If it's true that Americans are losing faith, then things will only get worse, not better

Who did the talking through the donkey in Numbers 22? Hint: It wasn't Eddie Murphy to Shrek. What could the donkey see that Balaam couldn't? What do we learn about Balaam from his story? Basically, he was like a low brow internet atheist a dullard. This sets us up for Balaam talking with Balak.

Um, guy, Talking Donkey, complaining about Balaam's abusive relationship with him. That's what makes it crazy.

We see what the majority of people believed in during the 1700s. They believed in witches. Isn't that like the people today who believe in evolution? You yourself cannot read and comprehend your own link. We see that Cotton Mather was a Puritan and religious leader so he could separate the wheat from the chaff. To the contrary, he promoted using vaccines, so your explanation is "ass backwards."

They believed in witches because guys like Cotton Mather (Genuine ASSHOLE) told them there were witches.

Today people believe in evolution because there is a preponderance of EVIDENCE for it.

The author does not give his name and It is biased. Why do you fall for such BS? It seems it is due to your atheist religion and atheism probably leads to evolution. Just look at the comments section. It's full of low brow internet atheists.

Duly noted you couldn't really refute any of his points, where he mentions several scholarly works on the Satan Mythology. Now if you excuse me, Satan and I have to go out and bury some fake dinosaur bones to fool the archeologists...
American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.
That's HOPE&CHANGE for yah!!!
Um, guy, Talking Donkey, complaining about Balaam's abusive relationship with him. That's what makes it crazy.

Donkeys can't talk. You did not understand who was talking through him. Then Balaam was used as a tool to talk with Balak.

They believed in witches because guys like Cotton Mather (Genuine ASSHOLE) told them there were witches.

Today people believe in evolution because there is a preponderance of EVIDENCE for it.

Not according to the Britannica article. Both he and the community believed in witches, but to the contrary told judges not to use false spectral testimony against the accused. He generally did good and helped bring in inoculation against smallpox. You'll have to provide more evidence that he unfairly sent innocent people to their deaths.

It reminds me of the movie Blair Witch Project where the producers put fake stories and planted evidence in order to make the public believe their movie was based on a true story. It was shot partly with a hand-held camera and the film jiggled and made audiences sick. I became kinda queasy and had to turn away from the screen.

In other words, people were disposed to believe in witches. It's just like a generation believed in the fake Piltdown Man fossils. Today, we have people who believe humans came from monkeys when there isn't sufficient evidence to show that. Even today's monkeys cannot walk bipedal, so according to the present is the key to the past thinking, monkeys were not bipedal in the past. We do not see monkeys become human or anything close. They stay monkeys and tailed monkeys do not even become tailless ones. Thus, it is likely that you believe in false science like the generation before you.

Today people believe in evolution because there is a preponderance of EVIDENCE for it.

The preponderance of evidence is circumstantial. It's historical evidence where the evidence is made to fit the theory.

The only real evidence is natural selection, but it isn't a big deal. Everyone knows that happens and it is part of creation science as Alfred Russel Wallace had come up with it independently of Darwin.

Duly noted you couldn't really refute any of his points, where he mentions several scholarly works on the Satan Mythology. Now if you excuse me, Satan and I have to go out and bury some fake dinosaur bones to fool the archeologists...

Haha. You'll have to come up with better works than that claptrap. It's amazing how atheists try to read the Bible and end up deluding themselves. There are things in it that are difficult to understand and that's why there is Bible studies class. No serious Biblical scholar interprets it the atheist way.
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Donkeys can't talk. You did not understand who was talking through him. Then Balaam was used as a tool to talk with Balak.

The text is pretty clear.... it was a talking Donkey. Yup, in addition to talking snakes, you had talking Donkeys, Giants, Sea Monsters, Unicorns, Satyrs, Zombies, Ghosts and Witches... but this is a book that you should totally take seriously!

Speaking of Witches

Not according to the Britannica article. Both he and the community believed in witches, but to the contrary told judges not to use false spectral testimony against the accused.

Wow, and that makes it better, how? The fact is, people like him were STILL trying people for WITCHCRAFT, like that was a real thing!

In other words, people were disposed to believe in witches. It's just like a generation believed in the fake Piltdown Man fossils.

Um, the two aren't really comparable. First, Piltdown never really had a wide acceptance in the field. Secondly, they used SCIENCE to actually determine that it wasn't what the hoaxsters claimed. The main reason why it was re-examined was that the preponderance of OTHER fossils showed it was out of place. (That most proto-hominids were found in Africa, not Europe.)

