If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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The first question conservatives always ask is "what's in it for me?" When a hurricane hits Florida, the other states in conserve-hate-istan will just giggle at them and preach about Ayn Rand.

Federal aid is given out to Republican and Democrat states as it is. With lower federal taxes, the states could save up their own rainy day fund for when expected disasters do hit in our country.
One of the many differences....indeed.

You're fantasizing about murdering people .

No, I just got done telling you that, but as a liberal, you only believe what you wish to believe. The leftist mind blocks out everything that doesn't align with their thinking.

This is what you wrote:

Anybody caught trying to scale the wall to get to our side would be immediately shot and killed.

Its incredible that this is your first position.... to "immediately shoot and kill" people. Like it's the best feature of your warped, silly-assed plan.

So where do you see me expressing glee about doing it? I guarantee you if we did this in our country now, we wouldn't even need a border wall. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
The first question conservatives always ask is "what's in it for me?" When a hurricane hits Florida, the other states in conserve-hate-istan will just giggle at them and preach about Ayn Rand.

Federal aid is given out to Republican and Democrat states as it is. With lower federal taxes, the states could save up their own rainy day fund for when expected disasters do hit in our country.
Ahh...violating the whole premise of small government. You're actually sponsoring the State taking in more money than it needs to operate.
One of the many differences....indeed.

You're fantasizing about murdering people .

No, I just got done telling you that, but as a liberal, you only believe what you wish to believe. The leftist mind blocks out everything that doesn't align with their thinking.

This is what you wrote:

Anybody caught trying to scale the wall to get to our side would be immediately shot and killed.

Its incredible that this is your first position.... to "immediately shoot and kill" people. Like it's the best feature of your warped, silly-assed plan.

So where do you see me expressing glee about doing it? I guarantee you if we did this in our country now, we wouldn't even need a border wall. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Good assessment comrade. Gotta keep those nannies and gardeners from making a living.
Good assessment comrade. Gotta keep those nannies and gardeners from making a living.

We don't owe them a living, their country does. Would you like me to post some stories of these nannies and gardeners for your records?

Ahh...violating the whole premise of small government. You're actually sponsoring the State taking in more money than it needs to operate.

Yes I do. That's the way our founders designed this country. States were to operate like individual small countries, only to unite on federal matters. They didn't want us dependent on the federal government because the more you depend on them, the less freedom citizens have.

If your state wants to provide retirement, medical coverage, aid to people who don't feel like working, that should be entirely up to them--not the federal government. People of such a state would have much more control over their legislatures than we have under our current system now. The way the Democrats have Fd up our country, a person in Wyoming is paying for the benefits of somebody in Vermont.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Too difficult for right wingers?
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Too difficult for right wingers?
Off topic a bit... But you know Liberty was actually seen to include the freedom of Travel. Do you agree with that? Or... is this a pick and choose from the Constitution type of thing?
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Too difficult for right wingers?
Off topic a bit... But you know Liberty was actually seen to include the freedom of Travel. Do you agree with that? Or... is this a pick and choose from the Constitution type of thing?
Congress has the power to provide for the general welfare, that includes the health and safety of the People.
Congress has the power to provide for the general welfare, that includes the health and safety of the People.
Congress? Did congress make a law I don't know about in regards to this topic?
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Both sides will come out and say "$20per hour is a greeeeaaat job". And there are enough dummies to believe that.
Splitting the Country won't work because Progressives are perennially miserable busy bodies. They won't rest until everyone, everywhere is at least as miserable as they are!

It would work great because they wouldn't be around to make anybody miserable. Have two countries and put a wall up between us. They stay in their country and we stay in ours. They have no say-so what goes on in our country and we have no say-so what goes on in theirs as long as it isn't effecting the other side.

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