If Jesus of Nazareth was a "myth" then please explain where Christianity came from


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
You would have to explain where the entire Christian religion came from if Jesus of Nazareth wasn't an actual person who actually lived in Israel at about the time 30 A.D.

Normally, we don't expect a small band of fishermen and a tax collector to invent an entire religion out of whole cloth.

Also, Paul was a Pharisee, and he seemed mighty convinced that Jesus was a real person who actually appeared to him and stopped him from persecuting Christians.

Unless you're going to say Paul wasn't real either, and everything he wrote was written by a fiction author.

Also, they actually found Peter's bones under the Vatican, so you'd have to explain whose bones those were if Peter wasn't a real person.

So please tell, me what was real and what wasn't?

I'm dying to hear your theory.
The same place Satan came from. An active imagination.
You're evading the question.

The fact is, we have an entire city called Jerusalem full of buildings, gardens, gates and streets that are mentioned in the Gospels, and people still walk the same streets that Jesus walked on the way to crucifixion. If this was all a made up fairy tale, how did all those buildings get built?
You would have to explain who made up these stories, when that happened, and what was their motive to do so?
So, let's start with this: Was Saul of Tarsus a real person?
Jesus came from The Marduk's Ordeal tablet as the mythology of Bel (Baal).
It sits in The British Museum and you can research it online. Isn't the information age a wonderful thing? However, your laziness and affiliation pride like to hide & ignore facts for sake of protection. You'd rather ad hominem attack those who tell you & give sources then to seek out & discern them info.

Christian evangelism comes from the priests of Bel's harvest scam (research Daniel and the priests of Bel).

The NT mostly comes from the central source called Q. Appolonias of Tyana POL(PAUL) from Tarsus probably wrote a good portion of the text perhaps using that central source as he had a vast library as did Constantine forming his one world religion and commissioning the books that would be cannonized. The preachers taught this would happen-the ruler in Rome creating the one world religion using the false prophet to deceive even the elect.
Christians therefore are a convergence of cults and faiths that followed a central HaSheva (redeeming) figure including Christos (Krishna).

So Jesus not only comes from Baal but also
other converged cultures like Mithra, Osirus, Horus, Esus, Krishna, etc... to bring them all into the 1 world religion that Rome's(power= first horn) masked behind it's
2nd horn( religious guise of power ).
Hence the symbol of this beast being the scarlet 2 horn devil.
Jesus came from The Marduk's Ordeal tablet as the mythology of Bel (Baal).
It sits in The British Museum and you can research it online. Isn't the information age a wonderful thing? However, your laziness and affiliation pride like to hide & ignore facts for sake of protection. You'd rather ad hominem attack those who tell you & give sources then to seek out & discern them info.

Christian evangelism comes from the priests of Bel's harvest scam (research Daniel and the priests of Bel).

The NT mostly comes from the central source called Q. Appolonias of Tyana POL(PAUL) from Tarsus probably wrote a good portion of the text perhaps using that central source as he had a vast library as did Constantine forming his one world religion and commissioning the books that would be cannonized. The preachers taught this would happen-the ruler in Rome creating the one world religion using the false prophet to deceive even the elect.
Christians therefore are a convergence of cults and faiths that followed a central HaSheva (redeeming) figure including Christos (Krishna).

So Jesus not only comes from Baal but also
other converged cultures like Mithra, Osirus, Horus, Esus, Krishna, etc... to bring them all into the 1 world religion that Rome's(power= first horn) masked behind it's
2nd horn( religious guise of power ).
Hence the symbol of this beast being the scarlet 2 horn devil.
Where did I make an ad hominem attack on you?

And what would you call it when you call me "lazy" and full of "pride"?

I do not see the basis of your argument that Christianity was somehow a convergence of various pagan religions. The Gospels do not appear to be pagan in origin to me.
You would have to explain where the entire Christian religion came from if Jesus of Nazareth wasn't an actual person who actually lived in Israel at about the time 30 A.D.

Normally, we don't expect a small band of fishermen and a tax collector to invent an entire religion out of whole cloth.