As opposed to the religious assholes who proved you weren't a witch by drowning your ass.

People were pre-disposed to believe in witches because the Bible Assholes told them there were witches. Oddly, much like their support of slavery, the Bible Assholes hem and haw when you mention their enthusiastic support of burning women alive for something we now know today wasn't actually a thing.

It's amazing how atheists try to read the Bible and end up deluding themselves. There are things in it that are difficult to understand and that's why there is Bible studies class. No serious Biblical scholar interprets it the atheist way.

of course they don't. They'd be out of jobs.

"Hey, kids, this is a lot of bronze age superstition written by barbarians. You shouldn't take any of this shit seriously!"

Religion is big business. The last thing they want is people thinking for themselves. They use your fear of death to keep you in line, and they do a pretty good job of it.
The text is pretty clear.... it was a talking Donkey. Yup, in addition to talking snakes, you had talking Donkeys, Giants, Sea Monsters, Unicorns, Satyrs, Zombies, Ghosts and Witches... but this is a book that you should totally take seriously!

Speaking of Witches

You act like we are discussing climate change. They got farting cows and other animals doing the damage. I nominate you to collect the evidence.

Wow, and that makes it better, how? The fact is, people like him were STILL trying people for WITCHCRAFT, like that was a real thing!

Why don't you explain this Witchcraft and how it came to be they were being found guilty and executed? And why is Cotton Mather helping them when he didn't like witches either?

Um, the two aren't really comparable. First, Piltdown never really had a wide acceptance in the field. Secondly, they used SCIENCE to actually determine that it wasn't what the hoaxsters claimed. The main reason why it was re-examined was that the preponderance of OTHER fossils showed it was out of place. (That most proto-hominids were found in Africa, not Europe.)

As opposed to the religious assholes who proved you weren't a witch by drowning your ass.

People were pre-disposed to believe in witches because the Bible Assholes told them there were witches. Oddly, much like their support of slavery, the Bible Assholes hem and haw when you mention their enthusiastic support of burning women alive for something we now know today wasn't actually a thing.

I just caught you in a lie. Piltdown was published in science textbooks. Like I said an entire generation was fooled into believing it. All in order to show to people that humans evolved from monkeys when there wasn't enough evidence. No transitional fossils.

As for witches, again you'll have to explain. I agree drowning people to prove people were witches is severe. It seems you are pretty upset with what happened. Why didn't liberals and sinners believe in witches back then or did they? If God-fearing people believed in witches, then how did that come to be? Were they the only ones? I explained how people came to believe in a movie about witches. Isn't this how the low brow internet atheists believe in anything people tell them? It wasn't that long ago they were claiming one had to use the scientific method to prove science and then they discovered evolution used nothing of the kind.

of course they don't. They'd be out of jobs.

"Hey, kids, this is a lot of bronze age superstition written by barbarians. You shouldn't take any of this shit seriously!"

Religion is big business. The last thing they want is people thinking for themselves. They use your fear of death to keep you in line, and they do a pretty good job of it.

I was talking about atheists who read the Bible. Why doesn't whoever published the youtube give his name and credentials? And you believed him and used it as a talking point against Christians. Isn't that stupid believing in stuff not from a valid source? I presented Britannica.

I started with comparing your anti-Christian vid and post to climate change. Let me explain further. Isn't that what Bill Nye does railing for climate change? He doesn't have the credentials and isn't even a scientist. I doubt he has published a peer-reviewed paper, but yet libs flock to him and believe him. This is why I am asking you for more evidence on this when Britannica does not state that Cotton Mather was a witch hunter and killer. They make it sound like he was a good man.
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A snake with four legs and a tail? Do you have any idea how crazy that is? How old are you? Damn.


Snakes are reptiles and that is the way they were described in Genesis. They originally looked like lizards. Afterward, God made them belly crawlers that eat the earth. What other animals slither? You? It it is rather fitting of you and your posts haha.

horseshit, you pusillanimous twit.

You are like a two year old with a full diaper waiting for santa to bring you presents. Snap out of it.

The fact is that serpents have been a reference to people in the vernacular if every nation, people, tribe, language and schoolyard on earth ever since people could talk.

Looks like some unclean creature has already crawled into your ear while you've been sleeping in the dust of the earth and has been slowly eating your brains for decades.

I suggest that you bake some more bread on human dung and then eat it, wash it down with some man blood, and you will miraculously and instantaneously be transformed into a mighty being endowed with supernatural powers and the almost godlike ability to turn the finest wine known to man into pure urine.
Your still here? Are you at least overseen by a mental health professional? If not, why not?

