If RvW Is Overturned

Yeah, the can try reconciliation. But it will be hard to ft it into reconciliation.
As I said, if they add a $1 tax (or even just 1 cent) onto each abortion, it becomes a tax, or revenue bill, and qualifies under reconciliation.
What is so bad about allowing each state to legislate the abortion laws according to what their citizens want? If their citizens don't like it then they can vote the bastards out in the next election and change the law. Why should people living in any state have any say at all over what people living in another state decide to do?
It eliminates our right to privacy and self determination, liberty, and the restrictions on our State governments from infringement on such.... Which many rulings are based on.... Such as the right to use contraception(which was illegal in different states) the right to have an adult relationship and sex with whomever you want in your own bedroom without state govt interference.... Etc.
A woman has the right to not get pregnant. She has a litany of choices available to her to prevent her from having to kill an infant. We have an education system that is promoting sex in elementary school. If we made not getting pregnant as important to 4 year olds and up, as we have teaching them how to put a rubber on a dildo, pregnancies would drop dramatically.
Let's teach our children how not to get pregnant....

It is still illegal to kill an infant. A fetus is not an infant. Sex is only being promoted in some undetermined grade schools in Florida.

The Neo-GOP is full of sick fucks who think 4 year olds should be taught about condoms.
It is still illegal to kill an infant. A fetus is not an infant. Sex is only being promoted in some undetermined grade schools in Florida.

The Neo-GOP is full of sick fucks who think 4 year olds should be taught about condoms.
Is a fetus a human life?
Isn't teaching them how to put a rubber on a dildo teaching our children how not to get pregnant? Sounds like you want more sex education, not less.
You missed the 4 year old part. Did you know what a rubber was when you were 4? Were you taught how to use a rubber in preK. or did you learn the process of applying a rubber on your own? Let our 4 year olds learn how to color within the lines and leave the bullshit sex agenda out of elementary schools.

Birth control, again birth CONTROL should be taught to those approaching puberty.
Control means never having to say your sorry...
Calling something "settled law" is an opinion. It means one agrees with all the arguments already presented for the law and feels they are more compelling than the arguments against. Like, when a judge calls something "settled law".
I think "settled law" means something that people can live with, civilly, even if most of us disagree. Loving v. Va ended anti-Miscegenation laws, but most states had gotten rid of them anyway. Similarly, the Sup Ct has said repeatedly that once a vast maj of US states find the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, they'll "kill" the issue for all. (-: Conversely, Roberts warned that gay rights folks were getting ahead of themselves with gay marriage.

imo, the Roe Court just misjudged the political climate and thought Roe would become overwhelming popular and end total abortion bans nationwide. They simply miscalculated how fervently a minority of Americans would hold onto their belief as to what Christianity requires on the particular issue of abortion .... and that view of Christianity was never uniform, btw.
That amendment has been read and re-read since it was written and interpretations have varied. They may be reviewed again someday.
I'm sure, but it still says that the people have the right to bear arms.
I think "settled law" means something that people can live with, civilly, even if most of us disagree. Loving v. Va ended anti-Miscegenation laws, but most states had gotten rid of them anyway. Similarly, the Sup Ct has said repeatedly that once a vast maj of US states find the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, they'll "kill" the issue for all. (-: Conversely, Roberts warned that gay rights folks were getting ahead of themselves with gay marriage.

imo, the Roe Court just misjudged the political climate and thought Roe would become overwhelming popular and end total abortion bans nationwide. They simply miscalculated how fervently a minority of Americans would hold onto their belief as to what Christianity requires on the particular issue of abortion .... and that view of Christianity was never uniform, btw.
Yes. And they didn't take into account SCOTUS nominees lying their asses off in their nomination hearings.
Way to insult people of Faith. You forget that blacks and Hispanics oppose abortion as well? And don't forget your hero, Margaret Sanger, was a supporter of Hitler and racist as well.
Not all blacks and hispanics oppose a right to terminate pregnancy .... esp in early terms. I refer to you as Xian because you believe your religion makes your opinion "better" than other people who also believe in a supreme being, and even Jesus Christ.

But I don't at all doubt the sincerity of some people who oppose abortion ... provided they walk the walk of what it would take to make sure every woman and every child has a safe and secure place in society.
Yes, the 0.5%. I know humans are basically expendable fodder in the addled mind of a religious nutter. But in the mind of a normal, moral adult, that 0.5% amounts to 500,000 women, give or take.
Incest and rape pregnancies are rare. We are birthing babies and carving them up to sell their parts. It's macabre. It needs to stop.
But that would not then make it legal. We can tax illegal activity.

They can write a set of minimum requirements under which states must allow abortions to be performed. Such as in cases of rape or incest etc. Just like in Roe V Wade. And that states can't make such abortions illegal, in order to avoid the tax.
Well they haven't ever accepted second amendment cases as settled law now have they?

The thing that concerns me most about this rumored decision isn't that Roe will be overturned though. It is that if they uphold the law, they are creating a private cause of action that would allow citizens to target their neighbors. This is something is a very slippery slope we shouldn't go down. What if a city decides it will just do away with zoning enforcement people and just allow anybody to sue anybody for any zoning or code violation?
I thought by overturning at they were just leaving it up to the individual states?
Is a fetus a human life?
Is it a viable infant? Is it developed enough to sustain it's own life? Does the owner of the baby factory feel comfortable bringing a new life into this world? Should the nanny states co-opt and regulate millions of American baby factories?
I'm sure, but it still says that the people have the right to bear arms.
The first amendment gives then the right to bare arms, and legs, and their entire bodies. But that doesn't prevent laws that LIMIT that right as to the places or manner of that exercise.

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