If RvW Is Overturned


You consider an Aborted Fetus “medical waste”? That was a living being, who would have gone on to 80 or 90 years or life. Robbed of playtime at recess, friends, parties, travel, love, family, maybe a rewarding career, possibly a wedding, children of one’s own, fun at sports events, going to the theatre, a nice dining experience at a fine restaurant, jumping the waves at the beach, walking around a park, etc., etc.

But liberals consider him or her “medical waste.”

I do. Do you consider it sacred? I support all manner of testing on this donated human tissue. No one is required to donate the remains, but they can.
I do. Do you consider it sacred? I support all manner of testing on this donated human tissue. No one is required to donate the remains, but they can.
Yes, just as I consider all human bodies to be sacred, and shown respect. Not dumped into a can along with other “medical waste.” But then again, I’m not a liberal.

Some people believe the earth is flat. I don't take their opinion seriously. Not comparable but it does establish that people can beleive things that are false or in this case arbtrary.

Maybe you should consider the possibility that what you believe is just as arbitrary and others don't take your opinion seriously either. Since it isn't a cut and dried reality like the Earth being round instead of flat, maybe you should respect their right to whatever their opinion is even if you believe it to be wrong.

Sensible position. One I suggest you keep in mind before throwing the word murder around.

What is sensible to you might not be to another person. Arrogant condescension does not play well.

I do care about human life, both born and unborn. I just don't value both equally.

Some people do.

A collection of cells (which is how we all start) is not equal to a person that has a life, consennous, a developed brain, a family that will miss them.

Some people would disagree. And even if not equal some people do not support the idea of summarily ending that existence for convenience.

Ah, so you are saying that when a baby is unborn it should be protected to the point of denying the mother the oppertunity to decide what happens in and with her own body and society's responsibility than stops towards that born baby that you then have forced on someone?

I am saying that the unborn should have rights too. Society's responsibility toward that baby does not end after birth, that's why we have Child Protective Services.

You seem to believe that your opinions should take precedence over those that do not agree. Quite frankly I find that appalling, who the hell do you think you are? You get to decide when the right to life begins, you get to decide how equal or valuable one life is over another, you get to decide that it's okay to end the existence of an unborn child for any reason, and you get to decide all this without any law or reference in our Constitution. And if anyone else disagrees, fuck 'em. They're too stupid and should be ignored.
so you are saying that it is a scientist or a philosopher that has the knowledge and right to make that decision?
I'm saying that I'm not qualified. And I hope somebody is more qualified. I further say that it's possible nobody really is. In which case making it a personal choice seems the most reasonable position
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Yes, just as I consider all human bodies to be sacred, and shown respect. Not dumped into a can along with other “medical waste.” But then again, I’m not a liberal.

And of course everyone must think as you do?

Women who use abortion as birth control should show respect. Housewives who take care of that little problem as an afternoon errand should show respect. Spare me. You check donate, it's medical waste.

But then I empathize with families who lose a wanted bun in the oven late in the pregnancy and grieve the loss of their child.
And of course everyone must think as you do?

Women who use abortion as birth control should show respect. Housewives who take care of that little problem as an afternoon errand should show respect. Spare me. You check donate, it's medical waste.

But then I empathize with families who lose a wanted bun in the oven late in the pregnancy and grieve the loss of their child.
No more than everyone must think like YOU do.

Interesting how you are free to call a fetus “medical waste,” but when I say human bodies are all sacred, all of a sudden you’re lecturing me that everyone doesn’t have to think the way I do.

And spare me the hysteria. There will still be plenty of places a woman who didn’t bother with contraception can go to kill the growing baby inside her.

Some people believe the earth is flat. I don't take their opinion seriously. Not comparable but it does establish that people can beleive things that are false or in this case arbtrary.

Maybe you should consider the possibility that what you believe is just as arbitrary and others don't take your opinion seriously either. Since it isn't a cut and dried reality like the Earth being round instead of flat, maybe you should respect their right to whatever their opinion is even if you believe it to be wrong.

Sensible position. One I suggest you keep in mind before throwing the word murder around.

What is sensible to you might not be to another person. Arrogant condescension does not play well.

I do care about human life, both born and unborn. I just don't value both equally.

Some people do.

A collection of cells (which is how we all start) is not equal to a person that has a life, consennous, a developed brain, a family that will miss them.

Some people would disagree. And even if no equal some people do not support the idea of summarily ending that existence for convenience.

Ah, so you are saying that when a baby is unborn it should be protected to the point of denying the mother the oppertunity to decide what happens in and with her own body and society's responsibility than stops towards that born baby that you then have forced on someone?

I am saying that the unborn should have rights too. Society's responsibility toward that baby does not end after birth, that's why we have Child Protective Services.

