If Republicans are racists and sexists then why no anti Condi Rice VP threads?

Republicans only demand to see the birth certificates of black Presidents....I'm sure thats a coincidence.

You conveniently ignore that Obama is the only president who has created this type of doubt. You are being disingenuous.

How did he create it? What did he personally do or say that "created" it?

Did he refrain from vociferously denying that he was born in Kenya?

Omitting an action and committing an action are both acts of a person done with their planning and conviction.

It is impossible to accept that he did not know that there is documentary evidence that he was presented as having been born in Kenya.

Where is the documentary evidence that he refuted this.
The reality is that Obama's citizenship is a very complex issue. He could have been born in America and still have not been an American citizen. When he was in Indonesia, they don't accept dual citizenship. To receive state benefits, he likely changed his citizenship at that time from Kenyan or American. And that is why it is likely that he applied to schools here as a foreign student. Of course, he won't open his college records to prove it one way or another. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

Uh, no, there isn't.

And frankly, you haven't given me one good reason why anyone should give a shit what his legal status was as a child.

The whole notion that someone who wasn't born here can't be president is kind of stupid, anyway. A few years ago, even Republicans talked about changing the constitution so that Arnold Schwarzennegger could run for President.

Another example of Republicans being totally for something---- until the black guy did it. But in this case, he only did it in their imaginations.

It's Constitutional Law that a person needs to born here to be the president.
If Republicans are racists and sexists then why no anti Condi Rice VP threads?

Because Tribalism usually takes precedence over the other isms.
You conveniently ignore that Obama is the only president who has created this type of doubt. You are being disingenuous.

How did he create it? What did he personally do or say that "created" it?

Did he refrain from vociferously denying that he was born in Kenya?

Omitting an action and committing an action are both acts of a person done with their planning and conviction.

It is impossible to accept that he did not know that there is documentary evidence that he was presented as having been born in Kenya.

Where is the documentary evidence that he refuted this.

So if he doesn't mount a defense on every front, that means it's true?
You're gay. Present proof you're not. You can't so I guess you're really gay.
His birth certificate was out long before he released his long form certificate. Yokels like you and Gas Bag seem to not trust "THIS" president for some reason...I'm sure it's a matter of black and white.
And btw, what kind of logic is that? A president has never had his birth certificate questioned so you can't question Obama's or you're a racist. That's just mental.

Just a coincidence that the FIRST time it happens is when we have the FIRST black President. That's not "mental" anymore than it's a coincidence.

Well if you want to see it as a coincidence then okay. But haven't you been making the case that it's racist to question his citizenship?

Yes I have. You didn't question the citizenship of any other President even though you never saw the birth certificates (long form and COLB) for any of them. Just this one; the black one.
How did he create it? What did he personally do or say that "created" it?

Well gas bag, we're waiting. What did he personally do or say that "created" it.

I think you've seen all types of evidence and circumstances and you choose to cede no doubt b/c you believe the ends justify the means. So why would I bother going through article after article of evidence if I know you're just going to deny, deny, deny?

You said "he created it". I'm asking your to back that up.

You can't.
You won't.

The reality is that Obama's citizenship is a very complex issue. He could have been born in America and still have not been an American citizen. When he was in Indonesia, they don't accept dual citizenship. To receive state benefits, he likely changed his citizenship at that time from Kenyan or American. And that is why it is likely that he applied to schools here as a foreign student. Of course, he won't open his college records to prove it one way or another. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

This is what you said:

I have a belief that he was born in Kenya and I have supporting evidence.

Show the evidence please.
The reality is that Obama's citizenship is a very complex issue. He could have been born in America and still have not been an American citizen. When he was in Indonesia, they don't accept dual citizenship. To receive state benefits, he likely changed his citizenship at that time from Kenyan or American. And that is why it is likely that he applied to schools here as a foreign student. Of course, he won't open his college records to prove it one way or another. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

Uh, no, there isn't.

And frankly, you haven't given me one good reason why anyone should give a shit what his legal status was as a child.

The whole notion that someone who wasn't born here can't be president is kind of stupid, anyway. A few years ago, even Republicans talked about changing the constitution so that Arnold Schwarzennegger could run for President.

Another example of Republicans being totally for something---- until the black guy did it. But in this case, he only did it in their imaginations.

It's stupid to someone that doesn't believe in the Constitution or America. I love Tony Blair but I accepted a long time ago that he's not eligible to be president. You don't care b/c you're probably into that new world order shit.

"The New World Order" was something Bush said, and frankly, if anyone is going for the globalization and elimination of America's sovereignty, it's the right who put the interests of multi-national corporations over working people.

The point I made, that you danced over, was that a few years ago, Republican wanted to change the constitution so that Ah-nold could run (This was before we realized he was completely incompentant as a governor, of course). They came up some criteria where he had to be here for at least 20 years and applied for citizenship...

But now that the Black guy did it and he has a funny name and his father wasn't born here, and he lived in a foreign country as a child, you guys invent all sorts of conspiracy theories about how you didn't really lose in 2008 on a technicality.

You Lost in 2008.

There were no technicalities.

