If RvW Is Overturned

What is so bad about allowing each state to legislate the abortion laws according to what their citizens want? If their citizens don't like it then they can vote the bastards out in the next election and change the law. Why should people living in any state have any say at all over what people living in another state decide to do?
Fifty solutions are better than one.
Sure, I'll stand on that argument. Is at least one human life ended by having an abortion?
Only one of those "human" lives is self-aware, thinking and its loss have an effect on the world.

By the way, I suspect my definition of what constitutes human life and yours are different.
Only one of those "human" lives is self-aware, thinking and its loss have an effect on the world.

By the way, I suspect my definition of what constitutes human life and yours are different.
I think the point is that the vast maj of Americans believe that late term abortions are nearly always wrong unless there's a medical issue, and that at some point in the second trimester, abortions should be strictly regulated by at least a code of medical ethics. But the Alito opinion is .... extreme, at least in terms of what most of us believe
I think the point is that the vast maj of Americans believe that late term abortions are nearly always wrong unless there's a medical issue, and that at some point in the second trimester, abortions should be strictly regulated by at least a code of medical ethics. But the Alito opinion is .... extreme, at least in terms of what most of us believe
It's what I was saying to Task. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. With an issue, this hard, this personal, and with these wide-ranging consequences in a person's personal life leaving it a personal choice seems prudent within some common-sense limits. (which am neither qualified nor inclined to determine)
Who's talking about murder? I'm talking about abortion. Done safely, and within a reasonable time from conception.

Some people believe abortion is murder. For them, an unborn life is still a life and therefore an abortion of that life is murder.

By the way, pregnancy carries an inherent risk to the mother. You are for taking away the right of the mother to not take the risk. Would you consider yourself a murderer when a mother dies delivering because you are for a law prohibiting abortion?

IMHO, the mother accepted that risk when she had unprotected sex and got pregnant. Would I consider myself a murderer if a mother dies during childbirth in a state that bans abortion? Nope.

I for one am no fan of abortion. I don't like the idea, and I can see the argument for and against it. But here"s the thing. If you don't like abortion you can opt not to have one. When you agree with the right, prohibiting actually limits your freedom. Only one position here takes away liberty. You know the thing you claim to hold so dear, that even mentioning things like gun control, something that could prevent thousands of preventable deaths a year is a non-starter.

The thing that bothers me the most about this pov is the total lack of concern for the unborn life, which has it's own DNA and is a human life although not yet separated from his or her mother? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, right? Where's your concern for those basic human rights for the unborn person?

If you don't like abortion you can opt not to have one.

Yeah, and you can opt not to have unprotected sex too. The Left gets themselves all worked up about society's responsibility to the irresponsible people who put themselves into a bad situation in the 1st place. In life, when you make bad choices you should pay for them. Where's the deterrence for having unprotected sex if we remove the consequences?
It's what I was saying to Task. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. With an issue, this hard, this personal, and with these wide-ranging consequences in a person's personal life leaving it a personal choice seems prudent within some common-sense limits. (which am neither qualified nor inclined to determine)
I don't want a vote in denying a mid term abortion either. And I too don't feel "qualified" to say "no, not for you."

We are a center right country, and unqualified prohibitions. .. are far right.

Ironically, the gop may have been spared this if McConnell had granted Garland a vote. But McConnell really wanted to keep Citizens United, and the Xians gave a lot of money to electing gopers to the senate.
Some people believe abortion is murder. For them, an unborn life is still a life and therefore an abortion of that life is murder.

IMHO, the mother accepted that risk when she had unprotected sex and got pregnant. Would I consider myself a murderer if a mother dies during childbirth in a state that bans abortion? Nope.

The thing that bothers me the most about this pov is the total lack of concern for the unborn life, which has it's own DNA and is a human life although not yet separated from his or her mother? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, right? Where's your concern for those basic human rights for the unborn person?

Yeah, and you can opt not to have unprotected sex too. The Left gets themselves all worked up about society's responsibility to the irresponsible people who put themselves into a bad situation in the 1st place. In life, when you make bad choices you should pay for them. Where's the deterrence for having unprotected sex if we remove the consequences?
Well how is "unborn life" totally unprotected with a law not allowing abortion after 5-6 months and practically never in late term?

That's the issue. Very few believe in abortion "on demand."
Abortion kills a human life.
Only one of those "human" lives is self-aware, thinking and its loss have an effect on the world.

By the way, I suspect my definition of what constitutes human life and yours are different.
There are a lot of people with dementia and other mental illnesses. Why don't you kill them while you're at it.

Yes, we have different definitions of life. Mine is based on scientific evidence.
I hope if I am ever in a coma you are not my doctor.
If I were your doctor you would indeed have a problem. Luckily I won't be.

But guess what? I bet you can't find me ANY doctor capable of keeping a fetus alive that doesn't even have a detectable fetal heart rate. The line Roe vs Wade established.
If I were your doctor you would indeed have a problem. Luckily I won't be.

But guess what? I bet you can't find me ANY doctor capable of keeping a fetus alive that doesn't even have a detectable fetal heart rate. The line Roe vs Wade established.
You are the one who gave your definition of why a fetus wasn't a life, yet it applies to people in a coma, etc. So I am guessing you need to rethink the reason why you support abortions, and guessing that it is because it is for convenience, and a form of birth control but you don't want to admit it.
The left wails about the constitution being a living document and then when something happens that looks like that you all have cows. Other sc decisions have been voided. And this alleged coming up decision does not mean women cannot kill their unborn. it simply means, you have to get it done in a state that loves killing the unborn.
Some people believe abortion is murder. For them, an unborn life is still a life and therefore an abortion of that life is murder.
Some people believe the earth is flat. I don't take their opinion seriously. Not comparable but it does establish that people can believe things that are false or in this case arbtrary.
IMHO, the mother accepted that risk when she had unprotected sex and got pregnant. Would I consider myself a murderer if a mother dies during childbirth in a state that bans abortion? Nope.
Sensible position. One I suggest you keep in mind before throwing the word murder around.
The thing that bothers me the most about this pov is the total lack of concern for the unborn life, which has it's own DNA and is a human life although not yet separated from his or her mother? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, right? Where's your concern for those basic human rights for the unborn person?
I do care about human life, both born and unborn. I just don't value both equally. A collection of cells (which is how we all start) is not equal to a person that has a life, conscienceness, a developed brain, a family that will miss them.
Yeah, and you can opt not to have unprotected sex too. The Left gets themselves all worked up about society's responsibility to the irresponsible people who put themselves into a bad situation in the 1st place. In life, when you make bad choices you should pay for them. Where's the deterrence for having unprotected sex if we remove the consequences?

Ah, so you are saying that when a baby is unborn it should be protected to the point of denying the mother the oppertunity to decide what happens in and with her own body and society's responsibility then stops towards that born baby that you then have forced on someone?
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Right, and your attitude is "fuck them", because you aren't letting 500,000 women get in the way of you punching your ticket to the forever festival, as you see it.

We dont need to go over this. Your dog and pony show is lost on me.
Are those women all going to die if they don't get an abortion? Any rape victim can take the precaution of the day after the rape pill.
The left wails about the constitution being a living document and then when something happens that looks like that you all have cows. Other sc decisions have been voided. And this alleged coming up decision does not mean women cannot kill their unborn. it simply means, you have to get it done in a state that loves killing the unborn.
Since men can now be women, are they protected with abortion rights?

forkup said:
As we both attested to I'm not a doctor or for that matter a philosopher. So I rather defer that question to people who are and to the person having to make that choice.

so you are saying that it is a scientist or a philosopher that has the knowledge and right to make that decision?

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