if not evolution

You're a total dork - you were responding to me as well, just without the quote feature -

cuz why? Cuz you pre-planned some middle school girl shit like that, that's why. Total tool, the perpetually #dingerred ding.
No GT. I am conversing with many more people than just you.

You are obsessed over me, bro.
Cool story, #dingerred, but I'm replying to your spam and shutting it down because Truth is necessary. If you don't like it, stop Dingspamming the internets on topics you have an immature understanding of, and have yourself a dingerred day.
I see. So you are doing God's work.
I'd have to see a logical argument proving one exists, to agree with that comment. I have standards.
My comment went over your head.

So let me be more explicit. You rationalize you behavior as being moral.

You need a mirror, especially for when you smoke ciggs and act like a twatface on the internet.
Does that mean you're now backtracking on your unsupportable claims? It's what you do.

How did you make that leap in logic, Hollie?
No leap necessary. I'm just observing your behavior.
Ok, how did my behaviors lead you to conclude that I have backtracked on my claims?
Traditionally, religion in North Korea primarily consists of Buddhism and Confucianism and to a lesser extent Korean shamanism and syncretic Chondogyo. Since the arrival of Europeans in the 18th century, there is also a Christian minority.

Freedom of religion in North Korea - Wikipedia
And? So what? Socialism has always tried to subordinate religion even when it was one religion doing it to another which was almost always done against the dominant religion of the day.
Which is more evidence that Religions are scams for power.

Does that mean you're now backtracking on your unsupportable claims? It's what you do.

How did you make that leap in logic, Hollie?
No leap necessary. I'm just observing your behavior.
Ok, how did my behaviors lead you to conclude that I have backtracked on my claims?
Traditionally, religion in North Korea primarily consists of Buddhism and Confucianism and to a lesser extent Korean shamanism and syncretic Chondogyo. Since the arrival of Europeans in the 18th century, there is also a Christian minority.

Freedom of religion in North Korea - Wikipedia
And? So what? Socialism has always tried to subordinate religion even when it was one religion doing it to another which was almost always done against the dominant religion of the day.
Because you said "Of course you can't. There has never been one. " I just proved you wrong.
How did you make that leap in logic, Hollie?
No leap necessary. I'm just observing your behavior.
Ok, how did my behaviors lead you to conclude that I have backtracked on my claims?
Traditionally, religion in North Korea primarily consists of Buddhism and Confucianism and to a lesser extent Korean shamanism and syncretic Chondogyo. Since the arrival of Europeans in the 18th century, there is also a Christian minority.

Freedom of religion in North Korea - Wikipedia
And? So what? Socialism has always tried to subordinate religion even when it was one religion doing it to another which was almost always done against the dominant religion of the day.
Because you said "Of course you can't. There has never been one. " I just proved you wrong.
Your logic eludes me. How did that prove me wrong?
Natural selection has two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation.

Evolution of Evolutionary Theory | EpicOfEvolution
All pre-destined to occur according to the laws of nature which existed before space and time.

All pre-destined to occur according to the laws of nature which existed before space and time.

View attachment 171726
What is nature?
The fabric of existence and encompasses all of the natural laws; physical, instinctual and moral.
So, would you agree that nature is the external universe in its entirety?
Can't say. We can only say that the Laws of Nature existed before space and time were created.

What I will say is that the only solution to the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.
All pre-destined to occur according to the laws of nature which existed before space and time.

View attachment 171726
What is nature?
The fabric of existence and encompasses all of the natural laws; physical, instinctual and moral.
So, would you agree that nature is the external universe in its entirety?
Can't say. We can only say that the Laws of Nature existed before space and time were created.

What I will say is that the only solution to the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Of course you can't say. Because saying that would, by necessity, include space, and time. And that would make your unproven claim that these "laws of nature" existed before time and space difficult. Kind of hard to exist "before time and space - the very qualities of nature - and still be called "Laws of Nature".
All pre-destined to occur according to the laws of nature which existed before space and time.

View attachment 171726
What is nature?
The fabric of existence and encompasses all of the natural laws; physical, instinctual and moral.
So, would you agree that nature is the external universe in its entirety?
Can't say. We can only say that the Laws of Nature existed before space and time were created.

What I will say is that the only solution to the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Of course you can't say. Because saying that would, by necessity, include space, and time. And that would make your unproven claim that these "laws of nature" existed before time and space difficult. Kind of hard to exist "before time and space - the very qualities of nature - and still be called "Laws of Nature".
Space and time have not existed for ever. Space and time had a beginning. That beginning followed rules just like every other event in our cause and effect universe. Those rules are the same laws of nature which apply today. Specifically the conservation of energy and quantum mechanics. There are even elegant mathematical equations which describe the process.
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"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." -Albert Einstein. “
For instance, what possible reason could nature have for instilling the survival instinct into life.

Why would nature care if life survived?
What is nature?
The fabric of existence and encompasses all of the natural laws; physical, instinctual and moral.
So, would you agree that nature is the external universe in its entirety?
Can't say. We can only say that the Laws of Nature existed before space and time were created.

What I will say is that the only solution to the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Of course you can't say. Because saying that would, by necessity, include space, and time. And that would make your unproven claim that these "laws of nature" existed before time and space difficult. Kind of hard to exist "before time and space - the very qualities of nature - and still be called "Laws of Nature".
Space and time have not existed for ever. Space and time had a beginning. That beginning followed rules just like every other event in our cause and effect universe. Those rules are the same laws of nature which apply today. Specifically the conservation of energy and quantum mechanics. There are even elegant mathematical equations which describe the process.
Which means nature has not existed for ever. If nature has not existed for ever to claim that the laws of nature have is both irrational, and illogical.
For instance, what possible reason could nature have for instilling the survival instinct into life.

Why would nature care if life survived?
You presume that it does. First of all to suggest that nature instils the survival instinct implies facts not in evidence. Why is it not more likely that the survival instinct is simply a function of nature, not something created by nature?
The fabric of existence and encompasses all of the natural laws; physical, instinctual and moral.
So, would you agree that nature is the external universe in its entirety?
Can't say. We can only say that the Laws of Nature existed before space and time were created.

What I will say is that the only solution to the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Of course you can't say. Because saying that would, by necessity, include space, and time. And that would make your unproven claim that these "laws of nature" existed before time and space difficult. Kind of hard to exist "before time and space - the very qualities of nature - and still be called "Laws of Nature".
Space and time have not existed for ever. Space and time had a beginning. That beginning followed rules just like every other event in our cause and effect universe. Those rules are the same laws of nature which apply today. Specifically the conservation of energy and quantum mechanics. There are even elegant mathematical equations which describe the process.
Which means nature has not existed for ever. If nature has not existed for ever to claim that the laws of nature have is both irrational, and illogical.
All we can say for certain is there was a cause, the laws of nature were in place before space and time were created and the only solution to the first case conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.

Which means that it is possible for the laws of nature to have existed forever. But regardless if the laws of nature have existed forever or not, whatever put those laws in place did exist forever and put those laws in place before space and time were created.

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