Deal with it.
The reality is that Obama's citizenship is a very complex issue. He could have been born in America and still have not been an American citizen. When he was in Indonesia, they don't accept dual citizenship. To receive state benefits, he likely changed his citizenship at that time from Kenyan or American. And that is why it is likely that he applied to schools here as a foreign student. Of course, he won't open his college records to prove it one way or another. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

Uh, no, there isn't.

And frankly, you haven't given me one good reason why anyone should give a shit what his legal status was as a child.

The whole notion that someone who wasn't born here can't be president is kind of stupid, anyway. A few years ago, even Republicans talked about changing the constitution so that Arnold Schwarzennegger could run for President.

Another example of Republicans being totally for something---- until the black guy did it. But in this case, he only did it in their imaginations.

It's Constitutional Law that a person needs to born here to be the president.

Actually, that isn't the case.

John McCain wasn't born here. He was born in Panama. No one questioned his right to run.

More to the point, why is that a big deal, anyway.

I mean other than your sense of denial that you lost by 10 million votes in 2008.
It also might not have come up if Obama's own publicist had said himself that Obama was Born in Kenya.

'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

Here's Obama's full bio from the 1991 brochure:

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.
It's an error and has been repudiated, the records are clear that he was born in Hawaii, and that birferism is a deliberate attempt to overthrow the constitutional process.

Anyone who supports birferism supports anti-American values.

Birferism and birfers are the issues now, and all of it must be investigated for any criminal or civil tort violations.

What was the cause of the error?

Which was particularly idiotic given the fact Cain was utterly unqualified to be president.

Now hold on here... Cain's claim to the job is really exactly the same as Romney.

That they both understand the business climate and how to fix the economy and how to turn companies around.

And to give Cain credit, he started out as a poor black guy, and not a Rich son of a governor with Daddy's Rolodex to plumb for contacts.

Of course, that's not a qualification to be president. Business and Politics aren't even the same skill set.

But Romney doesn't want to talk about his only political office held... for some reason...

You've apparently never worked within a multi tiered corporation.

Yes. I have. And I stand by what I said.

No one tells the boss that his idea is stupid in business. Those who obstruct find themselves cleaning out their desks.

everyone will tell the president his idea is stupid. And unless the voters say otherwise, even the biggest inbred morons retain their seats in Congress.
Oh, so you guys would want a pro-affirmative action VP? Or a republican VP who advocates:

Same-sex civil unions, but not marriage. (Feb 2012)
Appointed State Department's first chief diversity officer. (Nov 2011)
Supports civil unions but not gay marriage. (Dec 2010)
Urges respect & sensitivity in same-sex marriage debate. (Jun 2006)
Advocates respect for all when discussing gay marriage. (Jun 2006)
Message of her candidacy: no ceiling for blacks. (Oct 2005)
Supports college affirmative action, as beneficiary herself. (Oct 2005)
National standards rather than local school curriculum. (Feb 2012)
Started after-school program in East Palo Alto.
Strong investment in renewable energy like wind and solar. (Feb 2012)
Reducing our reliance on oil; it distorts world politics.
Listen to other countries before pursuing US interests. (Feb 2012)
Development assistance should support US objectives. (Nov 2011)
Channel Arab Spring into positive development. (Nov 2011)
Limited role for government providing healthcare insurance. (Feb 2012)
Give people freedom to access their own healthcare. (Jun 2005)
Most illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the US. (Feb 2012)
Comprehensive immigration reform, while respecting law. (May 2008)

I like some of those positions, but certainly not all of them. The point would be that we judge people on their thoughts and actions and we're not debasing her gender or race.
Liberals refuse to make the distinction. Their narrative is if one disagrees with the ideology or positions of a black person it is because of race.
This is lefties taking the path of least resistance. Because liberals invariably lose arguments the arena of ideas, they must resort to other issues, race being one of them, in order to find cover.

I hope you weren't referring to my post, if you were referring to my post, please show me where I bought up her 'race'.
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?

Liberals crushed Rice with all kinds of racial filth. Including political cartoons depicting her in a most racially bigoted manner.

I would certainly condemn such things if they came out here.....do you have examples of posters here who did such a thing?
Uh, no, there isn't.

And frankly, you haven't given me one good reason why anyone should give a shit what his legal status was as a child.

The whole notion that someone who wasn't born here can't be president is kind of stupid, anyway. A few years ago, even Republicans talked about changing the constitution so that Arnold Schwarzennegger could run for President.

Another example of Republicans being totally for something---- until the black guy did it. But in this case, he only did it in their imaginations.

It's stupid to someone that doesn't believe in the Constitution or America. I love Tony Blair but I accepted a long time ago that he's not eligible to be president. You don't care b/c you're probably into that new world order shit.

"The New World Order" was something Bush said, and frankly, if anyone is going for the globalization and elimination of America's sovereignty, it's the right who put the interests of multi-national corporations over working people.

The point I made, that you danced over, was that a few years ago, Republican wanted to change the constitution so that Ah-nold could run (This was before we realized he was completely incompentant as a governor, of course). They came up some criteria where he had to be here for at least 20 years and applied for citizenship...

