If Obama was corrupt and Trump isn’t, why didn’t republicans try to impeach Obama?

So why did they waste millions of dollars desperately trying to find wrong doing In Solyndra?

He tied to pick some winners in business and failed. People wanted to know why and how he could be so wrong.

I don't recall anyone of serious repute demanding an impeachment over it.
Yeah they didn’t demand impeachment because they didn’t find shit lol
Sure they did. It just wasn't an impeachable offense. They found lots of shit on Obama. He had a pretty scandal-ridden Administration. But then, they all do.

Impeachment is reserved for hard cases and then when there is absolute proof. Opinions are not poof.

Proof would be things like, "Lying to a Grand Jury".

How many people in Obama admin were indicted or convicted?

I’ll help you out: zero.

Hmmmm....John Durham....


You keep on hoping and wishing and dreaming. Meanwhile, it's zero.
"If Obama was corrupt and Trump isn’t, why didn’t republicans try to impeach Obama"?

Enough BS...let's take a pragmatic look at the reasons.

Problem Number One.....The OP attempts to rationalize irrational behavior (by the Democrats) by falsely implying that Obama must not have done anything wrong compared to Mr. Trump. It's a false narrative from the beginning.

Problem Number Two....The OP ignores the situation at the time.and the massive pressure to give America's first black President his "due chance". The media HEAVILY and UNEQUIVOCALLY backed Mr. Obama (whereas just the opposite is true for Mr. Trump) because the media is hard Left rooted. In street terms, Mr. Obama could have committed high crimes against the nation and dangerously divided the nation and still been heralded as a Messiah. In fact, that is exactly what occurred.
So the OP is either playing stupid, or is in fact so.

Problem Number Three....The OP pretends to be unaware of (or is truly ignorant of) the concept of RINOS. It wasn't until the terms of Mr. Obama that many became aware of the infiltration of the Republican party by those in fact diametrically opposed to Republican values. Here is a short list of those RINOS that often worked against Republican values CR Top 25 RINOs - Scorecard - Conservative Review These RINOS made any attempts to reign in the wrongs done by Mr. Obama even more difficult if not impossible. John Andrew Boehner and his successor, Paul (lyin) Ryan were prominent figures thwarting TRUE Republican values. Many who claimed to be Republican were much more aligned with Democrats all the way.

OTOH, Republicans have been extremely naive for decades. Willfully ignoring the warning signs of the radicalization of the Left and continuing to play it's part in a "fair ballgame" long after the opposing team has adopted covert and malicious, devious tactics to win at any cost. The Democrats have forced all others to embrace the fact that the innocence of playing by the rules is no longer necessarily a winning strategy.....or even possible.

I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.

Yet another racist thing Republicans did during the Obama Administration...not impeach him. SMH.
But how can that be if I am a rock as well?

Do you understand what the word "difference" means? You were the one I was arguing with dumb ass. God you can't really be that stupid. Well, evidently I've over estimated you, you really are that stupid.

It doesn’t make any sense grammatically to reference a rock and then refer to me as “the one”. What is the “one”? “One” what? This isn’t hard to figure out.

Here, let me fix it so you might understand what he was saying.

The main difference between a rock and the one=(you billy know nothing) you're arguing with .....is that a rock has more sense.

If that doesn't fix it for ya, you're beyond help and stealing oxygen you don't deserve to breath.

See obviously that is what he meant to say, but what you are too stupid to understand is that he failed to convey that on a grammatical level lol

I guarantee everyone on this board, who is not you, fully understood exactly what he was saying.

Yeah republicans are bad at grammar so maybe they are more likely to understand non sense.
I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.
Because Republicans aren't crazy douchebags, dumbass.
The meida would have beat them with the racist card like hounds coming fresh out of hell. Rs are spineless wonders and cant do stuff like that.
...the Obamas HATE America/whites/cops--I've linked this many times on USMB..it's not a crime, but he sure shouldn't have been POTUS/etc
...the Obamas HATE America/whites/cops--I've linked this many times on USMB..it's not a crime, but he sure shouldn't have been POTUS/etc

Thats true.

