If it's true that Americans are losing faith, then things will only get worse, not better

American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.

Belief in God is largely unchanged in the United States since the late 1940s. Recent Gallup polls have put belief in God at 92% in the United States. Back in 1947 it was at 94%, which is within the margin of error.
Oh, my God, I'm talking to the Church Lady from SNL.


The proof is in the pudding; It's God's word. We have the prophecies that have come true so far. All of them. We have the science in the Bible which modern science and the scientific method backs up such as the chicken BEFORE the egg. We have a flat universe which was described in the Bible like that of a scroll. It even curves towards the edges and we know space time is curved. OTOH, we have ToE, evolutionary thinking and history which is attributable to Satan and his lies. Nothing has been observed, tested and falsified about it. You can't even demonstrate abiogenesis (formerly spontaneous generation). We have no aliens. God didn't make intelligent aliens in his image. We have no macroevolution of humans from monkeys nor birds from dinosaurs.

Guy, evolution is proved by fossils, by genetics, and even by medical science.

The Bible on the other hand, has Unicorns and Giants and Talking Snakes and Talking Donkeys.

You are a gigantic fool for believing in Satan's lies and just a follower as part of the masses.


Yes, you yourself back up the Bible. The wages of sin is death. Didn't Satan himself claim in the beginning that you aren't going to die. Are you just discovering now that he lied?

Satan didn't say anything, and you really need to stop mixing up the Fan Fic of Milton and Dante with what's in the bible.

If Satan was such a central character in the Biblical Chronology, why is he not mentioned until very late in the Old Testament? It's like if Darth Vader didn't show up until the last five minutes of Return of the Jedi.

As for the homosexual agenda, we know God has agenda against it. Once a person becomes homosexual, then it's hard for them to go back. God created humans to be men or women with the exception of hermaphrodites. Through sin, they turn themselves into homosexuals. There is no sexual orientation, gender identity nor gay gene and the other stuff that liberals spew forth. Those are human-made constructs and people end up believing them. Satan has trained you well. As for gays, the sin of homosexual practice brought aids and it has killed millions more.

Um, no, guy. Most people are born gay or straight. God has nothing to do with it.

And yet, you continue to believe in Satan's lies. He's hooked you good mebucko!!!

First, Adam died and we all inherited his sin because he was the first human. He believed in Eve who believed in Satan. Both Adam and Eve were perfect humans, but they fell. What chance do you have? Not believing that Jesus saved us is just as big as Adam's sin. God tested Adam with a negative test. He tests us with a positive test -- John 3:16. Even the street beggar in Berkeley whom I practically saw every day holding his sign "John 3:16 REPENT! The end is near." had it right. Jesus became the first perfect human. All of the Bible becomes true. I can't help it if your liberal worldview prevents you from believing in the truth. Otherwise, it would've been disproved thousands of years ago like the Greek myths.

again somehow I'm better off than a stewbum with a bible verse on his cardboard sign...

But more of the crazy, bud... In that story, God puts the tree that can do awful things to human RIGHT IN THE GARDEN. Why not put it on the other side of the world he just made. And why make it covered with fruit that was delicious? Why not make it something like brocolli? Then he puts the Talking Snake (not Satan) in the garden, and the snake talks them into eating it.

Kind of makes God look like a petty prick.

Now, if you put in the context of reason... to the Old Testament Writers, who didn't believe in an afterlife... "God" was just "Everything in Nature we don't understand" and they were piss ignorant and didn't understand much. So when God engages in one random act of awfulness after another, such as famines, plagues, getting conquered by Tribes that blame different sky fairies for the random acts of nature, it's because they angered God and we need to start killing people to appease him.

The New Testament writers... um, yeah, they had to get a little more sophisticated.. so they make up this shit about Satan (who was in the OT just an agent of God, not an adversary) and an afterlife.
Guy, evolution is proved by fossils, by genetics, and even by medical science.

All of it made up after eliminating God and the creation theory. I've already pointed out the fossil is where the poor animal died. It has to do with location and nothing to do with time chronology. I suppose you mean genetics in terms of DNA, but it's damned statistics. There are more molecules that are different between man and chimps. How is medical science involved in evo?

Satan didn't say anything, and you really need to stop mixing up the Fan Fic of Milton and Dante with what's in the bible.

If Satan was such a central character in the Biblical Chronology, why is he not mentioned until very late in the Old Testament? It's like if Darth Vader didn't show up until the last five minutes of Return of the Jedi.

