If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

What did I tell I tell you about overplaying the denial of reality card?
Who cares what you said? You’re a moron.

I’m not the one playing any such cards, you bombastic simpleton. You are. You’re denying the reality that this committee clown show hasn’t “investigated” anything nor reached any supportable conclusions.
Say, that's a snappy diversion.

We all know it's the Neo-GOP's current ground game. Willful Ignorance is all they have.

America can't trust um.
We all know that you libtards and the Democrat Parody are entirely dishonest, not at all trustworthy and engaged in a ceaseless willfully dishonest propaganda campaign.
You do know that the "right wing media" is simply the mirror image of the "left wing media" don't you?
Other than right/ left they are absolutely identical.
What I know is conservative consumers of right wing media make that false equivalence all the time because they can not defend RWM lies or their belief in them.
Is there a left wing equivalent to Faux lying for months about the accuracy of Dominion voting machines? Or the unfettered access Faux gave to Trump to spread his lies unchallenged during his presidency? Or how a number of Faux hosts have spread lies about the vaccines and fake alternatives like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?
Who cares what you said? You’re a moron.

I’m not the one playing any such cards, you bombastic simpleton. You are. You’re denying the reality that this committee clown show hasn’t “investigated” anything nor reached any supportable conclusions.
See post #148 and get back to me when you've read the report. I don't tolerate the uninformed very well so my patience with you has run out.
See post #148 and get back to me when you've read the report. I don't tolerate the uninformed very well so my patience with you has run out.
I couldn’t care less about your imbecility or your lack of patience or your presumptuousness. You’re a joke and that’s plain to see. You aren’t even able to defend your own claims. Not with facts, not with logic and not with any shred of honesty.

Feel free to gfy.
Trump was taking advice on how to overturn an election from a guy who had that as his only credential, even while his AG and campaign manager told him ... he lost the vote. And anyone claims Trump's actions were ... honest?

But if this "thing" cements Trump having to run on the Big Lie ... gop voters may be ok with a change. I realize it may horrify people, but honestly DeSantis hasn't done anything on wedge or social issues that would totally not make me vote for him. Not really on covid either. Had I lived in Fla, I'd have gotten the shots, worked at home and only ventured out to walk and obtain food and vodka, and long for legal weed. Pretty much what I did. LOL

My wife got pretty sick, but .... the dems covered her meds.
Well I've worked from home since 2007, live in Texas and long for legal weed....most people got the shots and wore masks in public around here.

Social and wedge issues are normal, tearing down the whole system because you lost, not so normal and puts the Neo in the GOP, imho.
As has been noted numerous times you have absolutely no factual evidence to back up that assertion.
As has been noted numerous times you have absolutely no factual evidence to back up that assertion.
Let's see, an "investigative committee" where the miniority party has no choice about what members are on the panel. Televised "hearings" that only present pre-selected evidence and witnesses that support the majority party's viewpoint. Those are two very strong pieces of evidence. As far as I know, this committee is the first ever where the minority party was denied the choice of their representatives on the panel.
I'm challenging you to dispute any of the damning, factual testimony given by first hand witnesses to Trump's crimes. All of which are Repubs who worked for Trump.

As for proof of his guilt, starting reading.........

Feel free to skip to page 40.
Since there is zero “damning factual testimony,” and indeed no factual testimony at all material to the faux investigation, you’d have to do far better in attempting to pose your fraudulent “question.”

Idiots like you don’t even grasp that this isn’t a trial and no evidence of “guilt” is even being offered. Nor could it be.

