If RvW Is Overturned

Here's why you fall into a fallacy.

Laws against abortion wouldn't save one baby.

There were just as many abortions happening before Roe as there were after. We know this because the birth rate did not drop in 1973 or 1974.

Today it would be even harder to enforce an abortion ban, because the internet will make it very easy to connect with covert providers and there are abortion pills on the market.

Want an even more poignant example. I give you, THE PHILIPPINES!!!

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Abortion is illegal in all cases except for a threat to the life of the mothers.

yet every year, 500,000 to 800,000 Filipinas have illicit abortions.

Yikes. That's almost as many as we have in the US with only a third as many people

Regarding poor people: more unwanted kids being eligible for welfare….
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It is the right thing to do. The last time I studied up on abortion stats, the death toll on future Americans, many of whom carried founder and patriotic blood, the rate was a million deaths a year, nationwide. Social science tells us that a preborn infant does not have the same DNA pattern as either parent, although they jointly share in the formation of the new human being. The first stage of human life is the formation of a 2-cell zygote in which both cells have the same DNA which go forward dividing, carrying pretty much the same DNA as the 2-cell zygote that is formed when the ovum fuses with the sperm.

When a mother kills her own child at any stage on purpose, a little soul wings its way up to heaven, same as a 100-year old person who is deserving in God's sight. And that mommie and that daddy will have to face those little souls they got rid of for on purpose on judgment day. Blessed are those women who bore children no one else wanted and either put the child up for adoption to bless a childless couple or raised her own baby herself, with or without anybody else's support. God bless the mothers of courage who never got to finish school to support her own child and saw to it that child got an education by attending PTA meetings, making sure the child did his or her homework, and gave up every imaginable addictive substance in order to stay focused and healthy enough to raise the child. Bless those childbearing mothers who made the sacrifice for their children's good future in life. Bless all of them, every last one of them.

And God bless and forgive those mothers who were talked into an abortion only to realize later they ended a life wrongfully that deserved not only life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, they might have blessed that mother in her old age when throw-away moms and dads can be quite lonely.
You are full of prejudices, many of which aren't even true.
And the right never does that?

You people like to criticize each other for doing the very same things
I totally agree. But, it is the left who constantly attack the right for doing the very same things that the left turn right around and do themselves. Just pointing that out. The left spent more than four years hollering and screaming about Trump's overall obnoxiousness and moral shortcomings when they turn right around and do the very same things that Trump & Co did. Michelle Obama and others claim that when the other side goes low, they go high when, in fact, they don't.
I totally agree. But, it is the left who constantly attack the right for doing the very same things that the left turn right around and do themselves. Just pointing that out. The left spent more than four years hollering and screaming about Trump's overall obnoxiousness and moral shortcomings when they turn right around and do the very same things that Trump & Co did. Michelle Obama and others claim that when the other side goes low, they go high when, in fact, they don't.
It is done with equal measure.

Both sides are inveterate hypocrites
Will the left continue believing in "settled law", or will they work to eventually overturn settled law because they no longer believe in the concept?

No, because all they care about is getting their way.

They will say "well it was settled in court so we need to respect that" when it applies to them getting their way, but when it's settled not in their favor they will demand protests and vow to fight.

Or when they win the election they say it was fair and bullet proof and the election system is strong. Then when their numbers go way way down and they look to lose the next election suddenly "we need election reform and changes because the next elections may be illegitimate".

Even when chauvin was on trial democrat like Harris and Biden were on Twitter saying they know the jury will do the right thing and find him guilty. Even though that goes against what a trial and a jury is for and tosses the whole "innocent until proven guilty " thing.

They only care about what they want and have no respect for anything.
It is done with equal measure.

Both sides are inveterate hypocrites
It is NOT done with equal measure. While decades ago the right tried to portray themselves as morally superior with a self righteous attitude, denigrading the other side, the left took over that mantel many years ago and now believe they are holier than thou with their self righteous attitude, denigrading the other side as being morally inferior.
It is NOT done with equal measure. While decades ago the right tried to portray themselves as morally superior with a self righteous attitude, denigrading the other side, the left took over that mantel many years ago and now believe they are holier than thou with their self righteous attitude, denigrading the other side as being morally inferior.
So you're saying the left is now doing what the right used to do and they are still criticizing each other for the things both parties do.
Will the left continue believing in "settled law", or will they work to eventually overturn settled law because they no longer believe in the concept?
Everything the left says is a facade and a lie. The only principle they have is gaining power at any cost.
It's a human life.
It is a human being or human life, but is not alive, until it is born, and taken its first breath.

In the Bible, Adam was formed by God, but not until God breathed life in to him, did Adam have life....the breath of life.
It is a human being or human life, but is not alive, until it is born, and taken its first breath.

In the Bible, Adam was formed by God, but not until God breathed life in to him, did Adam have life....the breath of life.
An embryo is a set of living human cells that is a potential human being.

Gee we agree on one thing. Imagine that
So you're saying the left is now doing what the right used to do and they are still criticizing each other for the things both parties do.
I'm saying that it is not equal today nor was it equal yesterday or the day before. I'll accept that you realize that fact.
I'm saying that it is not equal today nor was it equal yesterday or the day before. I'll accept that you realize that fact.
It's not a fact.

Both parties are hypocritical and corrupt and they both do the same things and criticize the other for it
You are full of prejudices, many of which aren't even true.
Cowardice of murdering a helpless unborn human being speaks for itself, bub. I didn't make the rules, but I know exactly what COWARDICE is on the battle field and off. Chalk that one up to my military upbringing, but cowardice is picking on somebody smaller than yourself. Let me repeat that word if you ever happen to comprehend the Psalms in the bible:

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Do you now get the picture? Abortion is the evilest act of cowardice because it first bullies the small human being inside his mother whose chief job is to take care of her little blessing, doubled down on the idiot male who raped her and doesn't give a damn about OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES BECAUSE HE IS A DAMN COWARD!!!!!

YOU GOT THAT YET? :cranky:
Will the left continue believing in "settled law", or will they work to eventually overturn settled law because they no longer believe in the concept?

If Roe is overturned, it means state decisions no longer exists, the Justices are now proven liars, and any right, or any amendment is open for judicial change.

Hold that thought
If Roe is overturned, it means state decisions no longer exists, the Justices are now proven liars, and any right, or any amendment is open for judicial change.

Hold that thought
If Roe is overturned it puts the decision as to whether abortion is legal or not squarely in the hands of state governments.

How does that eliminate states' decisions?

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