If Mueller had something on Trump he would be shouting it on every street corner...

Fascinating? Perhaps, but the upshot is nothing.
Riiiight...the only bank in the world that would lend to trump (not long after he defaulted on a loan they made to him, by the way) has been found guilty of and is still being investigated for laundering criminal russian money by the truckload...

Yep, nothing to see here, folks...
Can you post a link to that?
Yes, I can. But I will not, and you should feel a little embarrassed for not knowing those basic facts of this topic. You don't have to take my word for any of it, and I don't care of you do or not.
You won't post a link because you can't.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Except when the guy you used to play with is indicted for bribing your hooker for you....
It's not illegal to pay off people who blackmail you. If you don't believe me, look up the law yourself.
It is illegal to violate campaign finance laws and to lie on federal banking forms.

Hey, let's put Crooked Donnie under oath, make a video deposition, and ask him questions about his sex life and businesses.

You know...like we did with Slick Willy!

Turnabout's fair play.
So that's what this is? Revenge for Clinton? How petty of you.
Nope. I thought impeaching Clinton over a blowjob was low class.

You still don't get it, do you.

Karma is bitch slapping you hypocrites every day, and you aren't like it.

Too bad.
Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice, when he lied about his sex life, and instructed Monica Lewinsky to lie.
Right...time to ask tiny trump about his sex life. Think he'll lie under oath? He's already lied in public about it.
How can Mueller ever finish his investigations when Trump and his mafia keep committing new crimes?
Excellent point...had to delay the Flynn and gates sentencings, to get more info on the possibility of trump stealing from his own inaugural fund...
Let it be known that the Democrats had best be perfect when they seek office from here on out, because if they aren't they are going to catch it from every angle imaginable. The democrats wanted a war, and now they got one. The spoils will go to the one who is PERFECT !!!!!! Now let's see who can hold up under the precidents being set by the Democrats in all of this going forward. It's gonna be interesting for sure. We will end up with the most unqualified people running the government after all this... It will become a joke to the world as well as an embarrassment to this nation as it's dirty laundry is put on display every election going forward now.

The only thing that should take place in an election is whether a person's qualifications meet the standards nessesary to hold office, and once the person's qualifications are met, then we should only hold the person accountable in the job that they perform and do for us. If screws up while in office, then of course take actions allowed under the Constitution and the laws on the books to deal with it.

This politics of destruction is killing this nation, and it is embarrassing this nation in front of the world. The left could care less about embarrassing the nation, just as long as it attemps to cease and hold power with it's actions at any cost.
What they didn't tell Trump is that they were spying on him.
What they didn't tell Trump is that 4 of his campaign officials were under investigation for Russian dealings, as I taught you.
You don't tell people that you're spying on that you're spying on them. Spying on the opposition political campaign is the ultimate form of corruption. You're so fucking corrupt, stupid and unscrupulous that you believe Trump is the one who should be ashamed of this action.
Dang people...
Let it be known that the Democrats had best be perfect when they seek office from here on out, because if they aren't they are going to catch it from every angle imaginable.
Oh no! Are you going to write me a ticket, officer? Wanna see my birth certificate? Or are you still working the Benghazi case?
You don't tell people that you're spying on that you're spying on them.
Neato. But the question is why they would warn trump of Russian infiltration in his campaign , but not warn him that 4 of his officials were being investigated for that very thing.

Now, why do you suppose that is?
If Trump was guilty of any crime, any crime at all, we would know it because the Democrats and the media no doubt have thousands of people looking for crimes committed by Trump, and so far they've found nothing.
You really aren't in the legal field are you? And you need to get your silly story straight with other trumpanzees who claim that Mueller's team is leaking info.
Nope....that is not the way Mueller works....just be patient....​
Meuller has had two years to bring charges against Trump.

It's time for this travesty to end.

Sitting Presidents are never indicted or charged. Please try to keep up.

Mueller will write a report to Congress detailing what he has found. Cogress will decide what to do with the Criminal in Chief....

So deciding he’s guilty before the investigation is over is totally okay but deciding he’s innocent means you’re retarded? How about take your own advice?
When I write a legal brief I have to provide a citation for every fact I state and every case, statute and regulation I quote. I'm not going to sit here and watch you spew out facts without provide links to prove they are true. This is basic stuff, you have to back your shit.
And you shout it from every street corner while you are working on it, do you?
Fascinating? Perhaps, but the upshot is nothing.
Riiiight...the only bank in the world that would lend to trump (not long after he defaulted on a loan they made to him, by the way) has been found guilty of and is still being investigated for laundering criminal russian money by the truckload...

Yep, nothing to see here, folks...
You have really been adorable, with all your questions. Now, I have a question for you:

When it became clear trump was going to be the republican candidate, the FBI met with him. They did so to warn him that Russian agents may be trying to infiltrate his campaign and even recruit people near him. They admonished him to inform the FBI, should he notice anything suspicious along these lines.

Strangely, they didn't tell him that no less than 4 people in his campaign, including his chairman and top adviser, were under investigation for their Russian dealings.

Now...why do you suppose they didn't tell him this? Try to give your best, honest answer. Memes are for sissies.
Because Obama wanted dirt on Trump if he could get it for Hillary and the foward agenda ? :dunno:
You don't tell people that you're spying on that you're spying on them.
Neato. But the question is why they would warn trump of Russian infiltration in his campaign , but not warn him that 4 of his officials were being investigated for that very thing.

Now, why do you suppose that is?
For one thing, spying on members of the Trump campaign would be a crime. Do you imagine the deep state criminals in the Obama administration wanted the Trump campaign to know about their criminal activity?
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For one thing, spying on member of the Trump campaign would be a crime.
That doesn't make sense at all. Investigating Manafort, Flynn, Gates, and Papadapolous was not a crime by any standard. Oh, and they are all going to jail, or at least avoided it by snitching. Snitching on whom, I wonder...each other?


You guys are weak little sissies. Look at the little pretzels you are twisting yourselves into just to avoid even contemplating, out loud, anything that might reflect poorly on president Pussyboy. Embarrassing.
For one thing, spying on member of the Trump campaign would be a crime.
That doesn't make sense at all. Investigating Manafort, Flynn, Gates, and Papadapolous was not a crime by any standard.

You guys are weak little sissies. Look at the little pretzels you are twisting yourselves into just to avoid even contemplating, out loud, anything that might reflect poorly on president Pussyboy. Embarrassing.
It was before the election, moron.
Because Obama wanted dirt on Trump if he could get it for Hillary and the foward agenda ?
You, of course, don't believe that and you are just too big a sissy to give an honest answer.
Grow up igit... All you got is juvenile name calling when you get an answer you don't want, so how many here do you think are gullible enough to play your silly games ??

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