But now that the Black guy did it and he has a funny name and his father wasn't born here, and he lived in a foreign country as a child, you guys invent all sorts of conspiracy theories about how you didn't really lose in 2008 on a technicality.

You Lost in 2008.

There were no technicalities.

Deal with it.

People who care about the USA remember 2008 very well and are looking froward to November.

Earlier, we were looking forward to 2010.

Four more months!

Four More months!

(Repeat this chant whenever the Prevaricator in Chief opens his divisive rhetoric.)
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?

I don't think the GOP leadership is as radical as some of their coalitions.

Chaney is to the Right of Obama on gay marriage.

The Right hated the Clintons as much as they hate Obama.

Granted, the Southern Strategy (exploiting Civil Rights backlash) is what finally flipped the "Solid South", but I don't think racism is nearly as instrumental to electoral politics as it was back in the 60s and 70s.

That's kind of a lot of general points but okay. I would not pretend that there will never be racist Republicans. But the idea that the typical Republican lawmaker and typical Republican is doing things for racist reasons is absurd. We want people of all colors to embrace our values. Why? Because we believe in our values. We know that everybody doing what's right will make the world a better place.

Democrats on the other hand; they have to rely on us vs. them politics. They will always be making claims of racism b/c without it they can't count on the people they hold down to continue supporting them.

I think that is a silly statement. Both parties play the "us vs them" politics. The republicans and 'conservatives' are constantly complaining about "the libruls", etc. The republicans also play their own 'race cards' as well.
Uh, no, there isn't.

And frankly, you haven't given me one good reason why anyone should give a shit what his legal status was as a child.

The whole notion that someone who wasn't born here can't be president is kind of stupid, anyway. A few years ago, even Republicans talked about changing the constitution so that Arnold Schwarzennegger could run for President.

Another example of Republicans being totally for something---- until the black guy did it. But in this case, he only did it in their imaginations.

It's Constitutional Law that a person needs to born here to be the president.

Actually, that isn't the case.

John McCain wasn't born here. He was born in Panama. No one questioned his right to run.

More to the point, why is that a big deal, anyway.

I mean other than your sense of denial that you lost by 10 million votes in 2008.

After rolling my eyes and shaking my head...

From article 2, section 1 of the Constitution:

"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Because McCain was born on soil recognized as legally US soil, this is a horrible and non-relevent example. You are deflecting.

As a Liberal, I realize that the notion of the Constitution being anything more than a quaint matter of curiosity is beyond your grasp. Living with no reference points from history or knowledge of our particular national history is an interesting viewpoint, but bereft of intelligence.
It's an error and has been repudiated, the records are clear that he was born in Hawaii, and that birferism is a deliberate attempt to overthrow the constitutional process.

Anyone who supports birferism supports anti-American values.

Birferism and birfers are the issues now, and all of it must be investigated for any criminal or civil tort violations.

What was the cause of the error?


Not at all. If the error was the result of a deliberate deception and Obama was a part of that, it is material.

What was the cause of the error?
Now hold on here... Cain's claim to the job is really exactly the same as Romney.

That they both understand the business climate and how to fix the economy and how to turn companies around.

And to give Cain credit, he started out as a poor black guy, and not a Rich son of a governor with Daddy's Rolodex to plumb for contacts.

Of course, that's not a qualification to be president. Business and Politics aren't even the same skill set.

But Romney doesn't want to talk about his only political office held... for some reason...

You've apparently never worked within a multi tiered corporation.

Yes. I have. And I stand by what I said.

No one tells the boss that his idea is stupid in business. Those who obstruct find themselves cleaning out their desks.

everyone will tell the president his idea is stupid. And unless the voters say otherwise, even the biggest inbred morons retain their seats in Congress.

The idea of the politics within a corporation is to show the boss another method or idea that might work better in the prevailing conditions and to give him the plausible path to avoid saying that he was wrong.

If you're working for a corporation where all of the communication is vertical and downward, you're screwed anyway.

If the boss sticks to a bad idea just because it's his, then you really need a new job because your job is going away anyhow as the ship sinks.

The art of politics is making someone do what you want them to do because they want to do it.

There is absolutely no difference between this in sales, management, family life, team work or politics.

You need to work on these skills an learn how to employ them throughout your life.
99.9% of the Black Vote will go to Obama. There is not even a reason for Romney to try to get any Black votes.

This will be an interesting election in the sense of who votes for whom because the state of the economy for Blacks is so much worse than it is for Whites and this is just about exclusively the result of the failed Obama policies.

That notwithstanding, 99.9% of the Black vote will go to Obama.

If 99.9% of the White vote went to Romney, would that be racist?

this is just about exclusively the result of the failed Obama policies.

No. That is not the case. What is in your water that makes you conveniently disregard history in that way?

I'm not going to spend much time on you either way, but how about at least faking the honesty.

What are the successful policies of Obama that have made the lot of the Black individual better today than it was 4 years ago?

Policies don't make individuals better, Individuals make themselves better. Did you want him to make SPECIFIC policies to help 'Black individuals'?

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