Tell ya what, child. Make a specific claim. Cite it with particularity. I’ll proceed to shred it for you. But let’s proceed in an orderly fashion. I decline your idiotic invitation to otherwise jump through hoops set up by a moron such as you. 👍
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What I know is conservative consumers of right wing media make that false equivalence all the time because they can not defend RWM lies or their belief in them.
Is there a left wing equivalent to Faux lying for months about the accuracy of Dominion voting machines? Or the unfettered access Faux gave to Trump to spread his lies unchallenged during his presidency? Or how a number of Faux hosts have spread lies about the vaccines and fake alternatives like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?
MSNBC is a left wing propaganda machine that would make Goebbels proud.
Let's see, an "investigative committee" where the miniority party has no choice about what members are on the panel. Televised "hearings" that only present pre-selected evidence and witnesses that support the majority party's viewpoint. Those are two very strong pieces of evidence. As far as I know, this committee is the first ever where the minority party was denied the choice of their representatives on the panel.
Republicans, well the dominate Neo-GOP branch, after kissing the Ring in Fla., flip flopped on the Independent bipartisan Commission to investigate and the Minority in the House tried to seat members who themselves had relevant information regarding Donnie's Plot for Jan 6th. When they were rejected, Flip Flopper extreme Kevin McCarthy, rather than select someone else, pouted and went home.
Yes, that must be it. We need more transparency like that of Nancy Pelosi

Ethics: As Democrats demonize Wall Street CEOs as the "greedy" fiends of the financial crisis, they've lined their own pockets — both before and after the crisis. Nancy Pelosi's just the latest example.
The former House speaker allegedly gamed financial reforms to boost her personal stock portfolio. The brewing scandal is complicated, but here's the Reader's Digest version:
After a Pelosi staffer left to lobby on behalf of credit-card giant Visa, Pelosi delayed bringing to the House floor a bill to end lucrative "swipe fees" for Visa and other credit providers.
The bill couldn't have come at a worse time for Visa. It planned to launch an $18 billion public stock offering, so stalling Hill action became a priority. The San Francisco-based company curried favor with Pelosi by pumping cash into her re-election efforts, earning its CEO a rare one-on-one meeting with the speaker.
At the same time, Visa offered her husband a VIP cut of the IPO. Paul Pelosi jumped at the offer, buying 5,000 shares at the $44 initial price. In a couple of days, the shares soared to $64. Pelosi later bought 15,000 more, raising the total value of his investment to about $5 million. In the end, the legislation Visa fought starting in 2007 was forestalled two full years.
Publicly, Nancy Pelosi has been a frequent critic of the financial industry. The commission she impaneled in 2009 to investigate the root causes of the crisis summarily indicted Wall Street honchos, while exonerating guilty Democrats, including several who had their hands in the subprime pot. Among them:
Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae's CEO through 2005, who helped plunge the government-sponsored mortgage giant into the subprime abyss, while cooking Fannie's books to score fatter bonuses for himself and other Clinton Democrats on its board. Despite holding 20 hearings and 700 interviews, Pelosi's commission never found room for Raines on the witness list. One of the prime suspects in the crisis got off scot-free.
Henry Cisneros, Clinton's housing chief who strong-armed Countrywide Financial into signing "fair lending" contracts that exposed it to billions in risky subprime loans. Cisneros later joined Countrywide's board. (Pelosi's son also worked for Countrywide.)
Rahm Emanuel, who served on Freddie Mac's board, where he pocketed $320,000 before making millions working for an investment banker in Chicago that brokered high-cost subprime loans to minorities.
Barney Frank, who was one of Fannie's and Freddie's biggest protectors — and beneficiaries of their political donations — on Capitol Hill. Frank landed a plum Fannie job for his gay partner, Herb Moses, whose work involved relaxing Fannie's restrictions on home loans. Frank previously led the House committee charged with oversight of Fannie, which also gave at least $25,000 to Frank's mother's charity in Boston. His glaring conflicts of interest were never investigated.
Chris Dodd, the ex-Democratic senator who scored not one, but two sweetheart Countrywide mortgages, while protecting Fannie as head of the Senate committee charged with oversight of Fannie. Countrywide was Fannie's biggest customer.
Dodd and Frank did more than any other lawmakers to cover up the risks Fannie and Freddie took meeting government-imposed affordable lending quotas. Yet they got to write the law to supposedly stop the next financial crisis — one that doesn't even lay a glove on Fannie and Freddie, who together held or guaranteed almost half the subprime and other bad loans in the system when it crashed in 2008.
Maxine Waters, senior Democratic member of the House banking committee who defended Raines by arguing that reining him in would only hurt lending to lower-income and minority households.
After the subprime crisis, Waters allegedly swung $12 million in federal bailout money to her husband's ailing minority bank. Regulators cited OneUnited Bank for poor lending practices and excessive executive pay and perks — including providing its CEO a $6 million mansion and a Porsche SUV. The Waters at the time owned more than $350,000 in OneUnited stock.
It wasn't the first time Waters used her power to advance the interests of the bank. In 2002, when her husband first became a shareholder in OneUnited, the bank (then known as Boston Bank of Commerce) tried to purchase Family Savings, another minority-owned bank in Los Angeles. But when the thrift turned instead to a suitor in Illinois, Waters tried to block the merger by contacting FDIC regulators. Her efforts paid off. The thrift ended up merging with her husband's bank.
Waters remains one of Washington's most outspoken critics of "greedy" Wall Street bankers — whom she says conspired with Republicans to create the crisis.
But Democrats ought to look in the mirror. Their colleague Jon Corzine wasn't just tied to Wall Street bankers. He was one — and one of the worst.
As a Democratic senator and governor of New Jersey, Corzine decried income inequality and Wall Street pay. Then he joined MF Global Holdings and bagged a $14 million compensation package — including $2 million in guaranteed bonuses, regardless of performance.
It took Corzine just 18 months to run the Wall Street brokerage into the ground with risky bets on euro zone debt. Just hours before filing for bankruptcy, Corzine continued paying out executive bonuses, mimicking the actions of Wall Street CEOs he had criticized during the crisis.
The list of financial "greed" and sleaze on the left is long. What a bunch of hypocrites.

