if not evolution

Your reasoning is limited to human capacity, as is your experience ~ and so you cannot use merely your reason and experience to establish that virtues are "universal" to anything other than humans....rendering what youre saying conjecture, as I postulated.

You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

then when asked to define success....you said it is virtue.

Strong circular argument, batman.
No. I did not define virtue as something that leads to success. I said virtue naturally leads to success. Try again.
I dont need to. I asked you to define success, and you went and circled back to virtue.

You are the one playing word games, because you lack the fundamental ability to reason.
Your reasoning is limited to human capacity, as is your experience ~ and so you cannot use merely your reason and experience to establish that virtues are "universal" to anything other than humans....rendering what youre saying conjecture, as I postulated.

You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

then when asked to define success....you said it is virtue.

Strong circular argument, batman.
No. I did not define virtue as something that leads to success. I said virtue naturally leads to success. Try again.
I dont need to. I asked you to define success, and you went and circled back to virtue.

You are the one playing word games, because you lack the fundamental ability to reason.
I never defined virtue, Einstein. I told you that a natural product of virtue is success.
i said define success in that context, numbskull...u used virtue in your definition

a circle

cant carry on with a tard, sorry
I'm not surprised that you need someone to define success for you.
nice scapegoat

i like those failtears
maybe someone said it already but all things are ''your god/gods''
everything is ''god''--if you believe in a god
but it is not a supernatural/all knowing/fairy in the sky/etc being
whatever was the beginning--if there was one--of the universe was there---and is what you would term ''god''
religion is man made
you cannot prove there is a god
god is a man made idea--yes?
And yes you did try to put words in my mouth for the definition of virtue.
hmm..no, i said define success

if i recall right

**looks back**



all you can do is play games because you never thought your beliefs through very much. i gettit...i feel bad!
"virtue is a successful behaviour" - dingbat on the internet

"define success in that context"

ding: derp, trio, trio derp derp
"virtue is a successful behaviour" - dingbat on the internet

"define success in that context"

ding: derp, trio, trio derp derp
It is a successful behavior. That doesn't mean it's the definition. Thanks for proving that you were trying to put words in my mouth. If you had better arguments you wouldn't need to do that.
"virtue is a successful behaviour" - dingbat on the internet

"define success in that context"

ding: derp, trio, trio derp derp
It is a successful behavior. That doesn't mean it's the definition. Thanks for proving that you were trying to put words in my mouth. If you had better arguments you wouldn't need to do that.
Success is contextual ~ invoking it to try and establish a universal truth is half witted conjecture.

And yes you did try to put words in my mouth for the definition of virtue.
hmm..no, i said define success

if i recall right

**looks back**



all you can do is play games because you never thought your beliefs through very much. i gettit...i feel bad!
You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

Feels dumb to be proven wrong, doesn't it, GT?
Here is a pretty god definition of virtue from virtuesforlife.com

Virtue, by definition, is the moral excellence of a person. A morally excellent person has a character made-up of virtues valued as good. He or she is honest, respectful, courageous, forgiving, and kind, for example. Because of these virtues or positive character traits, he or she is committed to doing the right thing no matter what the personal cost, and does not bend to impulses, urges or desires, but acts according to values and principles. Some might say that good qualities are innate and developed through good parenting, which they are, but we’re not perfect. Virtues need to be cultivated to become more prevalent and habitual in daily life. With the habit of being more virtuous, we take the helm of our own life, redirecting its course towards greater fulfillment, peace and joy.
And yes you did try to put words in my mouth for the definition of virtue.
hmm..no, i said define success

if i recall right

**looks back**



all you can do is play games because you never thought your beliefs through very much. i gettit...i feel bad!
You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

Feels dumb to be proven wrong, doesn't it, GT?
"Virtue is a successful behavior" - dingdong

Anyhoo, youve been unable to show thaglt virtues are universal truths.

Goodluck with your tapdance for the next bloak who asks, middle school girl.
also from virtuesforlife.com

Virtues are universal and recognized by all cultures as basic qualities necessary for our well-being and happiness.
And yes you did try to put words in my mouth for the definition of virtue.
hmm..no, i said define success

if i recall right

**looks back**



all you can do is play games because you never thought your beliefs through very much. i gettit...i feel bad!
You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

Feels dumb to be proven wrong, doesn't it, GT?
"Virtue is a successful behavior" - dingdong

Anyhoo, youve been unable to show thaglt virtues are universal truths.

Goodluck with your tapdance for the next bloak who asks, middle school girl.
Virtue is a successful behavior. That doesn't make it the definition of virtue, GT.
Here is a pretty god definition of virtue from virtuesforlife.com

Virtue, by definition, is the moral excellence of a person. A morally excellent person has a character made-up of virtues valued as good. He or she is honest, respectful, courageous, forgiving, and kind, for example. Because of these virtues or positive character traits, he or she is committed to doing the right thing no matter what the personal cost, and does not bend to impulses, urges or desires, but acts according to values and principles. Some might say that good qualities are innate and developed through good parenting, which they are, but we’re not perfect. Virtues need to be cultivated to become more prevalent and habitual in daily life. With the habit of being more virtuous, we take the helm of our own life, redirecting its course towards greater fulfillment, peace and joy.
"Person" is a good word to use in a definition of a word that you say is universal ~ and not just true for...the human experience?