Also, Paul was a Pharisee, and he seemed mighty convinced that Jesus was a real person who actually appeared to him and stopped him from persecuting Christians.

Unless you're going to say Paul wasn't real either, and everything he wrote was written by a fiction author.

Also, they actually found Peter's bones under the Vatican, so you'd have to explain whose bones those were if Peter wasn't a real person.

So please tell, me what was real and what wasn't?

I'm dying to hear your theory.
The old testament prophecized a Messiah. So it's not impossible 11 guys made up the story and spread it.

Mohammed and Joseph Smith were real people. Doesn't make their stories true.

Even if Jesus is real the story has been embellished.

Why did it take Christians 1900 years before they started giving women equal rights?

There were religions before Christianity with oddly similar stories to the Jesus myth.
The Apostles were portrayed as very simple men who made many mistakes, pissed off Jesus many times, and ultimately ran and hid like cowards when he was arrested, put on trial and crucified.

If the story is false, why wouldn't the Apostles have made themselves into heroic figures who stood by Jesus to the bitter end?

It's not a story I would write about myself.
Timne to put HaShev on iggie. Dude is :cuckoo:

You just validated what I said about human ego and how you react to "Unpopular Truths" with ad hominem responses. Censorship requests is just an added bonus to my point.
The way the Apostles are portrayed in the Gospels is very strange, considering they are the founders of Christianity. They are portrayed as rather stupid, petty, jealous, arguing among themselves, constantly missing the point with Jesus' teachings, and ultimately denying him when the chips were down. Why would the Apostles portray themselves in such an unflattering light? It makes no sense unless it was true.
The Apostles were portrayed as very simple men who made many mistakes, pissed off Jesus many times, and ultimately ran and hid like cowards when he was arrested, put on trial and crucified.

If the story is false, why wouldn't the Apostles have made themselves into heroic figures who stood by Jesus to the bitter end?

It's not a story I would write about myself.

You are referring to Theudas by the Jordan who's apostles were Martyrs, a mere portion of the "Converged" character and 1 world religion converging all mythologies hence called MYSTERY BABYLON.
Timne to put HaShev on iggie. Dude is :cuckoo:
How so Gracie It isn't him that believes in make believe cities and myths regarding Jesus..The so called Gospels do not exactly ring with the truth now do they unless there NEWS is only as good as the national enguirer is...Now surely you dont believe everything written in that rag do you....Hmmmm.....
I'm going to be honest with you, HaShev, I never have the slightest clue what you're talking about, and usually I don't expend the effort it takes to read what you post. I'm reading what you say in this thread, but I do not understand it.
What intrigues me about the Gospels is we have a superhuman being talking to humans, and they don't understand a word he is telling them. I understand what Jesus is saying, but only because I already know what he's hinting at, I've had a lifetime of learning it as a child, and living it as an adult. But the Apostles are clearly clueless, and it only gradually dawns on them what Jesus is trying to say, and Peter is the first to figure out who Jesus really is.
And Jesus says things no one ever said, and never would say again.

He quite clearly states that we are never to fight back when we are physically attacked. There is no doubt that he said it, and meant it literally, because when he was attacked, he offered no resistance.

And yet, no Christian denomination, or only a few, actually follow this teaching. My own Catholic Church has a "Just War Theory" and even sent men to war during the Crusades.

I guess what I'm saying is that the otherworldliness of Jesus' teachings is proof for me that he was not really of this world, but was of the next world.
I'm going to be honest with you, HaShev, I never have the slightest clue what you're talking about, and usually I don't expend the effort it takes to read what you post. I'm reading what you say in this thread, but I do not understand it.

Thank you for making my point and giving yourself and others the answer to your question:
Laziness and lack of understanding and the willingness to be lead by a pied piper is what creates a legend.
But in your response you exposed your lies, in that you said there is no refutation when there is, but you are like the 3 monkeys refusing to see, hear, or speak of those refutations so to your perception of proudly living the lie it doesn't exist if you refuse to look and listen and discuss the refutation. Checkmate!

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