All three Fanny May executives took over 100 million in bonuses but they had to give half back and they say crime doesn't pay, I also saw a name missing from your list of Franks and Dobbs that also took cash from Fanny Mae to stop any investigation.
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Putting aside the overwhelming evidence of Trump's legal exposure for the failed coup, the sworn testimony given by former members of Don's admin has blown a giant hole in the credibility of right wing media outlet's duplicitous spin on the events leading to 1/6 and on 1/6 itself.
I say this fully understanding those outlets are still spinning. What else can they do? It's either that or admit the narrative they have been fomenting, really since Trump announced his candidacy, is an enormous pile of steaming horseshit. I say this also fully understanding the gullible rubes who believe 1/6 was just another day of tourists visiting the Capital will continue swilling the spin. What else can they do?
Their willingness to deny, deflect, distort, to turn the truth on its head, is splashed all over this board on a daily basis. They are so locked in to the fatuous narrative they've been espousing for years they have no choice but to accept the truth or go down with the ship. So far it appears they have chosen to drown.
The problem is, those who hide with Fox aren't being told about most of what's happening. So Fox's "reputation" with them is intact.

DirecTV has a "News Mix" station, where you can see what's going on at Fox, CNN and MSNBC. This morning, Fox devoted about 15 seconds to yesterday's proceedings. None of the bigger items were covered. Then they moved on. So these people don't know what has happened here. And if they're told, they dismiss it as fake news.

In all seriousness, I don't know how a country is supposed to maintain itself like this. And for many of these people, that's just fine.
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Republicans, well the dominate Neo-GOP branch, after kissing the Ring in Fla., flip flopped on the Independent bipartisan Commission to investigate and the Minority in the House tried to seat members who themselves had relevant information regarding Donnie's Plot for Jan 6th. When they were rejected, Flip Flopper extreme Kevin McCarthy, rather than select someone else, pouted and went home.
McCarthy had the lawful power to choose anyone he wanted...Piglosi rejected his slections, so the "select committee" is operation outside the bounds of the law.
Well I've worked from home since 2007, live in Texas and long for legal weed....most people got the shots and wore masks in public around here.

Social and wedge issues are normal, tearing down the whole system because you lost, not so normal and puts the Neo in the GOP, imho.
Some of my coworkers continue working from home, or at least coming in only a couple of days a week. I could have continued with that, but my wife threatened to kill me in my sleep unless I left her at home in peace. Not that I really gave a shit about her peace, but the threat disturbed my sleep.

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