If RvW Is Overturned

fortfun said:
"Despite his attempt to be as neutral as possible, Jacobs drew a great deal of ire for his study. The biologists who supported life as beginning at conception claimed that he misinterpreted their answers."

Useless garbage.

yeah...got their butts in a pile of trouble with the leftist science community.
They’re not being forced to live with the consequences. They may just have to take a bus trip, which will invariably be paid for by PP. They are not ENTITLED to a convenient, on-demand abortion.

Also, many of the states with more conservative values will likely not ban abortion totally. They are likely to limit it to the first 12 or so weeks. Recognizing that women don’t know they’re pregnant for the first few weeks, that still gives them several weeks to make up their mind.

Also, your consideration is only going to ONE of the two parties involved. The unborn child is about to be robbed of life. If its “mother” in a restricted state has to sit on a bus for a few hours, so be it it.
My consideration is going to both the mother and the child that would be unwanted. Guess what, a child not being wanted by the mother is not likely to lead a very happy life. But I forgot. Get them out of the womb and then well "shit out of luck" is perfectly fine.
Which part? Articulate your thoughts.
What? You've got your head buried so far in the ground it has come up in China. Manchin and Sinema are NOT going to vote to get rid of the filibuster. You should have learned that by now but, here you are again, keeping up with the delusion.
Once the child is born it can be given away through adoption. Someone would sacrifice and at least somewhat try to raise it.
The left's general consensus then is killing the unborn is fine. Where does that stop? We're already at the idea of killing them up to twelve months after birth....... what's next?
Will the left continue believing in "settled law", or will they work to eventually overturn settled law because they no longer believe in the concept?

What a coincidence. I was just telling my husband earlier this evening that I'm looking forward, if Roe is overturned, to telling the leftists, "Dobbs is settled law! Stare decisis!"
Manchin and Sinema are NOT going to vote to get rid of the filibuster.
Well there you go. there were two parts to my comment: getting rid of the filibuster, and passing federal legislation like the roe v wade decision. So I asked which one you meant. This one, simple sentence would have sufficed without all the whining.
The left's general consensus then is killing the unborn is fine.
No. It's that it should be the mother's choice, and she takes priority.

But you have spent so much time in your nutter movement, you actually think you are pro life, and those opposed are pro abortion.

No, dummy. You are anti-choice, and they are pro-choice. get it through your head.
Even Republicans have lost faith in "settled law". Susan Collins is having small hairy kittens because Brett Kavenaugh and Neil Gorsuch lied to her about "settled law".

If she's stupid enough to ask a question she shouldn't be asking, she deserves whatever she gets.
Why? No one is getting abortions unless they want one.

Some women will suffer, but you would say "fetuses suffered." Women can vote, and fetuses cannot. Women in places like Iowa and Missouri didn't vote for abortion right candidates because abortion was legal.

Roe will be overturned because the Xians have spent over a billion dollars to get this Supreme Court. I think it will hurt the Xians politically. That's a postive, imo.

Yeah, we can tell how certain you lefties are that "everyone agrees with us" by how hard you're fighting to keep people from ever voting on the subject.
That is your opinion, and others can have their opinions. And they will.

Wow, have YOU had your perceptions screwed up. Can't recognize the difference between fact and opinion now, because you've spent too much time insisting that whatever you want is reality.

It's not "opinion" that the baby is not part of his mother's body. That's medical fact. You can have all the opinions you want, but you can't declare the facts you dislike to be "just opinions".
Will the left continue believing in "settled law", or will they work to eventually overturn settled law because they no longer believe in the concept?

Well, it wouldn't be "settled law", the fight would go to 50 state legislatures and would never really be "settled".

Here's the problem. I'm honest enough to straight up admit Roe was a bullshit ruling. So for that matter is Griswold. The place to hash these things out IS the legislative branch.
Roe is based on a political decision by a liberal supreme court rather than a Constitutional issue. "Right to privacy" is a stretch for the right to hire someone to end the life inside a woman's womb and to top it off there is no statute in the Constitution that addresses the right to privacy. The issue is moot anyway since the Court is a long way from making a decision but the continued killing of the unborn is a pathetic rallying point for democrats these days.

Actually, Roe was a PRAGMATIC decision made by a court with 6 Republicans, FIVE of whom voted for the ruling.

If you guys think a winning strategy is calling 40 million women murderers, by all means, have at it.
You don't believe that rape or incest is possible? That women can be forced to conceive.

How many abortions do you think are attributable to rape and incest? Because the way you run to hide behind them, it seems like you think "rape and incest!!! AHA, rape and incest!!!" explains most of them.
It's conservatives who have contempt for settled law, overturning Roe is further proof of that.

We have a great deal of contempt for your crazy notion of, "Well, I like this mistake, so it can't ever, EVER be changed!!! You have to live with it forever!!!" And we're quite proud of having contempt for something so deserving of contempt, thank you very much.

Won't be feeling ashamed about it because a moron disapproves of me, either.
If roe v wade is overturned:

Huge protests. Younger people participating more at the polls. Bad results for Republicans for swing districts. Probably will win both chambers in 2022 anyway, but more narrowly than they think now. Another landslide democrat victory for president in 2024. And the same will probably go for the down ballot democrats in 2024.

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