Sure, he did. You and your atheist compadres know this story. I'm not the one who compared it to Milton. Look in the mirror. You are the shill.

And you don't know your own Bible. He's in Genesis or are you going to lie about that, too.

Um, no, guy. Most people are born gay or straight. God has nothing to do with it.

Wrong. That's just stuff the libs and MSM made up. Humans are born as men, women and hermaphrodite. There is no such thing as sexual orientation. I was just learning about Freddie Mercury because I like Queen and just played their We are the Champions vid celebrating winning my fantasy b-ball league. He was hetero and then became homo. He started dressing and looking more effeminate afterward. It's very hard to go back once you start practicing homosexuality and the promiscuity follows. Gay may as well stand for "God Aids yet?" Kids who think they are gay are just mixed up and need guidance and psychological counseling. Instead, today they are accepted by their parents and relatives due to wrong liberal thinking, i.e. aids is growing even faster.

again somehow I'm better off than a stewbum with a bible verse on his cardboard sign...

But more of the crazy, bud... In that story, God puts the tree that can do awful things to human RIGHT IN THE GARDEN. Why not put it on the other side of the world he just made. And why make it covered with fruit that was delicious? Why not make it something like brocolli? Then he puts the Talking Snake (not Satan) in the garden, and the snake talks them into eating it.

Kind of makes God look like a petty prick.

Now, if you put in the context of reason... to the Old Testament Writers, who didn't believe in an afterlife... "God" was just "Everything in Nature we don't understand" and they were piss ignorant and didn't understand much. So when God engages in one random act of awfulness after another, such as famines, plagues, getting conquered by Tribes that blame different sky fairies for the random acts of nature, it's because they angered God and we need to start killing people to appease him.

The New Testament writers... um, yeah, they had to get a little more sophisticated.. so they make up this shit about Satan (who was in the OT just an agent of God, not an adversary) and an afterlife.

We now know that you are a chump to continue to blame God when it was A&E's own fault. In order to have God who is good, then we have to have evil. It's free will and your choice but it sounds like you already made the wrong one.

except it is the FAITHFUL conservative christians who are the most hateful people.

Lie. Saying ALL Christians are that way is no different than racist whites who say ALL blacks are apes.
There are PLENTY fakers who wear a cross....and go to church.
Plenty who hate those not their own color, yet preach the gospel.
But they ARE NOT real Christians.

You simply aren't able to differentiate. The Bible told us LONG LONG ago these days would come. Here they are.
Bottom line: Humans cannot create life from materials. Nothing and no one can do that except God. This is ethical and this is God's will. We are like him and also have a will, but we are not ethical due to sin. We can only create and modify at the molecular level. We cannot create below the atomic level and lower.
All of it made up after eliminating God and the creation theory. I've already pointed out the fossil is where the poor animal died. It has to do with location and nothing to do with time chronology. I suppose you mean genetics in terms of DNA, but it's damned statistics. There are more molecules that are different between man and chimps. How is medical science involved in evo?

Guy, I could explain it all to you and you still wouldn't understand. We know EXACTLY how old fossils are and when they died. Genetics show that we share 98% of the same DNA with chimps, proving that we have a common ancestor with them. Medical science shows that germs develop immunity to anti-biotics, which is why we need to come up with new ones every few years. (This is an example of natural selection).

Sure, he did. You and your atheist compadres know this story. I'm not the one who compared it to Milton. Look in the mirror. You are the shill.

And you don't know your own Bible. He's in Genesis or are you going to lie about that, too.

Uh, no, he's not in Genesis. A Talking Snake is in Genesis. Only did later NT writers conflate the "Talking Snake" with Satan. In Genesis, it's just a snake, and ALL Snakes lose their legs and "eat dirt" because of what that one snake did.

Also, in the book of Job, Satan and God seem to be on pretty good terms... he's counted among the "Sons of God". (Hebrew bənê hāʼĕlōhîm ) in the Book of Job and goads God into letting him torture Job to test his faith. (Man, is that a fucked up story. God kills this man's family and lets his friends abuse him for 40 chapters on a bar bet with Satan!)

Wrong. That's just stuff the libs and MSM made up. Humans are born as men, women and hermaphrodite. There is no such thing as sexual orientation. I was just learning about Freddie Mercury because I like Queen and just played their We are the Champions vid celebrating winning my fantasy b-ball league. He was hetero and then became homo. He started dressing and looking more effeminate afterward. It's very hard to go back once you start practicing homosexuality and the promiscuity follows. Gay may as well stand for "God Aids yet?" Kids who think they are gay are just mixed up and need guidance and psychological counseling. Instead, today they are accepted by their parents and relatives due to wrong liberal thinking, i.e. aids is growing even faster.