Shhh! I'm in the middle of a super secret mission from God. I've been putting medication intended for me into the doctors coffee every morning so now he's on his own couch crying his eyes out to me about the trauma of losing his first teddy bear.

Soon he'll be in a straight jacket and locked up in a padded room. I already have the keys to the kingdom and his staff in my back pocket.
You act like we are discussing climate change. They got farting cows and other animals doing the damage. I nominate you to collect the evidence.

Hey, funny thing about Science, it still remains true even if you don't understand it.

Why don't you explain this Witchcraft and how it came to be they were being found guilty and executed? And why is Cotton Mather helping them when he didn't like witches either?

Well, true, that by the 18th century, they were starting to doubt the position of religious people that witches were actually a thing. That's why it's called "The Age of Reason", opposed to the "Age of Faith".

I just caught you in a lie. Piltdown was published in science textbooks. Like I said an entire generation was fooled into believing it. All in order to show to people that humans evolved from monkeys when there wasn't enough evidence. No transitional fossils.

Actually, Piltdown was never taken all that seriously in textbooks.

More people heard about it after the hoax was exposed than after.

As for witches, again you'll have to explain. I agree drowning people to prove people were witches is severe. It seems you are pretty upset with what happened. Why didn't liberals and sinners believe in witches back then or did they? If God-fearing people believed in witches, then how did that come to be? Were they the only ones? I explained how people came to believe in a movie about witches. Isn't this how the low brow internet atheists believe in anything people tell them? It wasn't that long ago they were claiming one had to use the scientific method to prove science and then they discovered evolution used nothing of the kind.

Nobody believed that the BWP was anything other than a movie. It did bring us the curse of "Found Footage Films", so there's that.

No, guy, drowning women was what it was, an act of terror by the religious to keep people in line. This is what ISIS and the Taliban do today. I have no doubt that if the nutters had their way, we'd all be living the live version of "A Handmaid's Tale".
I was talking about atheists who read the Bible. Why doesn't whoever published the youtube give his name and credentials? And you believed him and used it as a talking point against Christians. Isn't that stupid believing in stuff not from a valid source? I presented Britannica.

He does cross reference his sources...

And you really haven't contradicted anything in his premise. That Satan evolved in the bible as a character, and that our modern notions of him are more based on Milton and Dante than on what is actually in the Bible itself.
Shhh! I'm in the middle of a super secret mission from God. I've been putting medication intended for me into the doctors coffee every morning so now he's on his own couch crying his eyes out to me about the trauma of losing his first teddy bear.

Soon he'll be in a straight jacket and locked up in a padded room. I already have the keys to the kingdom and his staff in my back pocket.

Doesn't surprise me a low life such as you try and steal the keys to the kingdom from Peter. Unfortunately, he is aware of the keys to the kingdom in his back pocket and you are not haha.
Hey, funny thing about Science, it still remains true even if you don't understand it.

So is real science and truth, but AGW and climate change is nothing of the kind. More made up stuff by secular/atheist scientists that ignorant people like you fall for.

Well, true, that by the 18th century, they were starting to doubt the position of religious people that witches were actually a thing. That's why it's called "The Age of Reason", opposed to the "Age of Faith".

You still haven't answered my question, "Why don't you explain this Witchcraft and how it came to be they were being found guilty and executed? And why is Cotton Mather helping them when he didn't like witches either?" What are you hiding anyway?

It continues to show that you are ignorant and blatantly stupid. Now you skip to Age of Reason because of your failure. I think Age of Reason is the title of Thomas Paine's book. Anyway, the bigger deal was the times were also the Dark Ages when the Catholic church lost its powers. Paine's idea for the age of reason was actually a revolt against the church so that no authority but mans reason was considered authoritative. It's the atheist religion trying to gain power. Paine's reasoning fit the Dark Ages as society became more feudal in structure and these feuds became more powerful than the central cities and Roman city-state government weakened. It shows what an ignorant putz you are trying to make atheist reasoning actually be so important to be considered a form of power and government.

Actually, Piltdown was never taken all that seriously in textbooks.

More people heard about it after the hoax was exposed than after.

smh. Still denying history and continuing to lie about the huge lie. It goes to show that humans did not evolve from monkeys because if that is true, then we would all accept it as fact. The evidence such as transitional fossils would be there and Lucy would've been a main attraction. Instead, scientists and people can't even agree to what she looked like.

Nobody believed that the BWP was anything other than a movie. It did bring us the curse of "Found Footage Films", so there's that.

