If Mexico were a white Christian nation would Democrats still encourage illegal immigration?

Why or why not?
Would they but only if they were desperate and dependent?
Would they but only if they promised to have litters of children that would be desperate, dependent, criminal minded and vote Democrat?
Would there need to be some caveat....OR would they be kind, caring and noble with other people’s money just as they are now?

You clearly don't understand Mexico at all.
It IS a white, Christian nation.
The ruling elites are all unadulterated decendents of the Spanish who are considered to be white. All the movie and tv artists meet white standards.
The rest of Mexicans are considered to be a deprived lower caste.
Why or why not?
Would they but only if they were desperate and dependent?
Would they but only if they promised to have litters of children that would be desperate, dependent, criminal minded and vote Democrat?
Would there need to be some caveat....OR would they be kind, caring and noble with other people’s money just as they are now?

The answer is: no. No because the Caucasian Christian identity is the antithesis of the postmodernist meta-narrative which holds that white males make up a hierarchical patriarchy which has oppressed non-Christians and people of color for since time immemorial and must be ended at all costs. Postmodernists view the world and everything in it from a perspective of competing power structures. In their ideological belief system masters of any power structure are oppressors or fascists who must be removed from their ability to harm the good folks of the world, meaning anyone who isn't white. Unless of course, the postmodernists themselves are in power, then any application of state authority is good for everyone. Beyond that, a prime reason for flooding the U.S. with human waves of uneducated immigrants is precisely because most patriotic Americans will never align their beliefs with postmodernism. The incoming brown waves on the other hand can be bribed and bought with citizenship plus perks. Simple as that really.

In none of your "analysis," did you ever mention the half of the human population who are female. Missing something? Like half of the world?

And that matters how?

Where is the female presence in your narrative? You speak only of the presence of "white, heterosexual males" of certain sects of the Christian faith. This is only one of many groups of humanity. So many of us humans exist outside of your paradigm.
When the time comes and poverty is spreading or the norm, men don't listen to women. You can show all the sports drafts with mom and son on TV you want. That is not the truth in the ghettos. Oh Mom is there, but son is more likely then not is disruptive, unruly and troublesome.
Why or why not?
Would they but only if they were desperate and dependent?
Would they but only if they promised to have litters of children that would be desperate, dependent, criminal minded and vote Democrat?
Would there need to be some caveat....OR would they be kind, caring and noble with other people’s money just as they are now?

The answer is: no. No because the Caucasian Christian identity is the antithesis of the postmodernist meta-narrative which holds that white males make up a hierarchical patriarchy which has oppressed non-Christians and people of color for since time immemorial and must be ended at all costs. Postmodernists view the world and everything in it from a perspective of competing power structures. In their ideological belief system masters of any power structure are oppressors or fascists who must be removed from their ability to harm the good folks of the world, meaning anyone who isn't white. Unless of course, the postmodernists themselves are in power, then any application of state authority is good for everyone. Beyond that, a prime reason for flooding the U.S. with human waves of uneducated immigrants is precisely because most patriotic Americans will never align their beliefs with postmodernism. The incoming brown waves on the other hand can be bribed and bought with citizenship plus perks. Simple as that really.

In none of your "analysis," did you ever mention the half of the human population who are female. Missing something? Like half of the world?

And that matters how?

Where is the female presence in your narrative? You speak only of the presence of "white, heterosexual males" of certain sects of the Christian faith. This is only one of many groups of humanity. So many of us humans exist outside of your paradigm.
When the time comes and poverty is spreading or the norm, men don't listen to women. You can show all the sports drafts with mom and son on TV you want. That is not the truth in the ghettos. Oh Mom is there, but son is more likely then not is disruptive, unruly and troublesome.
80% of Black Fathers do not, and most never did, live in the home. Yet they want to tell others how to live a good, fair and just life. Keep the pickle in the pocket , girls keep legs closed, stop catering to the wandering nomad male mythology and you might not find yourself being a victim All the time.
Why or why not?
Would they but only if they were desperate and dependent?
Would they but only if they promised to have litters of children that would be desperate, dependent, criminal minded and vote Democrat?
Would there need to be some caveat....OR would they be kind, caring and noble with other people’s money just as they are now?

