If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

One prick at a time........

Mike Pence Just Lawyered Up As The Vice President Also Has Huge Russian problems...
Maybe we'll get a 2-fer. Who would we get then? Eddie Munster?
The RNC hates Cruz only slightly less than Trump. I'd like to see Rubio but doubt he has that many friends. OTOH, he could probably bring FL in the 2020.
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.

Hell I'd buy Putin a pint for helping us defeat Hillary.
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.
There's no proof Russia or Putin "put Trump in the white house". There's not a shred of evidence that a single vote was changed by their actions. All we know for sure is that they tried.
NFW will Trump be impeached for anything done so far. Not with a Republican Congress.
You state that as if it's a thing of pride.


Mike Pence is certainly a despicable human being, but at least I won't have to worry about him accidentally launching a bunch of nukes because he's a retard like Trump.

You think president Trump is going to "accidentally" launch a bunch of nukes...:cuckoo: This is why you fruitcakes are no longer in charge.

Accidentally? Oh no, little snowflake. If he does, it will be 100% intentionally. That's what worries me.

Dummy, you just said "accidentally launching a bunch of nukes" I quoted you. Nancy Pelosi is that you behind that screen name? :cuckoo:
Well the point is that Trump has an infinitely higher chance of intentionally or accidentally launching a bunch of nukes than Pence. Which is why I answered yes to the OP's poll.

Riiiiight Trump is the crazy one. (someone contact Bellevue mental hospital)
Yes he is. He told the country, with a straight face, that Ted Cruz's dad helped kill JFK. Do you still believe that?
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.

Hell I'd buy Putin a pint for helping us defeat Hillary.
I'd shit on his grave after another Russia puts polonium in his tea and he dies a slow, miserable death.
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Do you actually think the Republicans would come out squeaky clean if they were hacked and leaked in a similar fashion? Thing is they almost certainly were hacked, but Putin kept that for another purpose: blackmail. The KGB were remarkably clever in the ways they blackmailed Americans to work for them, they have not forgotten how to do it just because they are calling themselves something different. Quit being such a partisan that you think your people are a more honest kind of politician.

Do even have evidence that the Russians hacked anything? Nope. Of course you don't! That is what makes all of your mental meanderings so pathetic. You cannot prove anything, so you just let your mouth run on and on without a filter.
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.

Hell I'd buy Putin a pint for helping us defeat Hillary.
Of course you would, you already let him have the last shred of moral standing the republicans had. Trump played dirty and won dirty and practically none of you feel any shame about that.
You think president Trump is going to "accidentally" launch a bunch of nukes...:cuckoo: This is why you fruitcakes are no longer in charge.

Accidentally? Oh no, little snowflake. If he does, it will be 100% intentionally. That's what worries me.

Dummy, you just said "accidentally launching a bunch of nukes" I quoted you. Nancy Pelosi is that you behind that screen name? :cuckoo:
Well the point is that Trump has an infinitely higher chance of intentionally or accidentally launching a bunch of nukes than Pence. Which is why I answered yes to the OP's poll.

Riiiiight Trump is the crazy one. (someone contact Bellevue mental hospital)
Yes he is. He told the country, with a straight face, that Ted Cruz's dad helped kill JFK. Do you still believe that?

I believe everything Trump says, tissue?
The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.

Hell I'd buy Putin a pint for helping us defeat Hillary.
Of course you would, you already let him have the last shred of moral standing the republicans had. Trump played dirty and won dirty and practically none of you feel any shame about that.

Why would we, you libs play gutter politics every election what's the matter you met your match in Trump? :laugh:
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Do you actually think the Republicans would come out squeaky clean if they were hacked and leaked in a similar fashion? Thing is they almost certainly were hacked, but Putin kept that for another purpose: blackmail. The KGB were remarkably clever in the ways they blackmailed Americans to work for them, they have not forgotten how to do it just because they are calling themselves something different. Quit being such a partisan that you think your people are a more honest kind of politician.

Do even have evidence that the Russians hacked anything? Nope. Of course you don't! That is what makes all of your mental meanderings so pathetic. You cannot prove anything, so you just let your mouth run on and on without a filter.
Page 7 of the PDF. And this is the declassified version.

Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations. We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.

 We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence.

 Moscow’s approach evolved over the course of the campaign based on Russia’s understanding of the electoral prospects of the two main candidates. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign began to focus more on undermining her future presidency.

 Further information has come to light since Election Day that, when combined with Russian behavior since early November 2016, increases our confidence in our assessments of Russian motivations and goals. Moscow’s influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations—such as cyber activity—with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or “trolls.” Russia, like its Soviet predecessor, has a history of conducting covert influence campaigns focused on US presidential elections that have used intelligence officers and agents and press placements to disparage candidates perceived as hostile to the Kremlin.

 Russia’s intelligence services conducted cyber operations against targets associated with the 2016 US presidential election, including targets associated with both major US political parties.

 We assess with high confidence that Russian military intelligence (General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate or GRU) used the Guccifer 2.0 persona and DCLeaks.com to release US victim data obtained in cyber operations publicly and in exclusives to media outlets and relayed material to WikiLeaks.