No, guy, drowning women was what it was, an act of terror by the religious to keep people in line. This is what ISIS and the Taliban do today. I have no doubt that if the nutters had their way, we'd all be living the live version of "A Handmaid's Tale".

People probably realized BWP was BS after the shaky movie started playing and they got sick. Before, that they believed they were actual newspaper articles or were uncertain of the news and the claim that film footage was found. The evidence is it becoming an outrageously successful low-budget movie. Goes to show people still can believe in witches as I stated.

You still do not explain how these women as witches were identified and what they did to provoke accusations of witchcraft. I'm not that familiar with witchcraft nor "A Handmaid's Tale," so was asking you to describe the circumstances and the times. It was your claim to villify Cotton Mather as evil or one who accused unjustly, but the Britannica article said the opposite of what you claimed. Now I think you are lumping him with ISIS and the Taliban which is ridiculous. You are a joke. I was giving you a chance to convince me which you haven't. Shall I just move on and consider you giving another ignorant answer or no answer due to ignorance?
He does cross reference his sources...

And you really haven't contradicted anything in his premise. That Satan evolved in the bible as a character, and that our modern notions of him are more based on Milton and Dante than on what is actually in the Bible itself.

Who is he or she and what are their credentials? He doesn't have any and he's an anonymous internet atheist, isn't he? What are some of these valid sources that he provides? It does not seem to be that which is accepted as valid Biblical scholars. There are a lot of crackpots out there on both sides.

I'm going to move because if you had strong or valid arguments, the you would be beating me over the head with them and showing how truth wins over falsity. All you did was not answer my questions and kept changing the subject. Obfuscation is what evolution and basic atheism is, isn't it? After all, the secular scientists had to eliminate their strongest competition in creation scientists in a systematic manner. It goes to show the Dark Ages are back once more or maybe we as a nation or even species are doomed. Isn't that what the Bible prophecized? It may be 2060 or even sooner and you may not yet be a feast for the bugs and microbes.
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So is real science and truth, but AGW and climate change is nothing of the kind. More made up stuff by secular/atheist scientists that ignorant people like you fall for.

yeah, funny thing... we are just imagining those melting glaciers and dying coral reefs.

Nothing to see here.

On to the rest of your babble.

You still haven't answered my question,

yes, I did. You just didn't like it or didn't understand it.

It continues to show that you are ignorant and blatantly stupid. Now you skip to Age of Reason because of your failure. I think Age of Reason is the title of Thomas Paine's book. Anyway, the bigger deal was the times were also the Dark Ages when the Catholic church lost its powers. Paine's idea for the age of reason was actually a revolt against the church so that no authority but mans reason was considered authoritative.

Nor should it be... But the Protestant Churches were just as bad or worse at the time... in fact, at a certain point, they were just trying to one up each other on the religious douchebaggery.

Still denying history and continuing to lie about the huge lie. It goes to show that humans did not evolve from monkeys because if that is true, then we would all accept it as fact. The evidence such as transitional fossils would be there and Lucy would've been a main attraction. Instead, scientists and people can't even agree to what she looked like.

Well, no, it proved nothing of the sort except that people accepted a fossil that turned out to be fake for a short time until DNA and Carbon 14 dating already proved what people already suspected based on other finds.

So you have one fake fossil and hundreds of real ones that prove


People probably realized BWP was BS after the shaky movie started playing and they got sick. Before, that they believed they were actual newspaper articles or were uncertain of the news and the claim that film footage was found. The evidence is it becoming an outrageously successful low-budget movie. Goes to show people still can believe in witches as I stated.

Except no one really believed the promotional materials were real... certainly not after Heather whatshername starting showing up on talk shows to promote the movie.

Of course, looking at her IMDB page, it's almost like she did disappear.

You still do not explain how these women as witches were identified and what they did to provoke accusations of witchcraft. I'm not that familiar with witchcraft nor "A Handmaid's Tale," so was asking you to describe the circumstances and the times.

Handmaid's tale is a different issue.. it's a book/movie/TV series about what happens when religious nuts take over American and ban abortion. Are you living under a rock?

These women weren't witches. There are no Witches. There never were any witches. The Bible said there were... so they went around killing women every time a disease broke out or someone acted mentally ill.

this is what happens when you trust backwards ass superstition over real science.
American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.

Let me ask you a question: Do Catholic Priests make good baby sitters?
Most do.

You would think that the church would have a better screening process. Oh wait, they do, cover-up.

American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.

Let me ask you a question: Do Catholic Priests make good baby sitters?
Most do.

You would think that the church would have a better screening process. Oh wait, they do, cover-up.