The answer is: no. No because the Caucasian Christian identity is the antithesis of the postmodernist meta-narrative which holds that white males make up a hierarchical patriarchy which has oppressed non-Christians and people of color for since time immemorial and must be ended at all costs. Postmodernists view the world and everything in it from a perspective of competing power structures. In their ideological belief system masters of any power structure are oppressors or fascists who must be removed from their ability to harm the good folks of the world, meaning anyone who isn't white. Unless of course, the postmodernists themselves are in power, then any application of state authority is good for everyone. Beyond that, a prime reason for flooding the U.S. with human waves of uneducated immigrants is precisely because most patriotic Americans will never align their beliefs with postmodernism. The incoming brown waves on the other hand can be bribed and bought with citizenship plus perks. Simple as that really.

In none of your "analysis," did you ever mention the half of the human population who are female. Missing something? Like half of the world?

And that matters how?

Where is the female presence in your narrative? You speak only of the presence of "white, heterosexual males" of certain sects of the Christian faith. This is only one of many groups of humanity. So many of us humans exist outside of your paradigm.
When the time comes and poverty is spreading or the norm, men don't listen to women. You can show all the sports drafts with mom and son on TV you want. That is not the truth in the ghettos. Oh Mom is there, but son is more likely then not is disruptive, unruly and troublesome.

The wisdom of the ancients resides in the grandmothers: all races, all colors, all ethnicities. Show me where the republicans, the trumps, the pences, the mcconnells had fathers who provided wise guidance to their sons.
Why or why not?
Would they but only if they were desperate and dependent?
Would they but only if they promised to have litters of children that would be desperate, dependent, criminal minded and vote Democrat?
Would there need to be some caveat....OR would they be kind, caring and noble with other people’s money just as they are now?

You clearly don't understand Mexico at all.
It IS a white, Christian nation.
The ruling elites are all unadulterated decendents of the Spanish who are considered to be white. All the movie and tv artists meet white standards.
The rest of Mexicans are considered to be a deprived lower caste.

Haha...that’s some funny shit. You’ve obviously never been to Mexico as there is NOTHING white about that disgusting super shithole or it’s people.
ptbw forever

Aha. You are male, 29 years old and you don't have any idea what the word "funny" means nor are you able to explain what you think why ... if you are able to think at all. That's your declaration of blubliablipshipendence at 4th of July 2019. Poor USA.

ptbw forever

Aha. You are male, 29 years old and you don't have any idea what the word "funny" means nor are you able to explain what you think why ... if you are able to think at all. That's your declaration of blubliablipshipendence at 4th of July 2019. Poor USA.

You are a muppet repeating whatever bullshit you have heard over the years and you think you are smart for doing so.

That is hilarious.
The answer to the thread creator’s question is obviously no.

Just look at how they treat predominately poor Russians compared to Mexicans.

Several Democrats have gone to Mexico as a campaign stunt and yet not one Democrat poster on here is smart enough to realize that this is no different than if Trump openly colluded with Russia.
... Well the neo-Marxists also hate white women, unless they are getting abortions or breeding with non-whites.

I hope you know that you make yourselve to a Nazi with such sentences.

When the Nazis came to power, I looked to the unversities that prided themselves upon their intellectual freedom, and they failed me. I looked to the German press, which prided itself on the freedom of press, and it failed me. Until at last the churches stood alone, and that for which I once had little regard earned my respect.

Albert Einstein

What does it mean that Zaangalewa is not any longer a member of this forum? This is powerful stuff. Take a look at it! This is what some humans actually DID.

I was once a member of this forum. In the moment I see it only as a kind of emergency response that I'm again and still here. Not my world here.

Thank you for your reply. You made me cry too early in the morning with your video on Grizzly Man. He had had the spirit of love and grace, but he did not have the gift of wisdom. He thought naively that the communications between humans and other species were automatic. How do we approach other species?
At least with domesticated dogs and cats, I just extend my hand so that they should sniff and determine "friend or foe."

I would have loved to have have met the late Koko, the guerrilla, and conversed with her. I would so love to meet and communicate with an elephant, but there must be a build up of trust between us; a message between us that we do not intend to do each other any harm.