Thats odd!
That's called conjecture. Look that word up.

Success is a term which requires definition if you're discussing trying to prove Universal truths, as well. Very, very sloppy work.
Not conjecture. Reason and experience. Virtue is a successful behavior. The absence of virtue is a failed behavior.
Your reasoning is limited to human capacity, as is your experience ~ and so you cannot use merely your reason and experience to establish that virtues are "universal" to anything other than humans....rendering what youre saying conjecture, as I postulated.

You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

then when asked to define success....you said it is virtue.

Strong circular argument, batman.
No. I did not define virtue as something that leads to success. I said virtue naturally leads to success. Try again.
I dont need to. I asked you to define success, and you went and circled back to virtue.

You are the one playing word games, because you lack the fundamental ability to reason.
That's called conjecture. Look that word up.

Success is a term which requires definition if you're discussing trying to prove Universal truths, as well. Very, very sloppy work.
Not conjecture. Reason and experience. Virtue is a successful behavior. The absence of virtue is a failed behavior.
Your reasoning is limited to human capacity, as is your experience ~ and so you cannot use merely your reason and experience to establish that virtues are "universal" to anything other than humans....rendering what youre saying conjecture, as I postulated.

You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

then when asked to define success....you said it is virtue.

Strong circular argument, batman.
No. I did not define virtue as something that leads to success. I said virtue naturally leads to success. Try again.
I dont need to. I asked you to define success, and you went and circled back to virtue.

You are the one playing word games, because you lack the fundamental ability to reason.
I never defined virtue, Einstein. I told you that a natural product of virtue is success.

I guess it hasn’t occurred to you that your statement is utterly lacking substantiation.
  • Thanks
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How are virtues a successful behavior?

Here are some examples from virtuesforlife.com

  • Discipline enables a person to achieve the goal of running a 25-mile race, creating better health.
  • Kindness towards someone who is having a bad day can make him or her smile and build rapport.
  • Creativity can result in an idea that changes how people relate to one another such as social media.
  • Trust in a relationship fosters dependability and intimacy, creating valuable, meaningful relationships.
  • Gratitude in a job loss can shift our focus from feeling low to how we can have a new, more fulfilling career.
  • Service to others can change lives, better neighborhoods and create stronger nations.
Not conjecture. Reason and experience. Virtue is a successful behavior. The absence of virtue is a failed behavior.
Your reasoning is limited to human capacity, as is your experience ~ and so you cannot use merely your reason and experience to establish that virtues are "universal" to anything other than humans....rendering what youre saying conjecture, as I postulated.

You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

then when asked to define success....you said it is virtue.

Strong circular argument, batman.
No. I did not define virtue as something that leads to success. I said virtue naturally leads to success. Try again.
I dont need to. I asked you to define success, and you went and circled back to virtue.

You are the one playing word games, because you lack the fundamental ability to reason.
Not conjecture. Reason and experience. Virtue is a successful behavior. The absence of virtue is a failed behavior.
Your reasoning is limited to human capacity, as is your experience ~ and so you cannot use merely your reason and experience to establish that virtues are "universal" to anything other than humans....rendering what youre saying conjecture, as I postulated.

You defined virtue as a behaviour leading to success...

then when asked to define success....you said it is virtue.

Strong circular argument, batman.
No. I did not define virtue as something that leads to success. I said virtue naturally leads to success. Try again.
I dont need to. I asked you to define success, and you went and circled back to virtue.

You are the one playing word games, because you lack the fundamental ability to reason.
I never defined virtue, Einstein. I told you that a natural product of virtue is success.

I guess it hasn’t occurred to you that your statement is utterly lacking in substantiation.
No, it certainly hasnt occurred to him ~ he doesnt even know step one to establishing a "universal truth" but hes happy to parade things as such, like a jackass
also from virtuesforlife.com

We know we are becoming more virtuous people, not only because of the results above, but also because of the way other people respond to us. Our friends, families, co-workers and neighbors will trust and rely on us. They will come to us for guidance and help, and will want to be around us because we inspire them to be better people. We will be known as people with exceptional character who make the right choices and strive for excellence in all we do. Can life be lived any better?

In summary, the practice of virtues allows us to develop our potential, and live a more purposeful, better life; a life not ordinary but extraordinary. Becoming more virtuous people attracts great things to us; it’s a certainty.
"[T]here is no truth more thoroughly established, than that there exists . . . an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness." George Washington
"Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people. The general government . . . can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or any despotic or oppresive form so long as there is any virtue in the body of the people." George Washington

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