If RvW Is Overturned

abortions should be exceedingly rare....that's what the left said...but they are commonplace.. and moreso now Some women have multiple ones as a method of birth control...so that argument doesn't hold water.

But this is still murder...because it is killing a living being.. WHO has the authority to tell us if you don't want God's word, when life begins?

The left ignores 'at conception'. They say, when the child can breathe on its own...or when the child takes its first breath. You still have to feed it so it really isn't 'living on its own'. Peter Singer....Professor, left wing, said that parents/mother should have the option of killing that child up to 30 days to three months after birth...He said that more than a decade ago. Now some (Ralph Northam) agree..and some even push for a year after birth....So when does life begin? When that child becomes self aware???/ that could take up to five years. When it can speak in sentences? When it can read?
What argument? I was obviously speaking in an ideal world. Just like you who seem to believe traveling hundreds of miles to get an abortion should not impose a problem on anyone who wants one.
This whole "show" is a ridiculously obvious little stunt by the democrats desperate to stir up outrage going into the midterm elections.
Yes because we all know that everybody in the US can just up and leave for a few days to have an abortion.

If you are poor. Guess what, you won't. You can't leave your job, you can't afford the bus fare or whatever. Exactly the people who are both statistically most likely to get pregnant and are least capable of taking care of that offspring. Mobility declines the poorer you get.
So PP can arrange and pay for bus fare. They can do it over the weekend, and call in sick on a Monday. Too bas has that it’s inconvenient.

And remember - the irresponsible or forgetful women who were chancing it are more likely to be careful, knowing the inconvenience. This will result in a big drop in unplanned pregnancies.
A biologist.... Would you take a biologist's word as authority on when life begins??
I would probably. Then the question becomes. Is all life equal? I am alive, and so is my cat. I think my life is more important.

Is a life, that has no awareness of its own existence, no possibility of survival outside of the womb, and no ties to the outside world except as a part of its mother equal to the life of the mother?
What argument? I was obviously speaking in an ideal world. Just like you who seem to believe traveling hundreds of miles to get an abortion should not impose a problem on anyone who wants one.
So if they are planning to be irresponsible and have sex without protection, maybe they should move to a different state.
forkup said:
What argument? I was obviously speaking in an ideal world. Just like you who seem to believe traveling hundreds of miles to get an abortion should not impose a problem on anyone who wants one.

yes. it's all convenience isn't it. It's not about a woman's right or privacy or self determination. It's murder for convenience sake. Convenience for birth control and of course the convenience of having Planned Butcherhood just down the street.
I hear the argument that is it just a "collection of cells". Some, not you, have even made statements that it is no different then cancer cells. I have never understood that argument. Below is this "collection of cells" at the 12 week mark. Far different then other cell clusters.

View attachment 639997

Cancer cells
View attachment 639998
Thank you so much for this

a picture is worth 1000 (or a million) words
So PP can arrange and pay for bus fare. They can do it over the weekend, and call in sick on a Monday. Too bas has that it’s inconvenient.

And remember - the irresponsible or forgetful women who were chancing it are more likely to be careful, knowing the inconvenience. This will result in a big drop in unplanned pregnancies.
I think you really, really need to examine your knowledge of human nature. First, the states that are likely to impose abortion bans ALREADY have made abortions inconvenient to have. It didn't do anything for unwanted pregnancies.
Second, this whole idea that a single mistake and quite often bad luck or even crimes committed on that person gives the State the right to force that person to live with the consequences of that event is in my opinion heartless not to mention counter-productive.
So if they are planning to be irresponsible and have sex without protection, maybe they should move to a different state.
Ignoring those that are responsible and are just unlucky? Too bad for them right?
So PP can arrange and pay for bus fare. They can do it over the weekend, and call in sick on a Monday. Too bas has that it’s inconvenient.

And remember - the irresponsible or forgetful women who were chancing it are more likely to be careful, knowing the inconvenience. This will result in a big drop in unplanned pregnancies.
What makes you think these women having abortions actually have a job?
Nobody wants to talk about when life begins because instinctively they know...it is at conception and it is not a clump of cells...it is a baby.

Here's what biologists say.

"Despite his attempt to be as neutral as possible, Jacobs drew a great deal of ire for his study. The biologists who supported life as beginning at conception claimed that he misinterpreted their answers."

Useless garbage.
This will never be settled law. The nation is too divided over the issue.
Which is why research in the following should be accelerated!

Artificial wombs are coming. They could completely change the debate over abortion.​

If a fetus can be transferred to a fabricated womb, can the right to abortion survive?
Makes RvW irrelevant!
yes. it's all convenience isn't it. It's not about a woman's right or privacy or self determination. It's murder for convenience sake. Convenience for birth control and of course the convenience of having Planned Butcherhood just down the street.
Stop calling it murder. And no it's not all about convenience. It's about putting children in the world that are both wanted and taken care of. It's about the act of sex not having life-altering consequences if a person is careless, unlucky, or assaulted. It's about ( and I hate using this word) "the right" trying to enforce their view of sexuality on other people. Convenience is simply a part of that.
I think you really, really need to examine your knowledge of human nature. First, the states that are likely to impose abortion bans ALREADY have made abortions inconvenient to have. It didn't do anything for unwanted pregnancies.
Second, this whole idea that a single mistake and quite often bad luck or even crimes committed on that person gives the State the right to force that person to live with the consequences of that event is in my opinion heartless not to mention counter-productive.
They’re not being forced to live with the consequences. They may just have to take a bus trip, which will invariably be paid for by PP. They are not ENTITLED to a convenient, on-demand abortion.

Also, many of the states with more conservative values will likely not ban abortion totally. They are likely to limit it to the first 12 or so weeks. Recognizing that women don’t know they’re pregnant for the first few weeks, that still gives them several weeks to make up their mind.

Also, your consideration is only going to ONE of the two parties involved. The unborn child is about to be robbed of life. If its “mother” in a restricted state has to sit on a bus for a few hours, so be it it.
Stop calling it murder. And no it's not all about convenience. It's about putting children in the world that are both wanted and taken care of. It's about the act of sex not having life-altering consequences if a person is careless, unlucky, or assaulted. It's about ( and I hate using this word) "the right" trying to enforce their view of sexuality on other people. Convenience is simply a part of that.
Well if it’s not about convenience, but not putting unwanted children (unwanted by the mother - others are on long lists to adopt), then the bus trip shouldn’t be an issue.

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