 Russian intelligence obtained and maintained access to elements of multiple US state or local electoral boards. DHS assesses that the types of systems Russian actors targeted or compromised were not involved in vote tallying.

 Russia’s state-run propaganda machine contributed to the influence campaign by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences. We assess Moscow will apply lessons learned from its Putin-ordered campaign aimed at the US presidential election to future influence efforts worldwide, including against US allies and their election processes.
The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.

Hell I'd buy Putin a pint for helping us defeat Hillary.
Of course you would, you already let him have the last shred of moral standing the republicans had. Trump played dirty and won dirty and practically none of you feel any shame about that.

There is another thing you accuse Trump of doing that no evidence supports. Come on buttercup! Embrace the suck of backing a loser like Hillary!
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Do you actually think the Republicans would come out squeaky clean if they were hacked and leaked in a similar fashion? Thing is they almost certainly were hacked, but Putin kept that for another purpose: blackmail. The KGB were remarkably clever in the ways they blackmailed Americans to work for them, they have not forgotten how to do it just because they are calling themselves something different. Quit being such a partisan that you think your people are a more honest kind of politician.

Do even have evidence that the Russians hacked anything? Nope. Of course you don't! That is what makes all of your mental meanderings so pathetic. You cannot prove anything, so you just let your mouth run on and on without a filter.
It is the conclusion of all our intelligence gathering agencies that Russia mounted an espionage op against our election,there is no longer any question of that, the only question that remains is how much coordination was there between this Russian attack on our country and the Trump campaign.
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.

Hell I'd buy Putin a pint for helping us defeat Hillary.
Of course you would, you already let him have the last shred of moral standing the republicans had. Trump played dirty and won dirty and practically none of you feel any shame about that.

There is another thing you accuse Trump of doing that no evidence supports. Come on buttercup! Embrace the suck of backing a loser like Hillary!

They thought Hillary had this election in the bag, too funny :laugh:
The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Agreed. We're talking about two different things here: the fact Hillary and the DNC were corrupt and the fact the Russians tried to influence our election through cyberwarfare.

I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.

Hell I'd buy Putin a pint for helping us defeat Hillary.
Of course you would, you already let him have the last shred of moral standing the republicans had. Trump played dirty and won dirty and practically none of you feel any shame about that.
Can you prove Trump played and won "dirty"?
Accidentally? Oh no, little snowflake. If he does, it will be 100% intentionally. That's what worries me.

Dummy, you just said "accidentally launching a bunch of nukes" I quoted you. Nancy Pelosi is that you behind that screen name? :cuckoo:
Well the point is that Trump has an infinitely higher chance of intentionally or accidentally launching a bunch of nukes than Pence. Which is why I answered yes to the OP's poll.

Riiiiight Trump is the crazy one. (someone contact Bellevue mental hospital)
Yes he is. He told the country, with a straight face, that Ted Cruz's dad helped kill JFK. Do you still believe that?

I believe everything Trump says, tissue?
I bet. :rolleyes:
I have bad news for any of you clinging to the illusion that any of this hacking is unusual. It occurs 24/7/365. It will not go away or change for the better.
It would change for the better immediately if you people were not grateful to Putin for helping put Trump in the white house. If any of you had an honorable bone in your bodies you would have rather won on the strength of policy and ideas, but you know that's a sure loss for a republican. Without fear and loathing and with optimism and empathy a republican is nothing but a democrat.

Hell I'd buy Putin a pint for helping us defeat Hillary.
Of course you would, you already let him have the last shred of moral standing the republicans had. Trump played dirty and won dirty and practically none of you feel any shame about that.

There is another thing you accuse Trump of doing that no evidence supports. Come on buttercup! Embrace the suck of backing a loser like Hillary!

They thought Hillary had this election in the bag, too funny :laugh:
Their disappointment alone was worth all the bullshit.
I am not holding my breath for impeachment but this shit cannot be allow to stand or your republican primary candidates will be courting the Russian endorsement every four years in order to be the one that gets access to Russian espionage materials on whoever the democrats nominate. Why to you want kissing Russian ass to become a normal part of American conservative politics?

The only reason the Russians would have anything on a Democrat like Hillary is that they were all crooks and it was easy. Had it been Bernie and not Hillary, they probably wouldn't have had anything worth while. Unless of course they had dirt on Bernie's wife!
Do you actually think the Republicans would come out squeaky clean if they were hacked and leaked in a similar fashion? Thing is they almost certainly were hacked, but Putin kept that for another purpose: blackmail. The KGB were remarkably clever in the ways they blackmailed Americans to work for them, they have not forgotten how to do it just because they are calling themselves something different. Quit being such a partisan that you think your people are a more honest kind of politician.

Do even have evidence that the Russians hacked anything? Nope. Of course you don't! That is what makes all of your mental meanderings so pathetic. You cannot prove anything, so you just let your mouth run on and on without a filter.
It is the conclusion of all our intelligence gathering agencies that Russia mounted an espionage op against our election,there is no longer any question of that, the only question that remains is how much coordination was there between this Russian attack on our country and the Trump campaign.

Are you lying or did you miss that the media retracted the lie about all 17 agencies agreeing?

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