If only men voted

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Not saying that should be the case at all but it’s still interesting. A lot of red out there. Interestingly where I live is still deep blue. MA is hopeless.
Repeal the 19th!

Here's something I learned today. During the first crusade a woman believed a goose that followed her around town had the Holy Spirit in it and needed to get to Jerusalem. Sure enough a cult grew around this woman and the goose.

When women were given the right to vote what's the first thing they pushed? Prohibition of alcohol and they still prohibit things today

All this gender insanity and abortion comes from moronic women
Repeal the 19th!

Here's something I learned today. During the first crusade a woman believed a goose that followed her around town had the Holy Spirit in it and needed to get to Jerusalem. Sure enough a cult grew around this woman and the goose.
What does this prove? There are just as many stories about dumb men doing dumb things
Your thread is literally called “if only men voted”
When those on the right want to strip other Americans of their rights they always say “its for the greater good”. Strange how they would be the only beneficiaries; is it not?
The GOP should be trying to win women over. Is the GOP winning over women by overturning Roe v Wade?

You guys pissed off a very large number of voters and then you wonder why you haven’t been successful in winning elections.
Way to get women voting… for Dems

You stupid arrogant piece of shit
Men have done a really shitty job the past two hundred years, time to ban men, and let the women take charge! :D
As a father of two daughters…let ‘em have it. You’re still a deranged leftist to insinuate that I believe women should not vote. I intentionally prefaced the page with the opposite.

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