If Obama's gun control executive order...

I will...

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It's just another example of the Fed govt trying to worm its way into an area that's forbidden to it: The government having ANY say in who can buy, sell, or own a gun.
I'm waiting for my new government under the new liberals try to fuck us again. New rules. Watch your back down there. Because of assholes with illegal guns in Toronto some mother fucker is going to try to limit what I can use out here in the middle of nowhere.

This just gets so tiresome.

Good thing I'm a thwackmaster. But it really is tiresome.
It's just another example of the Fed govt trying to worm its way into an area that's forbidden to it: The government having ANY say in who can buy, sell, or own a gun.

You best get ready on how they are worming their way into powder and regulating draw weights.

2016 is going to be a really big year. I'm on draw weight regs like crazy because I'm small but my draw weight is huge and they are trying to regulate what type of bow I can use.
Except universal background checks don't work,

So your position is that no background check has ever prevented someone who was mentally ill from getting a weapon. Right?
No, New universal background checks will never work. They are far too broad and always lead to gun registration which is absolutely unconstitutional.
So, your position is that the current background checks are working?
Yes, enforce the current laws... Don't be adding new ineffective do gooder laws.

Seems like multiple mass/multiple shooting/casualty events per year would say it's not working.
You're the gun expert...tell us how to stop it.
Obama's EO will be much like all his other lame duck proposals/actions. That is to say, it will be nothing but empty fluff designed to simultaneously stroke enamore the fan club, enrage the ODS club, while producing no change or difference what actually happens.
Except universal background checks don't work,

So your position is that no background check has ever prevented someone who was mentally ill from getting a weapon. Right?
No, New universal background checks will never work. They are far too broad and always lead to gun registration which is absolutely unconstitutional.
So, your position is that the current background checks are working?
Yes, enforce the current laws... Don't be adding new ineffective do gooder laws.

Seems like multiple mass/multiple shooting/casualty events per year would say it's not working.
You're the gun expert...tell us how to stop it.
More laws will do nothing to help, the opposite will happen. This nation has much bigger fish to fry than this issue.
Enforcement of current laws that is the only way to help.
The sonofabitch doesn't have the authority to circumvent the Bill of Rights or Congress. He is operating outside the laws. He needs to be treated as a criminal tyrant. Those like Hillary Clinton that support his agenda need to be held accountable.
Hey, double up on those meds. It was a "what if" question. He didn't actually do it. :chillpill:

If he doesn't do it then I will apologize to the asshole after he apologizes to me for increasing poverty in this country, decreasing family income, increasing the debt, destroying health care, and generally being a worthless incompetent Left Wing piece of shit.
Liberals really hate the idea we have a Constitutional Republic protected by a Bill of Rights.

They want this country to be ruled by their Left Wing tin pan dictator Messiah. Kind of like the Cubans like Castro running their country and the North Koreans like good ole Kim Jong-un.
Buy more guns and ammo...

He's the one person in government offering more than thoughts and prayers.

Politically, it's a smart bomb for the GOP designed to put Rubio, Christie, and Bush on the record about just how much of the NRA Kool Aid they are ready to consume.

He's not even in the contest this year and he's basically kicked ever GOP presidential candidate in the nuts. Surely there are those who will live and die being the exact opposite of whatever posture he assumes. These are not serious candidates. Those that are serious and realize that compromises are the way to move forward will have to come down on one side or another.

Hopefully you yokels let it help split your party in two.

Look at the moron spin!

Not one single candidate has supported Obama's illegal action. So much for your split.

Wow, look at junior trying to sound tough.

Splitting the GOP from the mainstream has just happened....

Being on the wrong side of an issue is enough. The split comes when independents (90% of All Americans favor more stringent background checks) are constantly reminded in the Fall of the GOP nominee's intransigence on an issue that is front-page news and touches most Americans because they know that tomorrow, it could be them in a situation at the school, synagogue, pilates class or at the gym.

Here is Obama offering more than "thoughts and prayers" and the GOP candidates can't oppose it fast enough....

Classic political mastery by someone whose clearly better than the clown car. Obama knows that nobody will go withing 10 lightyears of pissing off the NRA and the gun nuts so he forces them to take a 10% position....hence the kick in the nuts to every GOP "opponent" who has just drove a nail into their own coffins.

I know this is too sophisticated a view for you to understand. After all it's not a coloring book or sitcom or reality TV or a tractor pull. You'll find out later on when there is thin cross-over support for whomever you guys finally harness with the GOP nomination...

All too easy.

It's an illegal action, you are trying to spin it into a positive.

And hey, if all you have is Hillary, you'd better hope like hell it works like you say.

Illegality is for the courts to decide.
But the die is cast...if you're a GOP presidential pretender, you're against common sense background checks. They are doing the classic GOP appeal to the nutjobs in the party and then will have to tack back to the Center if they get the nomination....and it won't work; just like it hasn't worked in the last 2 contests.

Better start working on your excuses for why your guy lost bub... Remember, voter fraud is no longer a valid excuse for you to use since we now have to show IDs when we vote. You also can't use dead voting, illegals voting, or people voting twice.

All you're left with is calling the American electorate "stupid" which is great strategy.....

I repeat, you have Hillary, you'd better hope you are right.
He's the one person in government offering more than thoughts and prayers.

Politically, it's a smart bomb for the GOP designed to put Rubio, Christie, and Bush on the record about just how much of the NRA Kool Aid they are ready to consume.

He's not even in the contest this year and he's basically kicked ever GOP presidential candidate in the nuts. Surely there are those who will live and die being the exact opposite of whatever posture he assumes. These are not serious candidates. Those that are serious and realize that compromises are the way to move forward will have to come down on one side or another.

