If RGB can’t return to work she needs to be replaced!

Correct, but that was by their own choice, Not by someone saying "look you just aren't capable any more so even if you don't want to go, you are going"

Do you realistically see RBG resigning while Trump is in office? I mean the addled old bird wouldn't even resign when Obama was in office and could have replaced her with a younger doppleganger of herself..

Good point about her not resigning for Obama either ----

Not so that resignation was by any of the 1800s-1900s problem justices' CHOICE --- that was the whole point of getting rid of them by (sometimes long) negotiation. After all, if they had chosen to resign --- they'd simply have resigned!! Like Anthony Kennedy did, last year, age 81. No, I read there were three or four Justices who had serious strokes or dementia and did NOT choose to go, much as you are suggesting about RBG. Though we don't know if that would happen --- it's too early yet, if she does have a chance of recovery. I think she's got another month before people start agitating. She might well resign if really incapacitated: we don't know. It would be graceful. Hey, she got a movie: she can't have live-forever too.
Correct, but that was by their own choice, Not by someone saying "look you just aren't capable any more so even if you don't want to go, you are going"

Do you realistically see RBG resigning while Trump is in office? I mean the addled old bird wouldn't even resign when Obama was in office and could have replaced her with a younger doppleganger of herself..

Good point about her not resigning for Obama either ----

Not so that resignation was by any of the 1800s-1900s problem justices' CHOICE --- that was the whole point of getting rid of them by (sometimes long) negotiation. After all, if they had chosen to resign --- they'd simply have resigned!! Like Anthony Kennedy did, last year, age 81. No, I read there were three or four Justices who had serious strokes or dementia and did NOT choose to go, much as you are suggesting about RBG. Though we don't know if that would happen --- it's too early yet, if she does have a chance of recovery. I think she's got another month before people start agitating. She might well resign if really incapacitated: we don't know. It would be graceful. Hey, she got a movie: she can't have live-forever too.

But in those cases of negotiation, in the end they had to choose to resign. Federal agents don't get that luxury at 59 you have to retire, unless you get specific dispensation from Congress. The President can be removed without his consent via the 25th Amendment. Short of impeachment if a member of Congress or a federal judge just says "I'm not resigning" there is nothing that can be done.

Hell we have had both Judges and members of Congress continue serving while on trial for committing crimes. Seems to me that that would render you incapable of doing your job as much as laying in bed recovering from cancer surgery would.
I think that the Justice Dept can send a Marshall around to check on her. Very little cost, and if she is still alive, all well and good. If not, then the question to be asked is who is hiding her demise from us and is it a crime to do so knowing that she will have to be replaced on the SCOTUS.

Impossible any Justice could be deceased and it not be public news immediately.

Way too many people know; the docs and nurses, for one bunch. Her whole staff. The entire White House staff, which has to prepare a list of names if she is rapidly failing.

With respect, I'd say the idea that anyone would hide the death of a Supreme Court justice or really any high official is just a conspiracy theory. After all, it could hardly be hidden for long!! Ginsberg is well over a month away from work already and as this thread shows, people are now starting to say, come back or retire.

Also, I can't see any point in hiding the death of a Justice, even for a few days. What would anyone gain from that? No one supposes they could let her be falsely "recuperating" until the next election! Way too big a secret for that to stay a secret.

Now I'm curious, though. Her being incommunicado is a bad sign.
Really? You cannot figure out who would have something to gain from that, or that the Democrats wouldn't do such a thing in an attempt to keep another nomination away from Trump?

Its a simple thing really. Just check up on her and put the doubt to rest.
If it turns out she is deceased, I expect that there may be rioting in the streets knowing that Trump will get to replace her.

The next SC Justice is a hottie...

Still rioting in the streets. She has 7 children and no abortions. Democrat socialists can't let that happen.
Seriously people, the woman is elderly and they just cooked her insides. It may be a few months until someone knows something. Don't be ghouls!
Really? You cannot figure out who would have something to gain from that, or that the Democrats wouldn't do such a thing in an attempt to keep another nomination away from Trump?

Well, sure, if they could get away with something like keeping her off the job for months and years but taking up a seat on the Court, or her being dead and STILL taking up a seat on the court, maybe the Dems would do that, but the whole idea is impossible! Couldn't be done. What, keep her hidden till 2020 election and if the Dems lost, keep her dead but on the Court till 2024?? This is silly. Can't happen.

Is this a Q-Anon conspiracy theory propaganda thing you are doing?
I don’t think she’s alive but I think it’s time we find out! We need a new judge!

You should send Bart Kavanaugh a message to go & molest Ginsburg.

He might take you up on it if he has had at least 16 beeeeeeeeers. :21:
Bart ???? How many you done had ?? :abgg2q.jpg:

Not fvcking enuff ............ but then; what fvcking rock have U been hiding under?

Brett Kavanaugh fails to answer whether he is the drunk "Bart O'Kavanaugh" named in book
He doesn't answer, so you just see an opportunity to apply it then ??? :abgg2q.jpg:

Kavanaugh OBVIOUSLY has something to hide; a LOT of somethings

why wouldn't the pussy ass bitch answer the question?
Because that would merely encourage idiots to ask more stupid irrelevant questions.

<<BREAKING NEWS>> Prominent DC Funeral Home vehicle seen leaving the Ginsberg estate. No word from any News Outlet....what’s going on?
If she has passed or is on some kind of support system and nobody in the media reports on it until well after the fact, that oughtta tell us something about the media as a whole. They pretty much all run interference for the state department.

<<BREAKING NEWS>> Prominent DC Funeral Home vehicle seen leaving the Ginsberg estate. No word from any News Outlet....what’s going on?

Oh, wait. Shouldn't those trees have no leaves? And it snowed today in DC. I don't see any snow in the photo. It is the middle of winter after all
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I should know better by now than to post in the conspiracy threads. Ha.

We're all gonna look like wacko birds if she shows up for work next week.

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