If Republicans win.. "don't play nice" says Huckabee.. and don't be divisive with other Republicans

you wish

people are fed up with the elite criminals
Blindboo is right.

What fascinates me is how quickly Republicans flip flop.

Suddenly debt doesn't matter
They break the same rules they accused Democrats of breaking
They flip flop on campaign promises
Suddenly they believe the unemployment numbers
Suddenly the president doesn't have anything to do with the economy

You know what I mean.
Blindboo is right.
What fascinates me is how quickly Republicans flip flop.
Suddenly debt doesn't matter
They break the same rules they accused Democrats of breaking
They flip flop on campaign promises
Suddenly they believe the unemployment numbers
Suddenly the president doesn't have anything to do with the economy
You know what I mean.
So..., they act like Democrats?
So you are down with opening up 400 new Toxic Lithium Pit Mines? You also down with building 3,000 Nuclear Power Plants in the next 13 years (2035)?
Are you also down with upgrading every home to 220 watt service, overhauling our electrical grid and completely re-engineering our roads and bridges?

That Economic and Environmental Cost to do that far, far outweighs your mythological Carbon Trade Off.

All you are doing is making Con Men like Al Gore Richer.
I don't believe that's true. Of course there are people who want to and will make money off this industry. Not sure why you are against an entire industry. Do you also hate the hunting industry? Billion dollar industry? Well going green is an industry too. It's like the pot industry in MI. It's booming. And none of the bad Republicans said would happened happened. None of it. Go figure.

It's clear we are destroying this planet for human use. Too many of us. Consuming too many natural resources. And look at the oceans. There's no denying humans are a plague or virus. But the planet will survive us. Cockroaches will survive. Hell, 2 million people might survive. Or maybe 1 billion Chinese, 200,000 Europeans, 1 million Americans. If you ask me, humans will be better off. Perhaps the next time they won't breed so rapidly knowing the planet can't sustain this many people.

I'm okay with nuclear power plants.
No, what libs are up against is inflation, shortages, high prices at the grocery......you know........... things that THEY(libs) presided over the last two years. THATs what you're up against.
defeat Trump-backed Republican Mehmet Oz.

Did Oz lose? God I'll be embarrassed if I'm wrong. LOL
Very true. Whoever the party is in power would be up against that.

Thank God for 2 things.

1. Abortion

2. Trump's been pushing bad candidates on your party. Which makes it easier for us Democrats to defeat them. Democrats have even put up money to promote the "big lie" candidates. It's a risk because what if they win? But they won't.

And you can blame Trump.
What did I tell you stupid?
Is it as heinous as Bidum's?

I don't recall Trump leaving Americans behind to die..
Ignoring the Conditions we set in the Doha accords allowed the Taliban to continue it's assault on the Afghan Army, the Afghan Government and the Afghan people, undermined 20 years of whatever it was we were trying to do over there. It was a huge tactical and strategic blunder, ignoring those Conditions, or rather ignoring the fact that the Taliban was ignoring them. It would have outraged Americans had our so called liberal media not ignored what was happening during the implementation of the Skedaddle Accords..........

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