Well back in the 50’s it was a safe haven for homosexuals who were being ostracized by society. Can you say predictable surprise?
American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.

Let me ask you a question: Do Catholic Priests make good baby sitters?
Most do.

You would think that the church would have a better screening process. Oh wait, they do, cover-up.

Well back in the 50’s it was a safe haven for homosexuals who were being ostracized by society. Can you say predictable surprise?

That the church covered up. Face it, organized religion is all about the money. Faith economy is worth $1.2T per year.
American life will become more coarse, more brutal, less forgiving, less merciful, and more hateful as people lose faith, if that is indeed, what is happening.

You think things are bad now, they will get worse in time.

The churches have been infiltrated and compromised, including my own Catholic Church, so it is hard to see the churches leading us out of this mess.

Let me ask you a question: Do Catholic Priests make good baby sitters?
Most do.

You would think that the church would have a better screening process. Oh wait, they do, cover-up.

Well back in the 50’s it was a safe haven for homosexuals who were being ostracized by society. Can you say predictable surprise?

That the church covered up. Face it, organized religion is all about the money. Faith economy is worth $1.2T per year.
There were 200 to 300 pedophiles. The rest were gay dalliances.
yeah, funny thing... we are just imagining those melting glaciers and dying coral reefs.

Nothing to see here.

On to the rest of your babble.

I didn't deny melting glaciers and dying corals. It's weather, not AGW. The evidence does not show AGW. It's something lib scientists have faith in.

yes, I did. You just didn't like it or didn't understand it.

Hahah. More obfuscation. I'll just mark you down as ignorant.

Nor should it be... But the Protestant Churches were just as bad or worse at the time... in fact, at a certain point, they were just trying to one up each other on the religious douchebaggery.

That's just opinion like yours and Thomas Paine's douchebaggery haha. Like I said, Paine's idea for the age of reason was actually a revolt against the church so that no authority but mans reason was considered authoritative. What if the man's reasoning was faulty like yours?

Well, no, it proved nothing of the sort except that people accepted a fossil that turned out to be fake for a short time until DNA and Carbon 14 dating already proved what people already suspected based on other finds.

So you have one fake fossil and hundreds of real ones that prove

We're trying to establish monkeys that were bipedal first. If the present is the key to the past, then today's monkeys are not bipedal. It means past monkeys were not bipedal.

That pretty much destroys the macroevolution of humans from monkeys. We had fraudulent Piltdown Man and more frauds like Nebraska Man. If humans from monkeys were true, then the facts would be there. It goes to show you and atheist scientists do not have common sense. Fossils are just where the poor creature died and underwent the fossilization process. It does not denote time chronology.

The C-14 dating shows that dinosaurs are thousands of years old. You're on the long-time radiometric dating side. It is the side with its wrong assumptions of parent-daughter isotopes. Thus, the Earth and universe are not billions and millions of years old.

BTW science is not about proof. That's math. Science is coming up with the best theory and providing arguments for it.

Except no one really believed the promotional materials were real... certainly not after Heather whatshername starting showing up on talk shows to promote the movie.

Of course, looking at her IMDB page, it's almost like she did disappear.

Only after the movie. Before the movie, some did and still do haha. Most were not sure, but had healthy skepticism. Fortunately, BWP ended with BWP 2.

Handmaid's tale is a different issue.. it's a book/movie/TV series about what happens when religious nuts take over American and ban abortion. Are you living under a rock?

These women weren't witches. There are no Witches. There never were any witches. The Bible said there were... so they went around killing women every time a disease broke out or someone acted mentally ill.

this is what happens when you trust backwards ass superstition over real science.

smh. It seems as though your history is based on book/movie/TV series instead of actual history books like the Bible.

Actually, I've been beating you for pages now, so please scurry off in your corner, hug your bible, and weep horribly about how people don't believe in Satan anymore.

The Bible is very huggable. Better than the BS evolution with it's fraudulent Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Heidelberg Man, Peking Man and more. If macroevolution was true, then there would be fossil evidence all over the place. However, the facts are there isn't, so you are delusional thinking you were beating me.

I believed in evolution for years, but started questioning in around 2011. I had doubts starting in 2007. When I compared what the creation scientists were saying compared to the secular/atheist scientists, then I know who was lying and who wasn't.

As for Satan, his best trick was making people believe he doesn't exist. He's tricked you good with atheism, evolution, aliens, abiogenesis, universe from nothing, multiverses and the like with absolutely no scientific method behind it. You even believe in a mountain of evidence for humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs when there is very little fossil evidence. Even the long-time of the fossils is suspect because of living fossils and readings way outside your time chronology.

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