If Mexicans are so awesome and good for America why can’t the GOP see that?

I mean folks in government aren’t exactly stupid...are the two parties analyzing different statistical data?
As much as I post about it, I still have a real hard time believing that Democrats support a thirdworld conversion of the United States...after all, a nation is what it’s people are...right?
There’s gotta be something we’re missing?
Republicans have congealed into the party of Trump along with his attitudes, suspicions, fears and hatred. When Republicans (read Trumpians) see Latino immigrants, they don't see people but threats. Threats to their vision of a lily white nation. Threats to the English language. Threats to their NASCAR loving, country music listening, reality TVshow watching 'culture'.

They do not see people who are honest, hard working, family oriented folks. They do not understand that America is a national n made up of immigrants. They do not value the gifts immigrants bring to our unique American culture.

Rather, the Republicans prefer to castigate immigrants, ignore their gifts and talents and demean their very humanity.

Why can't Republicans see that? Good old fashioned xenophobia.

So you think operating by the ‘feels’ is the way to go? Fuck economics and fuck our own people...right? That’s pretty fucked up of you...why would you only want to spoon feed those who illegally force their way into our home? Why not spoon feed the entire suffering world? What’s the qualifier for you?
Our American history is one of immigration. And that history has worked out well for us. We are the preeminent nation of freedom. Did immigrants ruin that or build that?

Your fear of becoming marginalized is not a new fear. Many have exploited that fear. Folks like the Klan and the blatantly racist Trump. For some unfortunate souls, that exploitation is comforting. They go on to think the worst is happening, but they have a champion to allay those fears.

See how you use phrases like 'spoon feed'? That is an admission that you believe immigrants are shiftless, lazy and needy. It shows that you have never seen how I,migrants are, in reality, hard working, tax paying, family oriented people. That's really sad, if we're going to talk about feelings.

We are a nation of first world minded, invited immigrants...this is true.
You sometimes seem like a fairly intelligent person...one whom applies logic and reason. How and or why do you struggle to understand that American people are who decides when immigrants are needed or desired? When we decide they are needed or desired we send invitations. Do you know the difference between invited and uninvited guests? How about legal and illegal?
When the Irish came in the mid 1800s, were they "invited"? Welcomed?

When the Italians came, were they "invited"? Why were they segregated? Why were they referred to as 'knife wielding' Italians? Clannish Jews? Brutish Irish? What can you tell us about Chinese exclusion laws?

Invitations? Can you post a link?
I mean folks in government aren’t exactly stupid...are the two parties analyzing different statistical data?
As much as I post about it, I still have a real hard time believing that Democrats support a thirdworld conversion of the United States...after all, a nation is what it’s people are...right?
There’s gotta be something we’re missing?
Republicans have congealed into the party of Trump along with his attitudes, suspicions, fears and hatred. When Republicans (read Trumpians) see Latino immigrants, they don't see people but threats. Threats to their vision of a lily white nation. Threats to the English language. Threats to their NASCAR loving, country music listening, reality TVshow watching 'culture'.

They do not see people who are honest, hard working, family oriented folks. They do not understand that America is a national n made up of immigrants. They do not value the gifts immigrants bring to our unique American culture.

Rather, the Republicans prefer to castigate immigrants, ignore their gifts and talents and demean their very humanity.

Why can't Republicans see that? Good old fashioned xenophobia.

Mexicans have murder rates higher than Whites in the U.S.A, it's a fact.
No, it is not a 'fact'.

Mexico's murder rate is about 4 X that of the U.S.A, and the White murder rate is about 3 X lower than the Hispanic murder rate within the U.S.A.

So, sorry that facts don't register.
Its none of the above people. These are politicians and political appointees who care about one thing, keeping their cushy government jobs. With the near even split in the electorate many are at risk of losing their job every 2 to 4 years.

If they can import millions of poor illegals, give them the vote, and purchase their votes with government handouts elections will become a foregone conclusion. They no longer have to face or fear voters and DC is free to be as corrupt as it pleases.
To answer the question about the GOP not seeing the good of Mexican immigrants it is because they use them for political purposes such as discrediting Democrats and then claiming the dems want them for the vote when they are not allowed to vote.
To answer the question about the GOP not seeing the good of Mexican immigrants it is because they use them for political purposes such as discrediting Democrats and then claiming the dems want them for the vote when they are not allowed to vote.

Illegals are not immigrants.
the post of the day in the forum, If Mexians are so great, why isn't Mexico great!!!! I love it.
I mean folks in government aren’t exactly stupid...are the two parties analyzing different statistical data?
As much as I post about it, I still have a real hard time believing that Democrats support a thirdworld conversion of the United States...after all, a nation is what it’s people are...right?
There’s gotta be something we’re missing?
So simple the GOP is a racist party...most minorities are normally conservative but still vote against the GOP. As a minority I knew this before moving to the US....its a known fact around the world...the right means racist.
I mean folks in government aren’t exactly stupid...are the two parties analyzing different statistical data?
As much as I post about it, I still have a real hard time believing that Democrats support a thirdworld conversion of the United States...after all, a nation is what it’s people are...right?
There’s gotta be something we’re missing?

