If Kari Loses, Will That be the Last Straw for the MAGAs?

You're the only one who has started up the childish spamming again. You should have learned by now that doesn't work and didn't work for the Magas.

Are you going to try the profanity too now?
Congratulations, duck. You are an example of the reason a lot of Americans are losing any faith in Canadians. You are a commie moron intent in spreading your hate and discontent. Karma will not be good to you.
There will be no civil war. We will continue to allow them to kill our children with fentanyl, we will get our boosters and give them to our children. We will lock down when they tell us. We will eat fungus and bugs. We will hand them our guns. We will vote for them. We will let them determine what we see and hear.
The very few that resist will be put away.
If you want an example of our compliance, covid is your exemplar...
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It's glaringly obvious that something fishy is going on with the counting in Kari's race. And there's just no way that a completely devoted to Trump, superstar can be the loser.

However, no need for the deep despair if she does lose. A Trump regime will never depend on electing it's allies. Fascism depends on appointees taking the place of government elected officials.

If Trump survives, there's no doubt that Kari will be a major player in the regime. She's pretty, she's smart, and she's the extremist's extremist.

The new minister of propaganda is written all over her!

Otherwise, I would like to thank those who have learned to listen to the advice of outsiders!
The "red caps" as you call them have committed NO violence against ANYONE. That alone is testimony to their constraint. You and your DNC/BLM/Antifa subsidies, however, are responsible for many murders of innocent citizens, attempted murders of representatives (Scalise), assaults on senators (Paul), incitements of violence against the judiciary by YOUR senators, (Schumer), threats to the sitting POTUS, (Piglosi), arson on federal property, anarchy in Seattle for six weeks. Riots in Portland for over three solid months, riots in Minneapolis, NYC, Detroit, Baltimore, and St. Louis, billions of dollars in damages to those same cities. Don't claim innocence when YOU and YOUR ILK are the perpetrators. You are projecting your idiocy on others.
When they don’t I hope they crap on your lawn.

Stop wishing for asinine shit like them killing themselves!
You take shit way too seriously dude.

It's just for me the 'last straw' is silting yer own throat. Maybe you think the last straw is killing someone else over ones own failure, to win an election. Personally I would choose the former not the latter, if I had to choose, which I don't,btw......
You take shit way too seriously dude.

It's just for me the 'last straw' is silting yer own throat. Maybe you think the last straw is killing someone else over ones own failure, to win an election. Personally I would choose the former not the latter, if I had to choose, which I don't,btw......
You wrote it so own it and yes you would prefer the opposition to kill themselves, so who are you kidding?

So I hope they shit on your lawn before you get your wish!

The delay is getting to be quite abnormal now, and that could be on account of the government authorities needing to make preparations for everything hitting the fans.

There's little doubt that Karis quite openly hinting that her loss will mean that the 'fix' in in!

Coincidentally, this is the race that means the most to both sides and there's just no way that the results aren't known 6 days after the election!

Is it time to batten down the hatches in preparation for the long promised violence being taken to the streets with the guns?

Batshit crazy kari lake lost like a dog, this is the end of ultra maga fascists...

Kari losing would be more valuable for the Maga case by now.

Her winning would defuse the entire issue of the demonrats cheating.

While her loss 6 days after the fact is the most powerful evidence of foul play that Trump's people have ever had!

Will Americans keep their country or are they going to follow those like Concerned's defeatism into the dustbin of history?
Kari losing would be more valuable for the Maga case by now.

Her winning would defuse the entire issue of the demonrats cheating.

While her loss 6 days after the fact is the most powerful evidence of foul play that Trump's people have ever had!

Will Americans keep their country or are they going to follow those like Concerned's defeatism into the dustbin of history?
We just need to go to war with Canada. That will solve most of our problems.
The "last straw"? It looks like the republican party will take over the majority in the House. Will that be the last straw for a president who can't remember what country he is in?

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