If RvW Is Overturned

Not all blacks and hispanics oppose a right to terminate pregnancy .... esp in early terms. I refer to you as Xian because you believe your religion makes your opinion "better" than other people who also believe in a supreme being, and even Jesus Christ.

But I don't at all doubt the sincerity of some people who oppose abortion ... provided they walk the walk of what it would take to make sure every woman and every child has a safe and secure place in society.
Agree. Abortion isn't safe and secure for every woman and child in society.
Is it a viable infant? Is it developed enough to sustain it's own life? Does the owner of the baby factory feel comfortable bringing a new life into this world? Should the nanny states co-opt and regulate millions of American baby factories?
Is it a human life or not? Period.
Dedd Scott was settled law.
it was only handed down in 1853, and judicially overturned the Missouri Compromise. I don't think it was settled law, and it perhaps made the civil war unavoidable ... at least in the eyes of Southerners who viewed it as a necessity for preserving their remaining in the Union.

One reason there's no logical comparison to abortion and slavery is that Conn will not secede when the 6 Republican Justices overturn Roe.
The first amendment gives then the right to bare arms, and legs, and their entire bodies. But that doesn't prevent laws that LIMIT that right as to the places or manner of that exercise.
Bear, not bare. What does "shall not be infringed" mean?
Is a fetus a human life?
Not a viable life in early stages, and that's what the conservative judges ruling in favor of roe v wade was based on.... Up to the point of viability, State govts can't interfere or infringe on their privacy. An early fetus does not have personhood, and protections under the constitution is what was determined by them.
I thought by overturning at they were just leaving it up to the individual states?
Remember the texas law. If a woman in Texas (where abortion isn't legal) travels to New York (where abortion is legal) Texas law punishes anybody who helped her travel, like he Uber driver, or Airline ticket agent.

You don't have the same when somebody in Utah (where gambling isn't legal) travels to Las Vegas.
It is still illegal to kill an infant. A fetus is not an infant. Sex is only being promoted in some undetermined grade schools in Florida.

The Neo-GOP is full of sick fucks who think 4 year olds should be taught about condoms.
That's bullshit, Boo. Sex is being promoted in all our schools. We are birthing infants and carving them up and selling them. Google the U.of Pittsburgh and the accolades they have received for selling the freshest baby parts around. And now, perinatal death bills are rearing their ugly heads around the country.

Since we don't mind indoctrination of our children by the teacher's union, why not indoctrinate them in how to not get pregnant instead of wisking them off to abortion clinics while the parents think their child is in math class...
What needs to be heard is this...

Nor does it make it illegal to travel out of state to receive one.
Not a viable life in early stages, and that's what the conservative judges ruling in favor of roe v wade was based on.... Up to the point of viability, State govts can't interfere or infringe on their privacy. An early fetus does not have personhood, and protections under the constitution is what was determined by them.
You didn't answer my question. Is a fetus a human life, period?
That's true. And overturning Roe will not make life more secure or safe for women ... or children. It will swamp child protective services in states like Miss.
Birth control is easily accessible everywhere in this country.
They can write a set of minimum requirements under which states must allow abortions to be performed. Such as in cases of rape or incest etc. Just like in Roe V Wade. And that states can't make such abortions illegal, in order to avoid the tax.
Is that the Supreme Court's Job?
Bear, not bare. What does "shall not be infringed" mean?
As the 2nd give the right to bear arms, the 1st gives the right to bare bodies.

But both can have laws that limit that exercise.

What's so hard to understand about that?
I thought by overturning at they were just leaving it up to the individual states?
About 28 states would make it illegal or revert back to the state law on their books from 50 years ago making it illegal.

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