If Obama Can Find Democrat Voters By The Millions Why Not Illegals?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Obama has at his disposal a database at the NSA that allows him to find out who voted for whom, find out our surfing habits, find out who we talked to on our cell phones or who we sent text messages to, emails, the works. Why is it so hard for him to find all of these illegals that are in hiding? They have audited Western Union to check up on who is sending money abroad. Why does Obama refuse to use the tools he has at his disposal?

They now all have GPS capability. They could find them easily. Just about everyone has a cell phone now. I mean, Christ, Obama has no problem finding votes, or finding conservatives to attack. Why not illegals?
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Considering Obama has deported illegals by the millions, a record number in fact, I'm not sure what your point is.
It's not that they can't find them, it's that they want them here. Illegals have been voting and anyone who claims otherwise is either lying or dreaming. Illegals have been given driver's licenses in some states and motor voter registration is part of that. There is no system in place to validate legal citizens. ACORN also registered many people, some illegal and some that didn't even exist. When states wanted to update voter rolls to remove names that were not qualified to vote, the left stopped them. They always cry racism when states want to ensure that voter rolls are accurate.

The government knows how many illegals are here. When they grant amnesty, it may be the first time some of the illegals use their own identity. For years, they have borrowed other peoples' identities and social security numbers. The IRS and SS Admin are well aware of how many people are using stolen or fake names and/or numbers. How many were caught and released. ICE released thousands that were set for deportation.

Simply making laws that took away the incentive for illegals to come here would have caused massive self-deportation. Not allowing automatic citizenship for the children of those here illegally, having companies use E-verify when hiring people and denying welfare for illegals. They come because we are easily taken advantage of and they know it. Libs complained for years that we sent our jobs to Mexico. If that is true, then they would do better staying there and working. If working was the goal, they would do that. Coming here means accessing the many government programs that allow people to live off the tax payers. And they don't have to learn the language or know anything about the country. They demand things be in their language, which tells me that some have no interest in becoming Americans.

I have a friend from Germany who has been married and working for 14 years while he goes through the legal immigration process. And he still has more hoops to jump through before he's approved. Those who went through the process the right way won't be affected by amnesty and could still be denied. That is a crock of shit. We punish those who worked at becoming a citizen and reward those who completely disrespected our laws.
Considering Obama has deported illegals by the millions, a record number in fact, I'm not sure what your point is.

And we're supposed to believe him? If so the Obama Administration is the most transparent in history.

Yup, and he didn't know the IRS was targeting the Tea Party too.

Yup, sure, whatever.
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Considering Obama has deported illegals by the millions, a record number in fact, I'm not sure what your point is.

And we're supposed to believe him? If so the Obama Administration is the most transparent in history.

Yup, and he didn't know the IRS was targeting the Tea Party too.

Yup, sure, whatever.

Considering Obama has deported illegals by the millions, a record number in fact, I'm not sure what your point is.

And we're supposed to believe him? If so the Obama Administration is the most transparent in history.

Yup, and he didn't know the IRS was targeting the Tea Party too.

Yup, sure, whatever.


Well do you have a link, or are we supposed to take your word for it? I love this liberal shit, he built more fences, he deported more illegals, yet when republicans advocate it, we're racist?

Uh you do know what a contradiction is and what hypocrisy is, right?
And we're supposed to believe him? If so the Obama Administration is the most transparent in history.

Yup, and he didn't know the IRS was targeting the Tea Party too.

Yup, sure, whatever.


Well do you have a link, or are we supposed to take your word for it? I love this liberal shit, he built more fences, he deported more illegals, yet when republicans advocate it, we're racist?

Uh you do know what a contradiction is and what hypocrisy is, right?

Bitch slapped!!!

The record-setting deportation of illegal immigrants under President Obama has drawn scorn from Hispanic Americans, despite recent administration efforts to temper the policy, according to a new Pew Hispanic Center study.
Since 2009, the annual average number of deportations has approached 400,000, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That’s double the annual average during President George W. Bush’s first term and 30 percent higher than the average when he left office.

Obama?s Record-High Deportations Draw Hispanic Scorn - ABC News
And we're supposed to believe him? If so the Obama Administration is the most transparent in history.

Yup, and he didn't know the IRS was targeting the Tea Party too.

Yup, sure, whatever.


Well do you have a link, or are we supposed to take your word for it? I love this liberal shit, he built more fences, he deported more illegals, yet when republicans advocate it, we're racist?

Uh you do know what a contradiction is and what hypocrisy is, right?

That fact has been discussed many times on this message board. Even if it hadn't, you could have spent 5 seconds on Google finding the answer, instead of looking like an uninformed fool.
y'know... anyone with enough money can get that same information from the private sector without dealing with NSA bureaucracy. And that is precisely what the campaign did.

As far as the title question, it is much easier to collect data on young people and the college educated suburbanites than it is get through to people on the margins of society ...which is why the Romney campaign had so much trouble mobilizing their base. Zing!
And we're supposed to believe him? If so the Obama Administration is the most transparent in history.