But what of these humans? What you posted reflected what we do among our own species every damned day. Can't we rise to a higher plain? From Wounded Knee to Gallipoli to Auschwitz, and beyond.

The message is that none of these atrocities must ever happen again.

It's yours not to let it be happening. But you never will know anything about your own success in such a context. The good deed is invisible; about the wars and massacres, which never had happened, is nothing written in our history books. And the people knows no one, who took care that such things did not happen. Example: Are you happy that you don't know anything about the very cruel Denish-Friesian war from the year 1976? No? Only because it did not happen? Would it had been better it had happened? So why are you sad about other disasters, which are also far from your own responsibility? I'm still convinced we are living in the best of all possible worlds - and in the best of all possible worlds nearly everyone is always able to make anything better.

By the way: While Donald Trump celebrates his independence day with expensive military pomp suffer lots of migrants a pitiful state in US-american camps, what Donald Trump (= ¿the USA?) intentionally ignores. Sometimes is only a very small bandwidth between the words "great" and "lousy".

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Why or why not?
Would they but only if they were desperate and dependent?
Would they but only if they promised to have litters of children that would be desperate, dependent, criminal minded and vote Democrat?
Would there need to be some caveat....OR would they be kind, caring and noble with other people’s money just as they are now?

You might want to actually learn about Mexico and the population of that nation.

For example, 92% of the population of Mexico is christian. With the majority, 83%, being catholic.

Screen Shot 2019-07-04 at 9.33.09 PM.png

As for white, according to the encyclopedia, 47% of the population is of European descent.

Mexico is a mixture of people from around the world. Lebanese migrated there when the Ottoman Empire crumbled. Around 2% of the population identifies as AfroMexican.

Mexico - Wikipedia

For your information skin color and religion has nothing to do with why Americans have no problem with immigrants from any nation.

This may be about skin color and religion to you but you're a bigot with no life so it's expected.
The answer to the thread creator’s question is obviously no.

Just look at how they treat predominately poor Russians compared to Mexicans.

Several Democrats have gone to Mexico as a campaign stunt and yet not one Democrat poster on here is smart enough to realize that this is no different than if Trump openly colluded with Russia.

Oh by the way. Today I read here in Germany that the National People's Army of China landed. ... Some of their paramedics learn and train together with our paramedics how to help in case of war and other disasters or catastrophes. Very good idea.

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The answer to the thread creator’s question is obviously no.

Just look at how they treat predominately poor Russians compared to Mexicans.

Several Democrats have gone to Mexico as a campaign stunt and yet not one Democrat poster on here is smart enough to realize that this is no different than if Trump openly colluded with Russia.

Oh by the way. Today I read her in Germany that the National People's Army of China landed. ... Some of their paramedics learn and train together with our paramedics how to help in case of war and other disasters or catastrophes. Very good idea.

And you wonder why I “funny” your posts....

This has nothing to do with anything being discussed.
ptbw forever

Aha. You are male, 29 years old and you don't have any idea what the word "funny" means nor are you able to explain what you think why ... if you are able to think at all. That's your declaration of blubliablipshipendence at 4th of July 2019. Poor USA.

You are a muppet repeating whatever bullshit you have heard over the years and you think you are smart for doing so.

That is hilarious.

Bang! ... Oh sorry - my ice cold German temperament is sometimes not totally under my own control.

ptbw forever

Aha. You are male, 29 years old and you don't have any idea what the word "funny" means nor are you able to explain what you think why ... if you are able to think at all. That's your declaration of blubliablipshipendence at 4th of July 2019. Poor USA.

You are a muppet repeating whatever bullshit you have heard over the years and you think you are smart for doing so.

That is hilarious.

Bang! ... Oh sorry - my ice cold German temperament is sometimes not totally under my own control.

I am probably more German than you are.

A lot of Americans are actually REALLY German but have had their culture and identity drained from them by the bullshit racial grievance industry.

But this doesn’t excuse the fact that you are rambling and jumping around to the point of being incoherent.
Mexicans are deeply religious Christians. its the skin color that makes the difference!

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