If Mueller had something on Trump he would be shouting it on every street corner...

It's not illegal to pay off people who blackmail you. If you don't believe me, look up the law yourself.
It is illegal to violate campaign finance laws and to lie on federal banking forms.

Hey, let's put Crooked Donnie under oath, make a video deposition, and ask him questions about his sex life and businesses.

You know...like we did with Slick Willy!

Turnabout's fair play.
No campaign finance laws were violated, moron. I'll bet you that a large percentage of people like when they apply for a mortgage. It's illegal, but it doesn't justify putting anyone in prison for years.

Five years for each felony
Do you believe you should go to prison because you didn't mention your child support payments?

I think you should go to prison because you conspired with multiple people to conceal information from voters in a national election....
Concealing information is a crime? Haven't you concealed your address and your Social Security number?

You realize that you're a clueless imbecile, don't you?
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Most investigations start with a crime, and look for a suspect.
Total horseshit that you just made up. When there is suspicion of illegal or even nefarious activity, an investigation will begin. If you sell off your stock the day before a price drop, and your brother is the CEO, you will be investigated.

When a member of your campaign brags about talking to Russians about stolen emails before the public is aware they have been stolen, an investigation will begin.

Welcome to the rule of law. Trump is about to be introduced to it, himself.
OK, what crime did Trump commit? You must know, since you're so sure he is guilty of something.

You seem to be as nervous as Don is darling. All he ever had to do was show his taxes like everyone else.
What does his taxes have to do with collusion in order to throw an election into his favor ??? Can those taxes show a meeting between him and the Russians as he was running for the office of Presidency ? Can his taxes show his meetings with the Russians in order to destroy Hillary's chances to become President while then candidate Trump was running for the Presidency ?? Or is it just more fishing trying to undo a presidency that the left is against for reasons that go far beyond collusion etc ?

That is the Dems on TDS......LOL
Nope....that is not the way Mueller works....just be patient....​
Meuller has had two years to bring charges against Trump.

It's time for this travesty to end.

It is going to end. And not well for TRump

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ya'll been saying that for 2 years........shit or get off the pot.

How can Mueller ever finish his investigations when Trump and his mafia keep committing new crimes?
Concealing information is a crime?
Yes, sometimes, absolutely. For instance conspiring to hide the fact that you are working with foreign intelligence agents to defraud the free and fair elections of the United States.
Well, if that happened, where's your proof?

It's like shouting "Wolf" when there is no wolf. Eventually, the villagers stop believing you.
How can Mueller ever finish his investigations when Trump and his mafia keep committing new crimes?
Excellent point...had to delay the Flynn and gates sentencings, to get more info on the possibility of trump stealing from his own inaugural fund...
...but all we hear now is "Wait and see!"

It's time to end this farce.

Here's a reality check for ya'.
If there was nothing there, he would have wrapped it up last year. Early last year.


But the thing is, Trump's trail is like a shit sweater...Mueller pulled on one string and it just keeps unraveling.

What's "unraveling?" Mueller has nothing on Trump.

Also, Mueller has had to go to overseas banks, where Trump keeps his money, specifically Deutsche Bank, and ask for records and documents.
Not so easy.

In other words, Mueller can't get anything.

But it was fascinating last month when Michael Cohen's indictment for bank fraud coincided with a money laundering raid on...wait for it...Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt...one of Trump's banks.
Oh nooooose!
Don't believe me? Google it.

Fascinating? Perhaps, but the upshot is nothing.
Nope....that is not the way Mueller works....just be patient....​
Meuller has had two years to bring charges against Trump.

It's time for this travesty to end.

It is going to end. And not well for TRump

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ya'll been saying that for 2 years........shit or get off the pot.

How can Mueller ever finish his investigations when Trump and his mafia keep committing new crimes?
Oh so if Trump blows his nose sideways, that gives Mueller another two years of taxpayers money to get to the bottom of snotty nose gate ? Get real... Do y'all realize how crazy y'all look chasing these ghost ?? LOL
If Mueller had something on Trump he would be shouting it on every street corner...

Only an idiot would make such a stupid statement. Why would a professional like Mueller risk tainting his investigation before he has ALL the evidence? Mueller is simply working his way up the chain. That's how mafia investigations and prosecutions are done.
He would do it because he's a scumbag in the service of the deep state.
Fascinating? Perhaps, but the upshot is nothing.
Riiiight...the only bank in the world that would lend to trump (not long after he defaulted on a loan they made to him, by the way) has been found guilty of and is still being investigated for laundering criminal russian money by the truckload...

Yep, nothing to see here, folks...
Fascinating? Perhaps, but the upshot is nothing.
Riiiight...the only bank in the world that would lend to trump (not long after he defaulted on a loan they made to him, by the way) has been found guilty of and is still being investigated for laundering criminal russian money by the truckload...

Yep, nothing to see here, folks...
Fascinating? Perhaps, but the upshot is nothing.
Riiiight...the only bank in the world that would lend to trump (not long after he defaulted on a loan they made to him, by the way) has been found guilty of and is still being investigated for laundering criminal russian money by the truckload...

Yep, nothing to see here, folks...
No, I think you should look it up yourself. These are basic facts of this topic that a person commenting on it is expected to know.
Fascinating? Perhaps, but the upshot is nothing.
Riiiight...the only bank in the world that would lend to trump (not long after he defaulted on a loan they made to him, by the way) has been found guilty of and is still being investigated for laundering criminal russian money by the truckload...

Yep, nothing to see here, folks...
No, I think you should look it up yourself. These are basic facts of this topic that a person commenting on it is expected to know.

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