If RvW Is Overturned

It's conservatives who have contempt for settled law, overturning Roe is further proof of that.
They didn't just overturn Roe V Wade, but Planned Parenthood V Casey, which expanded on Roe, and in the 1992 decision reconfirmed the precedent nature of the 1973 decision.
I'm sure you dunno about quite a number of things.

That being said, my post is not necessarily specific to Roe vs. Wade.
Oh, then maybe I agree with you....? If you're speaking of things like Jim Crow laws and slavery and bigotry and racism etc initially being upheld by them, then I would agree....
I have no doubt that many of these people really don't care about abortion or anything connected to it.

They'll scream all the standard talking points, but for them, this is simply about politics and owning da libz.
Mac1958 is projecting his attitude toward issues onto conservatives

whatever trump voters are “fer” he’s “agin”

and vice versa
Will the left continue believing in "settled law", or will they work to eventually overturn settled law because they no longer believe in the concept?
The Satanic Planned Parenthood Cult of Molech will have a bad day, but it is doubtful in this day and age that there are any Godly judges sitting on SCOTUS or enough of them to overturn this Blood Thirsty Abomination Covenant With Death.
A woman has the right to not get pregnant. She has a litany of choices available to her to prevent her from having to kill an infant. We have an education system that is promoting sex in elementary school. If we made not getting pregnant as important to 4 year olds and up, as we have teaching them how to put a rubber on a dildo, pregnancies would drop dramatically.
Let's teach our children how not to get pregnant....
Isn't teaching them how to put a rubber on a dildo teaching our children how not to get pregnant? Sounds like you want more sex education, not less.
I recall hearing about 'activist' judges from the Right for years. That stopped when the activism was in favor of the Right. RvW was settled law for 40 years so that concept has no meaning.

I suspect if you review every SCOTUS confirmation, the candidate emphasized precedent, stare decisis, as key. Grounds for impeachment?
No such thing as "settled law".
Calling something "settled law" is an opinion. It means one agrees with all the arguments already presented for the law and feels they are more compelling than the arguments against. Like, when a judge calls something "settled law".
They will get rid of the filibuster and try to pass a federal Roe v wade law.
Actually all they need is Joe Mansion and Kristen Sinema to go along. They can pass a Roe V Wade law, just like they did with Obamacare. They can use reconciliation, and to make it a finance bill, they can add a $1 federal tax on each abortion (or even just a penny) and then issue rules under which abortions can't be blocked, so as to avoid the tax.
I think Roberts sold himself as "an institutionalist" and Keggers pretty much assured Collins he's support Roe's basic rationale that a woman retains some right of choice. How he found that right, and where the right would end, I have no clue. The other four, imo really didn't make any "pledge."

But if a woman has a right to an IUD or morning after pill after being raped, then individuals have right to "terminate" a zygot ... or as Xians would say ... life.

So, overturning Roe will require the Six Repbulican Justices to make the same logical fallicy that the Roe Court did in "deciding what is life" unless they choose to rule that abortion medications and IUDs can be banned. And I really hope they will because imo Xians are a clear and present danger to the republic. They view their religion's laws as greater than the constitution.
Way to insult people of Faith. You forget that blacks and Hispanics oppose abortion as well? And don't forget your hero, Margaret Sanger, was a supporter of Hitler and racist as well.
Actually all they need is Joe Mansion and Kristen Sinema to go along. They can pass a Roe V Wade law, just like they did with Obamacare. They can use reconciliation, and to make it a finance bill, they can add a $1 federal tax on each abortion (or even just a penny) and then issue rules under which abortions can't be blocked, so as to avoid the tax.
Yeah, the can try reconciliation. But it will be hard to ft it into reconciliation.
"Correct" is your opinion. Will the court rewrite all the laws when it changes its composition? Expect a liberal court to reverse the decision to make the 2nd a personal right and put it back to militias, enabling all manner of gun control laws to be passed.
You better read that second amendment again, the part where it says "the people".

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