Republicans are just a pro-illegal as democrats. Even the Donald.

I hope you’re wrong.

No he is not wrong.
Are you saying that all business categories are own by the democrats?

Are you saying that Republican business owners only hire US citizens?

Are you saying that Republican business owners are not as greedy as democrats?

Are you saying that republicans don’t get erections or ovulation?
I mean folks in government aren’t exactly stupid...are the two parties analyzing different statistical data?
As much as I post about it, I still have a real hard time believing that Democrats support a thirdworld conversion of the United States...after all, a nation is what it’s people are...right?
There’s gotta be something we’re missing?
This is stupid to begin with.
Mexicans are so good and awesome for America? who the fuk talks like that?
who the fuck spells fuck...fuk?....
I mean folks in government aren’t exactly stupid...are the two parties analyzing different statistical data?
As much as I post about it, I still have a real hard time believing that Democrats support a thirdworld conversion of the United States...after all, a nation is what it’s people are...right?
There’s gotta be something we’re missing?
This is stupid to begin with.
Mexicans are so good and awesome for America? who the fuk talks like that?

Your buddy, Nancy.
ms13 is good - Bing video
I mean folks in government aren’t exactly stupid...are the two parties analyzing different statistical data?
As much as I post about it, I still have a real hard time believing that Democrats support a thirdworld conversion of the United States...after all, a nation is what it’s people are...right?
There’s gotta be something we’re missing?
The Democrats support a Third World conversion for a different reason.

They want to implode our system so they can bring about communism.

The Commies have never gone away. They are here to stay. I have been ringing this bell for 20 years. And I am still right.
I mean folks in government aren’t exactly stupid...are the two parties analyzing different statistical data?
As much as I post about it, I still have a real hard time believing that Democrats support a thirdworld conversion of the United States...after all, a nation is what it’s people are...right?
There’s gotta be something we’re missing?
Republicans have congealed into the party of Trump along with his attitudes, suspicions, fears and hatred. When Republicans (read Trumpians) see Latino immigrants, they don't see people but threats. Threats to their vision of a lily white nation. Threats to the English language. Threats to their NASCAR loving, country music listening, reality TVshow watching 'culture'.

They do not see people who are honest, hard working, family oriented folks. They do not understand that America is a national n made up of immigrants. They do not value the gifts immigrants bring to our unique American culture.

Rather, the Republicans prefer to castigate immigrants, ignore their gifts and talents and demean their very humanity.

Why can't Republicans see that? Good old fashioned xenophobia.

So you think operating by the ‘feels’ is the way to go? Fuck economics and fuck our own people...right? That’s pretty fucked up of you...why would you only want to spoon feed those who illegally force their way into our home? Why not spoon feed the entire suffering world? What’s the qualifier for you?
Our American history is one of immigration. And that history has worked out well for us. We are the preeminent nation of freedom. Did immigrants ruin that or build that?

Your fear of becoming marginalized is not a new fear. Many have exploited that fear. Folks like the Klan and the blatantly racist Trump. For some unfortunate souls, that exploitation is comforting. They go on to think the worst is happening, but they have a champion to allay those fears.

See how you use phrases like 'spoon feed'? That is an admission that you believe immigrants are shiftless, lazy and needy. It shows that you have never seen how I,migrants are, in reality, hard working, tax paying, family oriented people. That's really sad, if we're going to talk about feelings.

We are a nation of first world minded, invited immigrants...this is true.
You sometimes seem like a fairly intelligent person...one whom applies logic and reason. How and or why do you struggle to understand that American people are who decides when immigrants are needed or desired? When we decide they are needed or desired we send invitations. Do you know the difference between invited and uninvited guests? How about legal and illegal?
When the Irish came in the mid 1800s, were they "invited"? Welcomed?

When the Italians came, were they "invited"? Why were they segregated? Why were they referred to as 'knife wielding' Italians? Clannish Jews? Brutish Irish? What can you tell us about Chinese exclusion laws?

Invitations? Can you post a link?

Retard semantics, you’re reaching big time.
How far back do you want to go...caveman era?
We didn’t really have any immigration law before 1868...it was a free for all. Realistically we should talk about 1892 (the Ellis Island era) and beyond...makes more sense right? What about the introduction of welfare in 1935? Shouldn’t that be considered?
We The People said we want to control immigration through Bills and the legislation...WE laid laws on the books and elected politicians who swore to uphold those laws.
You don’t believe that We The People should have the right to control and regulate immigration because once upon a time a caveman took another caveman’s cave. You believe that because this nation once needed immigrants we are now obligated to ALWAYS foster immigrants.
Think about how retarded you sound.
If Mexicans are so awesome why isn’t Mexico?

LefTard Logic:
“Cartels hold the people back in Mehico just like Whitey holds Blacks back in America.”


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