If only landowners voted, would we have a welfare state?


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
I dont think we would. At least, not much of one.
Weak people vote for policies for the weak because they have no skin in the game. Doesnt that make sense?
Im not saying i want to go back to just land owners voting. Im just saying we should have kept it that way :D
I wonder if voting with emotion would have never gotten so popular?
Interesting point. The founding fathers did set it up that way.

Was it really a good idea to give people who cramp and have crazy mood swings once a month the ability to vote?

Does it really make sense that white trash rebecca gets to decide how the govt spends the money that tax paying harry and John pay into the system?
Interesting point. The founding fathers did set it up that way.

Was it really a good idea to give people who cramp and have crazy mood swings once a month the ability to vote?

I am not going by that, really. I wouldnt have a problem with women or blacks voting. Just need some skin in the game.
We'd have a country made up of the elite and everyone else wouldn't have any rights or say in anything.

What is so wrong with helping the poor? Oh'yess, they don't matter and should be used as cannon folder in your wars.
Whats the difference between whats happening now and what you just said?
Be sure to get all that straw out of your teeth, madam
Interesting point. The founding fathers did set it up that way.

Was it really a good idea to give people who cramp and have crazy mood swings once a month the ability to vote?

I am not going by that, really. I wouldnt have a problem with women or blacks voting. Just need some skin in the game.

Sure, sure. Should pregnant women in a psychotic rage be allowed to vote?
Interesting point. The founding fathers did set it up that way.

Was it really a good idea to give people who cramp and have crazy mood swings once a month the ability to vote?

I am not going by that, really. I wouldnt have a problem with women or blacks voting. Just need some skin in the game.

Sure, sure. Should pregnant women in a psychotic rage be allowed to vote?
The Little Red Hen
In the tale, the little red hen finds a grain of wheat and asks for help from the other farmyard animals (most adaptations feature three animals, a pig, a cat, and a rat, duck, goose, dog, or goat[1]) to plant it, but they all disagree.

At each later stage (harvest, threshing, milling the wheat into flour, and baking the flour into bread), the hen again asks for help from the other animals, but again she doesn't receive any help.

Finally, the hen has completed her task and asks who will help her eat the bread. This time, all the previous non-participants eagerly volunteer, but she disagrees with them, stating that no one helped her with her work. Thus, the hen eats it with her chicks, leaving none for anyone else.

The moral of this story is that those who make no contribution to producing a product do not deserve to enjoy the product: "if any would not work, neither should he eat."[2]
We'd have a country made up of the elite and everyone else wouldn't have any rights or say in anything.

Funny thing is ... A lot of people who vote and don't own land ... Would tell you that's what we have now anyway ... :dunno:

You know................there is a part of the population that would not be allowed to vote if only people who owned land voted.

That portion of the population would be 90 percent of the active duty military.

Why? Because most people in the military know that they are going to be stationed at their command for only 3 to 4 years, and many of them opt to rent instead of buy, because they don't know where their next duty station is.

Yeah, there are those who do buy houses, but most of those are in the upper ranks and are already planning for retirement.

Why would you deny someone fighting for this country the right to vote, yet would give it to someone like Trump who holds lots of real estate?

Is someone like Trump more "worthy" or "smarter" than someone who is serving this country in the military?
I dont think we would. At least, not much of one.
Weak people vote for policies for the weak because they have no skin in the game. Doesnt that make sense?
Im not saying i want to go back to just land owners voting. Im just saying we should have kept it that way :D

Stupid premise.
That would be taxation without representation.
There definitely should be a test. Illiterate folks really have no business making a decision that will impact others.
I'd agree, except that we have an oligarchy already.

gotta feed the masses or they get restless.

in the alternative scenario they'd be doing it to keep the peace and prevent the upset of an even more consolidated power structure, keep people showing up for their jobs etc, but they'd still be throwing the crumbs out there to shut people up and keep them in line one way or another.....
Its a good question and the whole situation needs to be looked at. You have just elected a piece of shit to be President, something needs to change.
I think some sort of aptitude should be required.

Yeah ... They tried that for a while ... And abused it.
Doesn't mean it would or wouldn't be a good idea ... Just proves the politicians have been willing to abuse it in the past.


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