Hopefully you yokels let it help split your party in two.

Look at the moron spin!

Not one single candidate has supported Obama's illegal action. So much for your split.

Wow, look at junior trying to sound tough.

Splitting the GOP from the mainstream has just happened....

Being on the wrong side of an issue is enough. The split comes when independents (90% of All Americans favor more stringent background checks) are constantly reminded in the Fall of the GOP nominee's intransigence on an issue that is front-page news and touches most Americans because they know that tomorrow, it could be them in a situation at the school, synagogue, pilates class or at the gym.

Here is Obama offering more than "thoughts and prayers" and the GOP candidates can't oppose it fast enough....

Classic political mastery by someone whose clearly better than the clown car. Obama knows that nobody will go withing 10 lightyears of pissing off the NRA and the gun nuts so he forces them to take a 10% position....hence the kick in the nuts to every GOP "opponent" who has just drove a nail into their own coffins.

I know this is too sophisticated a view for you to understand. After all it's not a coloring book or sitcom or reality TV or a tractor pull. You'll find out later on when there is thin cross-over support for whomever you guys finally harness with the GOP nomination...

All too easy.

It's an illegal action, you are trying to spin it into a positive.
what are you basing that opinion on?
Actually I oppose any licensing to work. Why on earth should an electrician be required to pay a for a city, a county, and a state license in order to work in order to make a living? Hairdressers and other folks are required to do the same. The only purpose a license serves is to increase the cost of goods and services and to generate revenue for one or more governments who contribute absolutely nothing to the worker or to the consumer other than additional time and expense.

Yea thats the ticket. All you got to do is PRESENT yourself to a customer as an electrician. Dont need no stinkin license.

The fact that the pretend electrician screws up because they didnt know what they were doing and the fact that there was no city or county inspection of the work and the persons house burnt down, why would that be a problem?

You do mean that if there is no reason to license there in no reason to inspect the work. Right?
...is along the lines of "if an individual or business sells more than (a number 8 or higher) firearms per year, that individual must acquire a Federal Firearm License", will you support or oppose it? If you so choose...why?

here is the thing either one is a

1- firearms dealer

2- not a firearms dealer

what if i wanted to give my son all 32 firearms as an inheritance

why should i have to have an ffl
Actually I oppose any licensing to work. Why on earth should an electrician be required to pay a for a city, a county, and a state license in order to work in order to make a living? Hairdressers and other folks are required to do the same. The only purpose a license serves is to increase the cost of goods and services and to generate revenue for one or more governments who contribute absolutely nothing to the worker or to the consumer other than additional time and expense.

Yea thats the ticket. All you got to do is PRESENT yourself to a customer as an electrician. Dont need no stinkin license.

The fact that the pretend electrician screws up because they didnt know what they were doing and the fact that there was no city or county inspection of the work and the persons house burnt down, why would that be a problem?

You do mean that if there is no reason to license there in no reason to inspect the work. Right?

No. There's absolutely no reason inspections cannot be required without the electrician being required to have to purchase a bunch of licenses. Actually, in many cases, the inspections are not even handled by the city, county, or state but are done by a private inspections company that has absolutely nothing to do with any governmental agency. In reality, it is the electrician's liability insurance that protects the consumer - not any city, county, or local government.

What kind of work do you do? Are you required to purchase a license in order to do your job?

Yea thats the ticket. All you got to do is PRESENT yourself to a customer as an electrician. Dont need no stinkin license.

The fact that the pretend electrician screws up because they didnt know what they were doing and the fact that there was no city or county inspection of the work and the persons house burnt down, why would that be a problem?

You do mean that if there is no reason to license there in no reason to inspect the work. Right?

So you want to license the individual rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

Remember the part about "shall not be infringed"?

Yea thats the ticket. All you got to do is PRESENT yourself to a customer as an electrician. Dont need no stinkin license.

The fact that the pretend electrician screws up because they didnt know what they were doing and the fact that there was no city or county inspection of the work and the persons house burnt down, why would that be a problem?

You do mean that if there is no reason to license there in no reason to inspect the work. Right?

So you want to license the individual rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

Remember the part about "shall not be infringed"?
which part guarantees the right to sell arms to whomever you like?
Actually I oppose any licensing to work. Why on earth should an electrician be required to pay a for a city, a county, and a state license in order to work in order to make a living? Hairdressers and other folks are required to do the same. The only purpose a license serves is to increase the cost of goods and services and to generate revenue for one or more governments who contribute absolutely nothing to the worker or to the consumer other than additional time and expense.

Yea thats the ticket. All you got to do is PRESENT yourself to a customer as an electrician. Dont need no stinkin license.

The fact that the pretend electrician screws up because they didnt know what they were doing and the fact that there was no city or county inspection of the work and the persons house burnt down, why would that be a problem?

You do mean that if there is no reason to license there in no reason to inspect the work. Right?

No. There's absolutely no reason inspections cannot be required without the electrician being required to have to purchase a bunch of licenses. Actually, in many cases, the inspections are not even handled by the city, county, or state but are done by a private inspections company that has absolutely nothing to do with any governmental agency. In reality, it is the electrician's liability insurance that protects the consumer - not any city, county, or local government.

What kind of work do you do? Are you required to purchase a license in order to do your job?

Where I live the county does building trades inspections.

They are really happy when they show up to do an inspection and find poor quality work. And they line up for the chance to train the electrician, plumber, HVAC person. Those country inspectors live to train what are supposedly already trained professionals.

Yea it sucks to be able to sell yourself to a prospective client by assuring the client that you have been not only trained but required by law to pass a test to be licensed.

I can see where you would be dumb enough to want to have work done by someone unlicensed. But for most, the idea of a competent, professional, licensed trades man is a real plus.

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