You seem to believe that your opinions should take precedence over those that do not agree. Quite frankly I find that appalling, who the hell do you think you are? You get to decide when the right to life begins, you get to decide how equal or valuable one life is over another, you get to decide that it's okay to end the existence of an unborn child for any reason, and you get to decide all this without any law or reference in our Constitution. And if anyone else disagrees, fuck 'em. They're too stupid and should be ignored.
Maybe you should consider the possibility that what you believe is just as arbitrary
I don't just consider it a possibility. I accept it as likely.
maybe you should respect their right
I do. I respect the position of not having an abortion even when it would be sensible. Only one of us is willing to deny somebody else the right to do something.
Arrogant condescension does not play well.
As opposed to throwing loaded words around?
Some people do.
Opinions are like .... you can fill in the rest.
I am saying that the unborn should have rights too.
They do, just not the same rights as the mother. As I said abortion already has certain restrictions. And I'm sorry to tell you but child protective services are NOT condusive to a healthy or happy childhood. Nor is every pregnancy a result of the negligence of the parents.
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You seem to believe that your opinions should take precedence over those that do not agree.
Again. NO, I DON'T. I applaud people who don't get abortions when faced with an unwanted pregnancy. It is you who wants to force your opinion on abortion on other people. It is interesting that you are so unaware of the implications of your own position that you are incapable of realizing that.
No more than everyone must think like YOU do.

Interesting how you are free to call a fetus “medical waste,” but when I say human bodies are all sacred, all of a sudden you’re lecturing me that everyone doesn’t have to think the way I do.

And spare me the hysteria. There will still be plenty of places a woman who didn’t bother with contraception can go to kill the growing baby inside her.

You started it and then added a little condescending statement for good measure. Just a little.

There is no hysteria. Democrats should pound the Neo-GOP with this till Nov. It's a gift from the Grand Poobah of Pussy Grabbers. Call it the "Great Neo Grab"
Only one of us is willing to deny somebody else the right to do something.

NO. One of us wants to create a Right that is not tethered in the Constitution or in any federal legislation.

I respect the position of not having an abortion even when it would be sensible.

Except you want to be the one that determines what is sensible and what isn't. For you, sensible is when someone else agrees with you, and that isn't respect.

They do, just not the same rights as the mother

Says you. Not everyone believes that but you don't seem to respect someone else's right to disagree.

And I'm sorry to tell you but child protective services are NOT condusive to a healthy or happy childhood.

That's beside the point, society does care about children after they are born, maybe not as well as they should but it's a separate issue.

As opposed to throwing loaded words around?

Some people believe that ending the life of an unborn child is murder. Maybe that offends you, too bad. Maybe they are right and maybe they are wrong, but casually dismissing that point of view that is held by an awful lot of people because it makes you uncomfortable isn't the way a democratic society ought to function.

Nor is every pregnancy a result of the negligence of the parents

If the mother wants an abortion because she doesn't want the baby, that sounds like negligence to me.
You started it and then added a little condescending statement for good measure. Just a little.

There is no hysteria. Democrats should pound the Neo-GOP with this till Nov. It's a gift from the Grand Poobah of Pussy Grabbers. Call it the "Great Neo Grab"
No, you said aborted fetuses were medical waste. That’s your opinion.

I said all human bodies are sacred and should be treated with respect - not like “waste.” That’s my opinion.

And then you, in typical liberal fashion, said that people don’t have to think the way *I* want.

What you fail to realize is that you are outraged because not everybody thinks the way YOU do.
Again. NO, I DON'T. I applaud people who don't get abortions when faced with an unwanted pregnancy. It is you who wants to force your opinion on abortion on other people. It is interesting that you are so unaware of the implications of your own position that you are incapable of realizing that.

Do you applaud people who get an abortion based on inconvenience?

I can live with the fact that some states will allow abortions up to birth. I don't like it, but I'm not saying that abortions should be illegal everywhere either.

What I am saying is that at the federal level there is no constitutional basis for the right to an abortion and no judge or justice should be able to create that right out of thin air, which is exactly what Row v Wade did. What I am saying is that each state can and should formulate it's own abortion laws according to want the residents in that state want them to be.

You said that not all pregnancies are the result of the parents’ neglect. In the vast, VAST majority of cases, they are. Birth control is 99% effective.

So knowing that, should the woman and/or man in a “non-abortion” state stop the…..um…..”proceedings” to insert, apply, put on, whatever (that’s assuming the woman isn’t already on something) to eliminate the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy almost completely….. INCONVENIENT though it is….or….

Should they just risk it, because to take precautions is inconvenient at the moment, knowing the woman may later have to make an inconvenient trip to a neighboring state?

Their choice.
No, you said aborted fetuses were medical waste. That’s your opinion.

I said all human bodies are sacred and should be treated with respect - not like “waste.” That’s my opinion.

And then you, in typical liberal fashion, said that people don’t have to think the way *I* want.

What you fail to realize is that you are outraged because not everybody thinks the way YOU do.
That was all after your initial lecture.

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