If our troops were better trained at identifying drones than identifying diversity equity inclusion would 3 servicemen still be alive

Forced diversity, meaning from employers and government, is a weakness.

Natural diversity, people from different backgrounds hanging out together, is a strength. This is rare of course.

If diversity is a strength, Japan, S. Korea, or Iceland should be shit hole countries by now. The three countries have both necessary ingredients to run a country efficiently.

Culture + right people
Yes - no ?

Diversity, it’s our strength

You're a retard. End of story.
Do you really think soldiers on a tower in the middle of the desert/mountains are thinking about anything except doing their job and getting home?

You can't be this fucking stupid...you just can't....ermm.......:auiqs.jpg:
Yes - no ?

Diversity, it’s our strength

Uh, No. All our drones were equipped with identification friend/foe but two drones close together on expected approach at expected time (the usual time, apparently) are hard to destinguish by the software of our counter measure.

Looks like S-2 and S-3 will have to go back to planning individual missions instead of flying the same ones at the same times in the same patterns. When I was a brand new butter bar, I had a crippled, shot to shit, Korean war veteran, who warned me when I was visiting one of my men at the VA hospital about going out and coming back the same way, and I never forgot it. I guess they never talked to Korean War veterans, so never learned the lesson, or thought it didn't apply to drones, sometimes the size of small airplanes. Go figure...:omg:
Yes - no ?

Diversity, it’s our strength

Not while Joe Biden is President. The brown turd Obammy allowed 5 Americans to die in Benghazi, because one of them knew that ISIS was being given weapons by the US. Thank you Hitlery Clinton for that deal.
Not while Joe Biden is President. The brown turd Obammy allowed 5 Americans to die in Benghazi, because one of them knew that ISIS was being given weapons by the US. Thank you Hitlery Clinton for that deal.
Well, actually, you can thank Ambassador Stevens for that..but don't facts get in the way of a good rant there. :)
Not while Joe Biden is President. The brown turd Obammy allowed 5 Americans to die in Benghazi, because one of them knew that ISIS was being given weapons by the US. Thank you Hitlery Clinton for that deal.
WTF are you lying about now fuckup.

Even for you that was fuckup stupid.
Forced diversity, meaning from employers and government, is a weakness.

Natural diversity, people from different backgrounds hanging out together, is a strength. This is rare of course.

If diversity is a strength, Japan, S. Korea, or Iceland should be shit hole countries by now. The three countries have both necessary ingredients to run a country efficiently.

Culture + right people
Forced diversity. Diversity was forced on thhe Native Americans when whites floated over here.

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