If RvW Is Overturned

Was it "activist judges" who found a right of a corporation for free speech ... after 250 years? The current spat of 6 republican Justices is no more/less activist than the Warren Court and Roe (written by a republican, btw).

The BoR didn't protect abortion rights, or rights to contraception. Both were pretty common in the colonial era, btw. And there were no laws against either. But post civil war America became more inclined to legally enforce "morality." In the 1960's, the SC ruled a state cannot mandate sterilizing people with developmental disabilities and ruled that parenthood and child rearing were "rights," but that's nowhere in the BoR. Does anyone today think a state can say retarded people can be sterilized or condoms can't be sold? TODAY, the Xian right would like to ban IUD's, for fucks sake. Like that's politically popular, lol.

What Blackmun and the Roe Court got wrong was thinking, as many did in the early 70s, that abortion was a political issue like condoms or sterilizing "defectives" that in 50 years no one would have an issue with. And that making the law in the 1970s would be both politically popular and save women who otherwise be damaged. They figured wrong. And in Jesusland States like Iowa and Missouri its been the gift that keeps giving for the gop.
It is time to break down the percentages of abortions. All information given out and reported on instead of smothered. Who gets the most. What percentage is repeat abortions and how many for each client. Break it down into age groups and age. Where are the busiest abortion clinics and are clients sent to others to make those busier ones look less so. Are there any diseases of sexual means of the client and/or drug or alcohol addictions. We the taxpayers are owed that. Especially those who do not want to pay for what they consider to be murder. Who does the impregnating and it is rape if the client is below the age of consent but never seems to have charges on anyone in poorer areas.
Roe v. Wade was a terrible decision, on par with Plessy v. Ferguson (separate but equal doctrine). It combined crackpot science (pregnancy trimesters) with unconstitutional overreach by Federal courts. This decision should be overturned on these bases alone, but I will still be surprised if it is, due to threats of violence from the radical Left in this country.

Instead, I was expecting a "compromise" result that would allow states to regulate abortions after the first trimester of pregnancy or its equivalent. But this, like Plessy, would only have kicked the can further down the road.

It takes an uncommon amount of judicial courage to make decisions strictly on the Constitutional merits of a case when huge political ramifications are involved.
Can someone calculate how many American babies have been aborted since this thread was started?

Does anybody actually care?
It is time to break down the percentages of abortions. All information given out and reported on instead of smothered. Who gets the most. What percentage is repeat abortions and how many for each client. Break it down into age groups and age. Where are the busiest abortion clinics and are clients sent to others to make those busier ones look less so. Are there any diseases of sexual means of the client and/or drug or alcohol addictions. We the taxpayers are owed that. Especially those who do not want to pay for what they consider to be murder. Who does the impregnating and it is rape if the client is below the age of consent but never seems to have charges on anyone in poorer areas.
Why? No one is getting abortions unless they want one.

Some women will suffer, but you would say "fetuses suffered." Women can vote, and fetuses cannot. Women in places like Iowa and Missouri didn't vote for abortion right candidates because abortion was legal.

Roe will be overturned because the Xians have spent over a billion dollars to get this Supreme Court. I think it will hurt the Xians politically. That's a postive, imo.
Democrats have lacked decent ground game in the states and need to start at the grass roots level in all the Neo Slave States where the Neo-GOP is poised to, pardon the expression, "grab all the pussies" and force the Neo Slave class into bringing to term every zygote conceived and attached to their wombs.

Once in control of enough states, pass a new ERA to the constitution that includes the right to an abortion.

It's the only way to be sure.
Democrats have lacked decent ground game in the states and need to start at the grass roots level in all the Neo Slave States where the Neo-GOP is poised to, pardon the expression, "grab all the pussies" and force the Neo Slave class into bringing to term every zygote conceived and attached to their wombs.

Once in control of enough states, pass a new ERA to the constitution that includes the right to an abortion.

It's the only way to be sure.
HAHAHA. This new ERA will go down in flames just like the last one.
It's misdirected dogma that either needs to be curtailed or at least de-escalated now. The world's modern civilized countries are all doing their best to deal with the abortion issue in a satisfactory way that can be in the best interests of women first.

Americans don't seem to appreciate the best interests of women.
Not supposed to. We are supposed to be concerned with equality for ALL. Do catch up.
I recall hearing about 'activist' judges from the Right for years. That stopped when the activism was in favor of the Right. RvW was settled law for 40 years so that concept has no meaning.

I suspect if you review every SCOTUS confirmation, the candidate emphasized precedent, stare decisis, as key. Grounds for impeachment?
No. Precedent is not always correct.
Not opinion but settled fact. Jeremiah states unequivecably that before he (Jeremiah) was formed in the belly, God knew him.
There ya go. The Bible is LAW. Lol.


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