If RvW Is Overturned

A link: Conservatives condemn ‘radical’ abortion leaker

Talking about the 'leak' that isn't being discussed as far as I can see. To raise the question on whether or not people are aware?

I can't see how they couldn't be, but it can't hurt to make sure.

From an outside of America perspective it appears that the decision has been made and the public weren't supposed to know.
I have no doubt that many of these people really don't care about abortion or anything connected to it.

They'll scream all the standard talking points, but for them, this is simply about politics and owning da libz.

For millions of us, it's all about saving innocent lives that have no voice, and no choice,
Was it "activist judges" who found a right of a corporation for free speech ... after 250 years? The current spat of 6 republican Justices is no more/less activist than the Warren Court and Roe (written by a republican, btw).

The BoR didn't protect abortion rights, or rights to contraception. Both were pretty common in the colonial era, btw. And there were no laws against either. But post civil war America became more inclined to legally enforce "morality." In the 1960's, the SC ruled a state cannot mandate sterilizing people with developmental disabilities and ruled that parenthood and child rearing were "rights," but that's nowhere in the BoR. Does anyone today think a state can say retarded people can be sterilized or condoms can't be sold? TODAY, the Xian right would like to ban IUD's, for fucks sake. Like that's politically popular, lol.

What Blackmun and the Roe Court got wrong was thinking, as many did in the early 70s, that abortion was a political issue like condoms or sterilizing "defectives" that in 50 years no one would have an issue with. And that making the law in the 1970s would be both politically popular and save women who otherwise be damaged. They figured wrong. And in Jesusland States like Iowa and Missouri its been the gift that keeps giving for the gop.
The leftist are so low on the society score they have no idea how the case regarding Roe vs. Wade most have no idea the baby is walking around today she was never aborted. The mother is on 60 minutes stating she never had an abortion.
For millions of us, it's all about saving innocent lives that have no voice, and no choice,
It's misdirected dogma that either needs to be curtailed or at least de-escalated now. The world's modern civilized countries are all doing their best to deal with the abortion issue in a satisfactory way that can be in the best interests of women first.

Americans don't seem to appreciate the best interests of women.
And those who believe its a woman's right are equally committed.

Let the games begin.
This issue is about the expansion of the abortion industry. In a general sense abortion is supported by many. Its when the abortion occurs and much more it seems which is questioned. Also it will become more state intensive. The Prog dominated states will keep their abortion laws as I understand it. And they will even expand their laws mot likely. Progs did this to themselves. Leave well enough alone. 62 million abortions is a lot.
Roe is based on a political decision by a liberal supreme court rather than a Constitutional issue. "Right to privacy" is a stretch for the right to hire someone to end the life inside a woman's womb and to top it off there is no statute in the Constitution that addresses the right to privacy. The issue is moot anyway since the Court is a long way from making a decision but the continued killing of the unborn is a pathetic rallying point for democrats these days.
I have no doubt that many of these people really don't care about abortion or anything connected to it.

They'll scream all the standard talking points, but for them, this is simply about politics and owning da libz.

And you don't think the exact opposite is also true?
To me being an activist judge doesn't necessary mean overturning precedent. It means making ruling about what is constitutional based on what they want the law to be rather than what is in the law/constitution. As such the ruling that is overturned could be an example of current non-activist judges overturning a ruling wrongly made by activist judges.
I dunno about that???

The Role Of Conservative Judges In The Roe Versus Wade Decision​

The Roe v. Wade decision was supported by five Republican-appointed Justices. The five justices worked hand in hand to make the landmark ruling, with Harry Blackmun, a former counsel to the Mayo Clinic, drafting it. After a series of argument, Lewis Powell’s element of the viability of the fetus was agreed, this would become the most notable characteristic of the decision. The Justices used the three-part test in the decision which stated that a fetus could not be recognized as a person until viability. It was on this foundation that the decision was made.

What is so bad about allowing each state to legislate the abortion laws according to what their citizens want? If their citizens don't like it then they can vote the bastards out in the next election and change the law. Why should people living in any state have any say at all over what people living in another state decide to do?
I dunno about that???

The Role Of Conservative Judges In The Roe Versus Wade Decision​

The Roe v. Wade decision was supported by five Republican-appointed Justices. The five justices worked hand in hand to make the landmark ruling, with Harry Blackmun, a former counsel to the Mayo Clinic, drafting it. After a series of argument, Lewis Powell’s element of the viability of the fetus was agreed, this would become the most notable characteristic of the decision. The Justices used the three-part test in the decision which stated that a fetus could not be recognized as a person until viability. It was on this foundation that the decision was made.

I'm sure you dunno about quite a number of things.

That being said, my post is not necessarily specific to Roe vs. Wade.

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