Yup, and he didn't know the IRS was targeting the Tea Party too.

Yup, sure, whatever.


Well do you have a link, or are we supposed to take your word for it? I love this liberal shit, he built more fences, he deported more illegals, yet when republicans advocate it, we're racist?

Uh you do know what a contradiction is and what hypocrisy is, right?

Wow, that is an excellent observation. Obama called those wanting more border security 'enemies' when talking to LaRaza.

If it were true that he deported so many and increased border security, then wouldn't that make him the king of racists, at least going by liberal standards?

Obama, in cahoots with the Mexican president, ran ads in Mexico telling people about the government programs here and I'm sure discussed the amnesty bill with them. Illegal immigration greatly increased.

How many articles have there been showing that ICE released thousands of illegals who were due to be deported?

Obama claims he is the toughest on illegals while at the same time telling them he is their biggest ally. He wants it both ways and some will believe him even when he contradicts himself.
I love this liberal shit, he built more fences, he deported more illegals, yet when republicans advocate it, we're racist?

Uh you do know what a contradiction is and what hypocrisy is, right?

So, are you trying to tell me Obama is a hypocrite? No shit. And I didn't vote for him either. This topic was about why Obama didn't deport millions of illegals. I pointed out, and you concurred, that Obama has in fact deported more illegals than previous administrations. Thanks for helping me argue my point.
And we're supposed to believe him? If so the Obama Administration is the most transparent in history.

Yup, and he didn't know the IRS was targeting the Tea Party too.

Yup, sure, whatever.


Well do you have a link, or are we supposed to take your word for it? I love this liberal shit, he built more fences, he deported more illegals, yet when republicans advocate it, we're racist?

Uh you do know what a contradiction is and what hypocrisy is, right?

A contradiction is saying you're against same-sex marriage and then saying your beliefs are evolving, and then all of the sudden saying you're for it and anyone against it is a bigot.

Well do you have a link, or are we supposed to take your word for it? I love this liberal shit, he built more fences, he deported more illegals, yet when republicans advocate it, we're racist?

Uh you do know what a contradiction is and what hypocrisy is, right?

Bitch slapped!!!

The record-setting deportation of illegal immigrants under President Obama has drawn scorn from Hispanic Americans, despite recent administration efforts to temper the policy, according to a new Pew Hispanic Center study.
Since 2009, the annual average number of deportations has approached 400,000, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That’s double the annual average during President George W. Bush’s first term and 30 percent higher than the average when he left office.

Obama?s Record-High Deportations Draw Hispanic Scorn - ABC News
So how am i bitch slapped?
Uh so obama deported more people, yet the republicans are racist, how is that so?
See the problem is there is a disconnect on this. If this is true, then explain how obama is better for latinos, assuming you think non deportationis the way to go?
Well do you have a link, or are we supposed to take your word for it? I love this liberal shit, he built more fences, he deported more illegals, yet when republicans advocate it, we're racist?

Uh you do know what a contradiction is and what hypocrisy is, right?

Bitch slapped!!!

The record-setting deportation of illegal immigrants under President Obama has drawn scorn from Hispanic Americans, despite recent administration efforts to temper the policy, according to a new Pew Hispanic Center study.
Since 2009, the annual average number of deportations has approached 400,000, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That’s double the annual average during President George W. Bush’s first term and 30 percent higher than the average when he left office.

Obama?s Record-High Deportations Draw Hispanic Scorn - ABC News
So how am i bitch slapped?
Uh so obama deported more people, yet the republicans are racist, how is that so?
See the problem is there is a disconnect on this. If this is true, then explain how obama is better for latinos, assuming you think non deportationis the way to go?

You got bitch slapped because you claimed the president has been soft on illegals, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
Bitch slapped!!!

The record-setting deportation of illegal immigrants under President Obama has drawn scorn from Hispanic Americans, despite recent administration efforts to temper the policy, according to a new Pew Hispanic Center study.
Since 2009, the annual average number of deportations has approached 400,000, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That’s double the annual average during President George W. Bush’s first term and 30 percent higher than the average when he left office.

Obama?s Record-High Deportations Draw Hispanic Scorn - ABC News
So how am i bitch slapped?
Uh so obama deported more people, yet the republicans are racist, how is that so?
See the problem is there is a disconnect on this. If this is true, then explain how obama is better for latinos, assuming you think non deportationis the way to go?

You got bitch slapped because you claimed the president has been soft on illegals, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
So you agree with the conservatives?...how does that backhand taste?
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This topic was about why Obama didn't deport millions of illegals. I pointed out, and you concurred, that Obama has in fact deported more illegals than previous administrations. Thanks for helping me argue my point.

Ummm. NO. That is not what the OP posted. Nice deflection though.

Considering Obama has deported illegals by the millions, a record number in fact, I'm not sure what your point is.

However, you have certainly been less then truthful after B_L posted about the $400k figure, even though the article was 2 years old and cited 2009 figures.

Shame on you!

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