooked you good mebucko!!!

First, Adam died and we all inherited his sin because he was the first human. He believed in Eve who believed in Satan. Both Adam and Eve were perfect humans, but they fell. What chance do you have? Not believing that Jesus saved us is just as big as Adam's sin. God tested Adam with a negative test. He tests us with a positive test -- John 3:16. Even the street beggar in Berkeley whom I practically saw every day holding his sign "John 3:16 REPENT! The end is near." had it right. Jesus became the first perfect human. All of the Bible becomes true. I can't help it if your liberal worldview prevents you from believing in the truth. Otherwise, it would've been disproved thousands of years ago like the Greek myths.

This is fucking hilarious! But, please tell me that you are joking! I would hate to think that there is a functioning human being walking around out there who believes this stuff.....

I can't help it if the truth goes against your incorrect worldview.
Truth? Explain Adam and Eve and DNA for us.....Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?.....what kind of god sets up his "children" to fail like that?
God will give is the power to strike down these left wing haters so they never get up again.
We must take Steps to prevent a rise of democrat ideology. With education .
Ah...more threats from the so-called religious.
We get guidance from god..
Which god is it this time?
The one that helped us win our independence froM
Trolls like you
Odin? Horus? Coyote? Buddha? Zeus? Ishtar?
God will give is the power to strike down these left wing haters so they never get up again.
We must take Steps to prevent a rise of democrat ideology. With education .
Ah...more threats from the so-called religious.
We get guidance from god..
Which god is it this time?
The one that helped us win our independence froM
Trolls like you
Odin? Horus? Coyote? Buddha? Zeus? Ishtar?
The ones our founders prayed to
American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.
Have faith.
As effective as thoughts and prayers :lmao:
Even more so.
Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.
Explain Adam and Eve and DNA for us....

You'll have to explain your question. I'm not a mind reader.

Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

No, Adam and Eve probably did not have belly buttons because they were directly created by God. If you disagree, then how is the belly button formed?

what kind of god sets up his "children" to fail like that?

A just God. You ignore that he made them perfect, provided paradise to live in and to live forever. This was to be our legacy and inheritance, but instead we got death. Adam and Eve believed in God and could've just stayed away from the tree of knowledge. Today, God provides a positive test where one has to follow John 3:16 using one's faith in God and creation. Can you do it?

The churches used to play an important role in relieving poverty, taking care of the sick, taking care of widows and orphans, but much of that work has been transferred to the government. I think the growth of big government has caused faith to seem less relevant to many people
What does faith have to do with anything?
Faith is belief
God is not relevant to people, that's the problem
Also, the relative prosperity most people in America enjoy has decreased the pressing need that people in desperate straits have for faith in God.
Faith without works is dead

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