Actually, Freddy was bi-sexual. And straight people get AIDS, too. The reason why gay folks don't go back is that more often than not, after years of pretending to be straight, when they actually have their first gay experience, they realize they are happy.

Oh, the growth of HIV leveled off some time ago, and it's a treatable disease. So there's that.

We now know that you are a chump to continue to blame God when it was A&E's own fault. In order to have God who is good, then we have to have evil. It's free will and your choice but it sounds like you already made the wrong one.

Why do you have to have evil? And if God is omnipotent, why does he allow evil to exist?

More to the point, of 7 billion humans, 5 billion don't believe in your God. How fucked up is it that 70% of humanity is screwed by virtue of where they were born?
Bottom line: Humans cannot create life from materials. Nothing and no one can do that except God. This is ethical and this is God's will. We are like him and also have a will, but we are not ethical due to sin. We can only create and modify at the molecular level. We cannot create below the atomic level and lower.

Not yet...

100 years ago, we didn't really know what an atom was.

So when we get to the point where we can replicate life, and maybe pump out people on an assembly line, does that make us God?
*unless they are muslims. Then you must go to great lengths to try to convince everyone their fanatacism has nothing to do with their religion.

Oh, i'm sure that it has a lot to do with their religion, but it wouldn't be a problem IF WE DIDN'T INVADE THEIR COUNTRIES AND FUCK WITH THEM.
Ahhhh.... the old if only we didn’t do stuff argument. I have news for you, shit happens.
All of it made up after eliminating God and the creation theory. I've already pointed out the fossil is where the poor animal died. It has to do with location and nothing to do with time chronology. I suppose you mean genetics in terms of DNA, but it's damned statistics. There are more molecules that are different between man and chimps. How is medical science involved in evo?

Guy, I could explain it all to you and you still wouldn't understand. We know EXACTLY how old fossils are and when they died. Genetics show that we share 98% of the same DNA with chimps, proving that we have a common ancestor with them. Medical science shows that germs develop immunity to anti-biotics, which is why we need to come up with new ones every few years. (This is an example of natural selection).

Sure, he did. You and your atheist compadres know this story. I'm not the one who compared it to Milton. Look in the mirror. You are the shill.

And you don't know your own Bible. He's in Genesis or are you going to lie about that, too.

Uh, no, he's not in Genesis. A Talking Snake is in Genesis. Only did later NT writers conflate the "Talking Snake" with Satan. In Genesis, it's just a snake, and ALL Snakes lose their legs and "eat dirt" because of what that one snake did.

Also, in the book of Job, Satan and God seem to be on pretty good terms... he's counted among the "Sons of God". (Hebrew bənê hāʼĕlōhîm ) in the Book of Job and goads God into letting him torture Job to test his faith. (Man, is that a fucked up story. God kills this man's family and lets his friends abuse him for 40 chapters on a bar bet with Satan!)

Wrong. That's just stuff the libs and MSM made up. Humans are born as men, women and hermaphrodite. There is no such thing as sexual orientation. I was just learning about Freddie Mercury because I like Queen and just played their We are the Champions vid celebrating winning my fantasy b-ball league. He was hetero and then became homo. He started dressing and looking more effeminate afterward. It's very hard to go back once you start practicing homosexuality and the promiscuity follows. Gay may as well stand for "God Aids yet?" Kids who think they are gay are just mixed up and need guidance and psychological counseling. Instead, today they are accepted by their parents and relatives due to wrong liberal thinking, i.e. aids is growing even faster.

Actually, Freddy was bi-sexual. And straight people get AIDS, too. The reason why gay folks don't go back is that more often than not, after years of pretending to be straight, when they actually have their first gay experience, they realize they are happy.

Oh, the growth of HIV leveled off some time ago, and it's a treatable disease. So there's that.

We now know that you are a chump to continue to blame God when it was A&E's own fault. In order to have God who is good, then we have to have evil. It's free will and your choice but it sounds like you already made the wrong one.

Why do you have to have evil? And if God is omnipotent, why does he allow evil to exist?

More to the point, of 7 billion humans, 5 billion don't believe in your God. How fucked up is it that 70% of humanity is screwed by virtue of where they were born?
Joey, evil is not extant. It only exists as the absence of good.

