If Kari Loses, Will That be the Last Straw for the MAGAs?

Unfortunately not.

It will likely fuel the rightwing lie machine with more false accusations of ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’
There will be no civil war. We will continue to allow them to kill our children with fentanyl, we will get our boosters and give them to our children. We will lock down when they tell us. We will eat fungus and bugs. We will hand them our guns. We will vote for them. We will let them determine what we see and hear.
The very few that resist will be put away.
If you want an example of our compliance, covid is your exemplar...
As we see from this post, the lies and madness that is ‘MAGA’ aren’t going anywhere.
They’ll say it’s the last straw.

All they will do is sit on their fat asses and whine on an anonymous message board. Their internet tough guy routine is all bark and no bite.

scruffy is the perfect example of this. He will run his mouth like he’s going to do something, but in reality he’s a complete pussy hiding behind a computer screen.
Yea, I see you dancing outside calling people out in real life.

The delay is getting to be quite abnormal now, and that could be on account of the government authorities needing to make preparations for everything hitting the fans.

There's little doubt that Karis quite openly hinting that her loss will mean that the 'fix' in in!

Coincidentally, this is the race that means the most to both sides and there's just no way that the results aren't known 6 days after the election!

Is it time to batten down the hatches in preparation for the long promised violence being taken to the streets with the guns?
Looks like you and your ilk just love insurrection and violence.
No. To me, it will say quite a lot about the state's extremeky questionable election system and the intelligence (or lack thereof) of those who voted for Hobbs.

After watching her and listening to her. I wouldn't elect her to be animal control officer (Dog Catcher)...just being brutally honest.

Her refusal to engage in debates told / tells me she can not defend her ideas / policies / agenda and seeks to avoid conflict / challenges - NOT candidate material.
Good to hear your pro debate attitude, 'cause your hero Trump ain't about to debate President Biden for 2024. He knows he can't win a debate. Bigly!!!
Good to hear your pro debate attitude, 'cause your hero Trump ain't about to debate President Biden for 2024. He knows he can't win a debate. Bigly!!!
Thanks for that partisan and unsubstantiated opinion, snowflake.
They cheated Lexalt out of his seat in Nevada......so anything can happen. Doubtful there will be any violence. Violence usually comes from The DemNazis.
Forgot what happened on Jan 6 when your buddies showed up the capital, didga? Oh wait, they were just tourists, right assface?
Forgot what happened on Jan 6 when your buddies showed up the capital, didga? Oh wait, they were just tourists, right assface?
Again, a TDS-suffering asshole who has a problem with target / enemy recognition attempts to falsely accuse me of being a certain type and of doing something ... then I am sure will again try to deny doing so later.

Hey dickhead - and let me type this slow so you can keep up / comprehend - FUCK YOU!

Your attempts to label me - as Biden, his DOJ, and FBI tried to falsely do to parents - is pathetic & only demonstrates how much of a desperate, propaganda-pushing, lowlife troll you are.

Your attempts of gaslighting are a waste of my time, as you have proven you have nothing of soially redeeming or intellectually value to offer to this or any other discussion.

Fuck off, and talk to yourself and your leftist circle-jerk buddies from now on.
Again, a TDS-suffering asshole who has a problem with target / enemy recognition attempts to falsely accuse me of being a certain type and of doing something ... then I am sure will again try to deny doing so later.

Hey dickhead - and let me type this slow so you can keep up / comprehend - FUCK YOU!

Your attempts to label me - as Biden, his DOJ, and FBI tried to falsely do to parents - is pathetic & only demonstrates how much of a desperate, propaganda-pushing, lowlife troll you are.

Your attempts of gaslighting are a waste of my time, as you have proven you have nothing of soially redeeming or intellectually value to offer to this or any other discussion.

Fuck off, and talk to yourself and your leftist circle-jerk buddies from now on.
Eat shit, Bozo. If the fucking shoe fits wear it.

Go grab a tissue. Tough shit you didn't get your way last week. But take heart, there's more of that coming next round.

Btw, you fucking moron. The post you quoted me on was a response to another poster, halfwit idiot. I guess your fingers ran before your brain could catch up.

Again, a TDS-suffering asshole who has a problem with target / enemy recognition attempts to falsely accuse me of being a certain type and of doing something ... then I am sure will again try to deny doing so later.

Hey dickhead - and let me type this slow so you can keep up / comprehend - FUCK YOU!

Your attempts to label me - as Biden, his DOJ, and FBI tried to falsely do to parents - is pathetic & only demonstrates how much of a desperate, propaganda-pushing, lowlife troll you are.

Your attempts of gaslighting are a waste of my time, as you have proven you have nothing of soially redeeming or intellectually value to offer to this or any other discussion.

Fuck off, and talk to yourself and your leftist circle-jerk buddies from now on.

OMG, Trigger! Look what they did to you!

No. To me, it will say quite a lot about the state's extremeky questionable election system and the intelligence (or lack thereof) of those who voted for Hobbs.

After watching her and listening to her. I wouldn't elect her to be animal control officer (Dog Catcher)...just being brutally honest.

Her refusal to engage in debates told / tells me she can not defend her ideas / policies / agenda and seeks to avoid conflict / challenges - NOT candidate material.
She refused to debate and won. Enough said.
They’ll say it’s the last straw.

All they will do is sit on their fat asses and whine on an anonymous message board. Their internet tough guy routine is all bark and no bite.

scruffy is the perfect example of this. He will run his mouth like he’s going to do something, but in reality he’s a complete pussy hiding behind a computer screen.
You calling someone a pussy is most interesting.
She refused to debate and won. Enough said.
Yup, snowflakes watched a psychotic coward literally flee a building to keep from being in the same building with a conservative and voted to send her to DC to sit across the aisle from a lot of them.


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