If Mueller had something on Trump he would be shouting it on every street corner...

Andrew McCabe: Criminal Charges Recommended by Inspector General | National Review

This is where the Trumpkins line up and shreik, "anonymous sources! CNN! Fake news!"

Wait, no they won't ..it reflects poorly on a political opponent, so they will preach it as absolute truth.

Know anyone like that? *Wink wink
Most investigations start with a crime, and look for a suspect.
Total horseshit that you just made up. When there is suspicion of illegal or even nefarious activity, an investigation will begin. If you sell off your stock the day before a price drop, and your brother is the CEO, you will be investigated.

When a member of your campaign brags about talking to Russians about stolen emails before the public is aware they have been stolen, an investigation will begin.

Welcome to the rule of law. Trump is about to be introduced to it, himself.
OK, what crime did Trump commit? You must know, since you're so sure he is guilty of something.

You seem to be as nervous as Don is darling. All he ever had to do was show his taxes like everyone else.
If Mueller had something on Trump he would be shouting it on every street corner...

Only an idiot would make such a stupid statement. Why would a professional like Mueller risk tainting his investigation before he has ALL the evidence? Mueller is simply working his way up the chain. That's how mafia investigations and prosecutions are done.
OK, what crime did Trump commit?
I don't know...why would I? Are you asking me to guess, from publicly available information? Surely you aren't about to make the laughably stupid argument that, since it has not been publicly proven that Trump committed a crime, the investigation is a witch Hunt .....

....right? Nobody is that stupid.

What predictions? Mueller is investigating business dealings with trumps associates from years and decades past that have nothing to do with collusion.

The crimes of trump and his associates extend back foe decades
Name one, asshole.


Want me to name another asshole?
Name a crime, asshole.

I will wait for MUELLER TIME!

Have a great day...
What other choice do you have?
This is where the Trumpkins line up and shreik, "anonymous sources! CNN! Fake news!"

Wait, no they won't ..it reflects poorly on a political opponent, so they will preach it as absolute truth.

Know anyone like that? *Wink wink
Those fuckers ever get in front of a real courtroom..........with what they have done........they would be fucked.
This is where the Trumpkins line up and shreik, "anonymous sources! CNN! Fake news!"

Wait, no they won't ..it reflects poorly on a political opponent, so they will preach it as absolute truth.

Know anyone like that? *Wink wink
Those fuckers ever get in front of a real courtroom..........with what they have done........they would be fucked.
How frustrating for you that the real world does not recognize all of your fantasies.
This is where the Trumpkins line up and shreik, "anonymous sources! CNN! Fake news!"

Wait, no they won't ..it reflects poorly on a political opponent, so they will preach it as absolute truth.

Know anyone like that? *Wink wink
Oh no! A Trumpkin with a meme!

Rare ain't it.
it's time for Mueller to put up or shut up.
The only reason you think that is because you are a desperate Trumpkin who wants to stop mueller. The time and money have nothing to do with it, and you are not fooling anyone.
No, I am a lawyer who has always worked on the defense side, and I have a natural suspicion of prosecutors, and I especially loathe prosecutors who use government power to destroy people for political purposes.
This is where the Trumpkins line up and shreik, "anonymous sources! CNN! Fake news!"

Wait, no they won't ..it reflects poorly on a political opponent, so they will preach it as absolute truth.

Know anyone like that? *Wink wink
Oh no! A Trumpkin with a meme!

I love them.............You know why your side lost............you a Lying Witch........and everyone knew she was garbage.........Russians didn't influence a thing.....

Wikileaks exposed only the Truth............that she is a corrupt old Hag...........Your side abused the system .......this is so the statue of limitations runs out so they don't go to Jail..............the establishment backs it because they are guilty as hell too..............LOL
it's time for Mueller to put up or shut up.
The only reason you think that is because you are a desperate Trumpkin who wants to stop mueller. The time and money have nothing to do with it, and you are not fooling anyone.
No, I am a lawyer who has always worked on the defense side, and I have a natural suspicion of prosecutors, and I especially loathe prosecutors who use government power to destroy people for political purposes.
Ah, good, then you will be the first to admit when it looks like Trump has, indeed, committed a crime. Since, you know, you aren't being paid to lie in court about it.
McCabe versus the Trump jailbirds:

He lied about leaking the truth. They lied to cover up the truth.
He lied under oath..........the same thing they are prosecuting others for...........What's good for the goose is good for the gander......

They should threaten his family .........like they are doing others..............threaten to throw him in jail and throw away the key..........like they do to others.........

He's a dirty corrupt cop...........so far up the corrupt politicians butts that you see him when they smile.
it's time for Mueller to put up or shut up.
The only reason you think that is because you are a desperate Trumpkin who wants to stop mueller. The time and money have nothing to do with it, and you are not fooling anyone.
No, I am a lawyer who has always worked on the defense side, and I have a natural suspicion of prosecutors, and I especially loathe prosecutors who use government power to destroy people for political purposes.
Ah, good, then you will be the first to admit when it looks like Trump has, indeed, committed a crime. Since, you know, you aren't being paid to lie in court about it.
Prosecution is just a form of persecution when a power-hungry prosecutor is going after political enemies.
You know why your side lost............you a Lying Witch...
And the Trumpkin tantrums begin...wait, they never really ended....
No tantrums............just pointing out something that has been discussed so many times...........that we should get bots to post our replies automatically.

You can't indict Trump.........you have to try to try the 3 ring circus of Congress..........good luck...........

Star witness is going to be a whore..........LOL

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