Are you really arguing that God cannot exist because bad things happen?

Why would you want to live a life where everything that happened was perfect? Isn’t part of life getting to experience the full spectrum.?
Guy, I could explain it all to you and you still wouldn't understand. We know EXACTLY how old fossils are and when they died. Genetics show that we share 98% of the same DNA with chimps, proving that we have a common ancestor with them. Medical science shows that germs develop immunity to anti-biotics, which is why we need to come up with new ones every few years. (This is an example of natural selection).

Hahahahahahahaha. You already lied with your first sentence JoeB131. Your second sentence gives you away. Like I said, fossils only tell you where the animal died like when we found sea fossils on top of Mt. Everest What you believe in is BULLSH*T. Even the names of the rock layers that you claim are based on location and not time. No fossil can tell time. Besides, you get a lot of readings that do not fit your time chronology. We also have dinosaur fossils who still have soft tissue, but your atheist scientists had to make up another story to explain it. That's what evolution is. A bunch of made up stories like Little Red Riding Hood to fit the theory.

Uh, no, he's not in Genesis. A Talking Snake is in Genesis. Only did later NT writers conflate the "Talking Snake" with Satan. In Genesis, it's just a snake, and ALL Snakes lose their legs and "eat dirt" because of what that one snake did.

Also, in the book of Job, Satan and God seem to be on pretty good terms... he's counted among the "Sons of God". (Hebrew bənê hāʼĕlōhîm ) in the Book of Job and goads God into letting him torture Job to test his faith. (Man, is that a fucked up story. God kills this man's family and lets his friends abuse him for 40 chapters on a bar bet with Satan!)

Snakes can't talk. But Satan can talk through a snake and fool people. Just like he talked through those atheist scientists who made up evolution haha. However, the way the snake is described in Genesis, it probably had four legs and a tail and walked like other reptiles. As further evidence of God turning the snake into a belly crawler, what other animal crawls like a snake? While you are right that we find out about Satan in Revelation, the Old and New are complementary books making up one. The Old was laying the foundation while the new clarifies the principles laid down in the old. The Bible is a progressive work. We are still in its progression until its prophecies are fulfilled.

Again, you blame God with the story of Job. I don't particularly like his story, but it is a story of one man's greatest faith. I was first exposed to it by the movie The Tree of Life in 2011 (became Christian in 2012 through baptism). The basic story is that of a man who gets caught between an argument between God and Satan. The Book of Job is OT and it has Satan, so you are wrong -- The Book of Job | Old Testament. You upended yourself. There you go.

Actually, Freddy was bi-sexual. And straight people get AIDS, too. The reason why gay folks don't go back is that more often than not, after years of pretending to be straight, when they actually have their first gay experience, they realize they are happy.

Oh, the growth of HIV leveled off some time ago, and it's a treatable disease. So there's that.

Freddie was not homo. He had a wife and was married for six years. He was born hetero like all men. He just ended up being tempted by homosexuality. We know straight people get aids, but he got it through his gayness and promiscuity by having sex who was HIV+. I think aids is still growing -- HIV in the United States and Dependent Areas | Statistics Overview | Statistics Center | HIV/AIDS | CDC. Heteros are doing drugs or are tempted by gay sex imho.

Why do you have to have evil? And if God is omnipotent, why does he allow evil to exist?

More to the point, of 7 billion humans, 5 billion don't believe in your God. How fucked up is it that 70% of humanity is screwed by virtue of where they were born?

Again, you do not understand that humans have will. God gave them free will because he didn't want robots or slaves controlled by his will. We have evil because we have to have evil in order to have good. This came out of free will with the angels and Lucifer. It is your free will to rant the way you do and see only what you want to see. As I said, God is providing a postive test this time with John 3:16. Repent. The end may be 2060 according to Sir Isaac Newton.
Not yet...

100 years ago, we didn't really know what an atom was.

So when we get to the point where we can replicate life, and maybe pump out people on an assembly line, does that make us God?

I don't think you understand the breath of life and spirit. Dr. Frankenstein was a horror story based on science fiction. You make up stuff in your atheist imagination that even a grade schooler will roll their eyes over. Stop being stupid haha.
American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.

Mine hasn't been.

The Lord is doing a work and faith will increase in the world
God will give is the power to strike down these left wing haters so they never get up again.
We must take Steps to prevent a rise of democrat ideology. With education .
I don't think God is calling us to strike down those we disagree with politically.

I think He wants us to pray for them, to love them, to teach and heal them

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