The meida would have beat them with the racist card like hounds coming fresh out of hell. Rs are spineless wonders and cant do stuff like that.

Oh yah, the race card would have been played non-stop

If Obama was corrupt and Trump isn’t, why didn’t republicans try to impeach Obama?

Because we obey the Constitution you fucking asshole. We understand that Impeachment is serious business and is NOT supposed to be a political tool, unlike you filthy Nazi Leftists
I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.

Republicans have class
Wow do they have you fooled. They don’t give a shit about you or anyone else in the poor or middle class whatsoever and you think they have class.
neither do democrats....yea i know they told you different....
I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.

Republicans have class
Wow do they have you fooled. They don’t give a shit about you or anyone else in the poor or middle class whatsoever and you think they have class.

And do you really believe the Democrats give a shit about you and yours? Name me one policy of theirs that didn't benefit their party one way or another.
I said scandal, didn't I?

Obama had multiple scandals if you care to go do some research. But you won't, will you?

It doesn't have much to do with actual scandals, it has to do with what the MSM calls a scandal. If the MSM claims there were no scandals under DumBama, then the sheep considers them the judge.
I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.
Sure they can.

They didn't try to impeach him because they are not ass-hurt little whiny bitches who can't wait for an election to remove a bad President.

If there is anything else about the obvious you need to be explained to you, go ask someone else.
So why did they waste millions of dollars desperately trying to find wrong doing In Solyndra?

He tied to pick some winners in business and failed. People wanted to know why and how he could be so wrong.

I don't recall anyone of serious repute demanding an impeachment over it.
Yeah they didn’t demand impeachment because they didn’t find shit lol

No, it's just that Republicans didn't use the same weak and stupid standards that Democrats used against Trump. You know, making crap up to find an excuse to impeach him.

Five Times Golden Boy Obama Obstructed Congress and Democrats Didn’t Impeach
I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.

I'll tell you why using two Rush Limbaugh quotes:

Folks, when your adversary is making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch.

We can never get rid of liberals entirely. We need some around to remind us what we don't want our country to look like.

Unlike the Democrat party, Republicans believe in the will of the people vs the power of the party. Impeachment might have lost us the House, and later the Senate. But what they did was allow DumBama to do his thing for all to see.

He destroyed healthcare. He increased taxes on nearly everybody. He doubled the amount of people on food stamps. He fined Americans for not going along with his program. He closed down businesses and made it harder for existing ones to operate. He created over 40 million more government dependents.
Yeah republicans are bad at grammar so maybe they are more likely to understand non sense.

How can you say that when, after well over 200 years, Democrats still can't read and comprehend the Second Amendment?
I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.
Republicans had a job to do in Congress. The crimes that Obama or his administration might have done didn't come to light until later. There was no stomach for a POLITICAL IMPEACHMENT from the Republicans.

There were plenty of reason the impeach maobama, DACA which he said himself, 23 times he didn't have the power to do and taking money to pay insurance company subsidies that congress refused to appropriate are just two examples. Hell according to this congress those would be hanging offenses.


Maobama...... Lol

I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.
Republicans had a job to do in Congress. The crimes that Obama or his administration might have done didn't come to light until later. There was no stomach for a POLITICAL IMPEACHMENT from the Republicans.

There were plenty of reason the impeach maobama, DACA which he said himself, 23 times he didn't have the power to do and taking money to pay insurance company subsidies that congress refused to appropriate are just two examples. Hell according to this congress those would be hanging offenses.


Maobama...... Lol


Yep, Mao said, power comes from the barrel of a gun, why do you think the commies in the US don't want citizens to have them?

I’m not sure republicans could possibly explain this on any rational level.

keep in mind that republicans wasted millions in tax payer money to find wrong doing into a relatively inexpensive program like Solyndra and still found nothing. They certainly wouldn’t be above impeachment if they thought they had a case to remove Obama.

Republicans have class
Wow do they have you fooled. They don’t give a shit about you or anyone else in the poor or middle class whatsoever and you think they have class.

And do you really believe the Democrats give a shit about you and yours? Name me one policy of theirs that didn't benefit their party one way or another.
I made an entire thread on that the same day I posted this one. Check it out.

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