if obama is such a terrible president

It's pretty simple why Romney simply can't run away with the election. 95% of African Americans are likely to vote for Obama. We can't get 95% of any segment of population to agree on anything in this country. But they can agree on who to vote for? I mean really what am I supposed to believe? I could honestly poll 1000 people asking "Is murder wrong" and it would be tough to get 95% of people to agree on that. But lone behold we can get 95% of African Americans to agree on who the President should be. Could you imagine the fallout if something like 80% of Caucasian people voted for Romney? It's OK take some time I know it's tough to chew on.

African Americans make up 12.6% of the country......just under 39M people. Us Caucasians make up 72.4% of the country.....or, 223.5M people...

So even if every African American from the 2010 census voted for Obama....it still wouldn't put a dent in our demographic.

Your thought process is flawed.
why hasn't romney run away with the election?

Because Beaver eaters like you keep propping up Obama like he's the messiah when he'snothing more than a sleezebag frrom Chicago mafia senate community organizer..
if obama is such a terrible president

Because of retarded voters such as yourself. Next.

you can't spell your terrorist username correctly, and i'm retarded?


fuckroast is as fuckroast does, fuckroast. :thup:
why hasn't romney run away with the election?

Wouldn't that require a generally informed electorate?

You cannot seriously be suggesting that the electorate IS generally informed.

so you're saying that if everyone wasn't ignorant, romney would have had a big lead in the polls.

I agree with that. Only in our country, with such a biased media would a guy who's failed so miserably in four years would have ANY chance. In 2008 he was only a half a term senator, so there was hope. Now we've had 4 years of him. Yes, Americans are idiots.

most negative political ad ever!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzdhEKxgGXg]Romney Clubs Seals - YouTube[/ame]
The fact that you think color is the reason people vote for him is racism.

Are you saying that no blacks vote for Obama simply because he's black?

I've got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

Didn't say that at all....I said the assumption that him being black is the only reason people vote for him is racism.

So you're saying all the blacks that voted for Obama strictly because of skin color are racist.
So you're saying all the blacks that voted for Obama strictly because of skin color are racist.

How many is that? Got a number?

I don't know the exact number but I'd say the majority.

Why would you say that? Do you think that black people aren't capable of looking at the issues and making their decisions based on that?

I don't know the number either....I'm sure there are some....But unlike you and your brethren, I'm not going to sit here and make broad brush assumptions about people I don't know.
If GWB were so EVIL, I wonder why he won in 2004.

Fear. I know it is hard for some to think back to those months weeks and days leading up to the 2004 election but the American people were still scared to death of terrorists thruout the country and the administration kept running up the terror allert color cards.

Bush invaded Iraq just the year before and the country was in a full on ground war.

It wasn't all peace like as it seems to be now.
How many is that? Got a number?

I don't know the exact number but I'd say the majority.

Why would you say that? Do you think that black people aren't capable of looking at the issues and making their decisions based on that?

I don't know the number either....I'm sure there are some....But unlike you and your brethren, I'm not going to sit here and make broad brush assumptions about people I don't know.

Here's a fact. Blacks voted 74% Democratic in 2004. So 20% swung on the politics alone? Don't think so...

most negative political ad ever!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzdhEKxgGXg]Romney Clubs Seals - YouTube[/ame]
Wouldn't that require a generally informed electorate?

You cannot seriously be suggesting that the electorate IS generally informed.

so you're saying that if everyone wasn't ignorant, romney would have had a big lead in the polls.

I agree with that. Only in our country, with such a biased media would a guy who's failed so miserably in four years would have ANY chance. In 2008 he was only a half a term senator, so there was hope. Now we've had 4 years of him. Yes, Americans are idiots.

most negative political ad ever!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzdhEKxgGXg]Romney Clubs Seals - YouTube[/ame]

Good stuff, thanks :D
I don't know the exact number but I'd say the majority.

Why would you say that? Do you think that black people aren't capable of looking at the issues and making their decisions based on that?

I don't know the number either....I'm sure there are some....But unlike you and your brethren, I'm not going to sit here and make broad brush assumptions about people I don't know.

Here's a fact. Blacks voted 74% Democratic in 2004. So 20% swung on the politics alone? Don't think so...

most negative political ad ever!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzdhEKxgGXg]Romney Clubs Seals - YouTube[/ame]

So....If what you say is true.....that there was a 20% increase in Democratic voting with Obama....that's NOT a majority as lonestar suggested.....and that's even if all of those people that make up that 20% voted for him simply because he's black.....which even then....you don't know....all you can do is assume. For example.....

Up until 2007, I was a white, rural Republican....until the crazies took over and people like me....who didn't tow the party line all the time became RINO's....then I thought...."fuck 'em....I actually have more in common with Dems and Libertarians anyway....I would have become a Libertarian if it weren't for their "let 'em starve" attitude on social programs. So I switched over to the Dems....I'm still white, I'm still rural, but now I'm a Moderate Christian Democrat...I'm allowed to be a moderate with the Dems....I know....you don't believe me....tough shit...

How do you know some of that 20% increase weren't people like me? You don't....you make assumptions.

You folks obsessing over stupid shit like this is why you get the "race card" thrown at you all the time.

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