If RvW Is Overturned

If Roe is overturned, it means state decisions no longer exists, the Justices are now proven liars, and any right, or any amendment is open for judicial change.

Hold that thought
Reminds me of when Harry Reid went nuclear years ago and how it led to the other side learning from good old Harry. Also reminds me of when the left have abused their powers over the last 5 years to get Trump and now with the House ready to fall to Republicans after the midterms, the shoe will be on the other foot. Hold that thought.
It is a human being or human life, but is not alive, until it is born, and taken its first breath.

In the Bible, Adam was formed by God, but not until God breathed life in to him, did Adam have life....the breath of life.
God also said that the day you eat of the forbidden fruit you will die. Did they die that day?
It is a human being or human life, but is not alive, until it is born, and taken its first breath.

In the Bible, Adam was formed by God, but not until God breathed life in to him, did Adam have life....the breath of life.
But you defy science. Human development is in stages from conception to funeral. Being a zygote is only a stage in human development. A zygote is a being separate from its mama and also its daddy. If you intentionally kill a zygote you have killed a being. A HUMAN BEING. You can't change that fact with other add-ons including a bad, horrible, no good coward-producing law by the supposed-to-be smartest constitution/human rights readers in the world. Not only is a zygote a human being, its developing cells are in process as a STAGE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT that brings the human being into another STAGE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT THAT IS CALLED BIRTH. Before that happens, approximately several million STAGES OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT have taken place in the womb that was designed by nature to take care of that little being, and its hormones even cause the mother hunger to eat more food than usual to enhance that little guy or gal's life by sustenance. After birth, it's a lot more growing and developing until maturity is achieved. Human beings deserve to be given first, life. Then, liberty and finally, the right to pursue happiness. If its parents choose to educate that child and make sure he knows the rules of associating with other human beings WITHOUT MURDERING THE HELL OUT OF THEM, he has a fighting chance of living in such a way as to help others with his or her life as best as they can. Heaven help those who are brainwashed into thinking their fetus doesn't matter. They're doing satan's work, because they really do not care for everybody. Not caring for a human life in its developmental stage in and of itself is heinous, and hating it enough to kill it is murderous thinking, because it relegates in its imagination that killing a human being is just fine and hunky dory. It isn't. Killing another human being is nothing but murder. I didn't make the laws or anything, but I know the law should protect human beings whatever stage of development they are in including old age and senility. You can rearrange the facts all you want, but killing another human being is just plain and simple a cowardly approach to someone else's' human life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness as the person sees fit if it doesn't happen to damage another person's life.

The costs of imprisonment comes to mind: $31,300 - 60,000 per inmate per year, depending on what the state law sez. How much does it cost to incarcerate a convict? - Criminal Justice Degree Hub.
Cowardice of murdering a helpless unborn human being speaks for itself, bub. I didn't make the rules, but I know exactly what COWARDICE is on the battle field and off. Chalk that one up to my military upbringing, but cowardice is picking on somebody smaller than yourself. Let me repeat that word if you ever happen to comprehend the Psalms in the bible:

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice, Cowardice,

Do you now get the picture? Abortion is the evilest act of cowardice because it first bullies the small human being inside his mother whose chief job is to take care of her little blessing, doubled down on the idiot male who raped her and doesn't give a damn about OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES BECAUSE HE IS A DAMN COWARD!!!!!

YOU GOT THAT YET? :cranky:
^ This is what one gets for being fucked up on one of the world's most violent, self-glossing pieces of literature.

wow. Attack cops/vandalize property. These AREN'T right wing pro aborts.

are these rioter-protestors masked. Funny thing about that. The left mandates masks/social distancing for 2 years not giving a damn about 'my body/my choice and suddenly we're back to my body/my choice again. The lack of self awareness is stunning.
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^ This is what one gets for being fucked up on one of the world's most violent, self-glossing pieces of literature.​
This "Piece of literature" has teeth by way of looking at this cartoon version of the bloody murder that is about to take place Do not watch if you think dismembering a baby is going to hurt the baby and would be disturbing to you, if it's still alive, after what else it has experienced in the past 4 days as is described/illlustrated as a cartoon below:


wow. Attack cops/vandalize property. These AREN'T right wing pro aborts.

are these rioter-protestors masked. Funny thing about that. The left mandates masks/social distancing for 2 years not giving a damn about 'my body/my choice and suddenly we're back to my body/my choice again. The lack of self awareness is stunning.
The protesters are demanding a right to abortion where abortion is already legal.
Joy Behar calls for a sex strike. Hasn't she been on one for years? I am not sure if this is to fight the reversal of Roe V Wade or if it is in reaction to TRUMP CANDIDATES WINNING BIGLY LAST NIGHT. Either way. She's not likely getting any. LOL

1. He said you are aborting a child. That is murder. it is cruelty in the extreme.

2. He said we're basing whether we can kill a child in the womb based on the decision of the SC.....well he sure didn't have a problem with it when they took the extreme and eroneous, illegal, unconstitutional,immoral and unethical decision to do so.

3. Rest Easy. YOU can still kill your children. Just make sure you go to a state that does it.
Mommie...'are we at insurrection yet?'

those cops better fight...their lives are on the line. with these damn crazed leftist pro abort radicals. This is what you get, law enforcement. You empowered them with your lack of effort over the 'summer of love'.

and president potatohead calls the Maga crowd the most extreme political organization in recent american history. loon. Pres Potatohead gave you a quick glance in how the left is going to be acting till the SC hands down their decision...and then after.
Joy Behar calls for a sex strike. Hasn't she been on one for years? I am not sure if this is to fight the reversal of Roe V Wade or if it is in reaction to TRUMP CANDIDATES WINNING BIGLY LAST NIGHT. Either way. She's not likely getting any. LOL

Lady fights with scratching each others' eyes out is not a pretty sight, and those who kill babies could not make it fighting with women who fought to have their children, iow, we're toughter than the pips..

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