If RvW Is Overturned

Well they haven't ever accepted second amendment cases as settled law now have they?

The thing that concerns me most about this rumored decision isn't that Roe will be overturned though. It is that if they uphold the law, they are creating a private cause of action that would allow citizens to target their neighbors. This is something is a very slippery slope we shouldn't go down. What if a city decides it will just do away with zoning enforcement people and just allow anybody to sue anybody for any zoning or code violation?
During the pandemic many on the left encouraged neighbors, family members, whomever, to inform the police of those who were not following Covid mandates.
That is for the SCOTUS to interpret, then reinterpret, then reinterpret, then reinterpret, then reinterpret, etc.
Which is how the constitution gets amended without passing any constitutional amendments.

I think there should be an amendment to the constitution that there be a constitutional convention every 10 years to visit the rulings by the supreme court and decide whether or not to ratify them as constitutional amendments or not. Also supreme court rulings may be in effect overturned by amending the constitution. The constitution should "Evolve" through amendments, not through SCOTUS
Not all blacks and hispanics oppose a right to terminate pregnancy .... esp in early terms. I refer to you as Xian because you believe your religion makes your opinion "better" than other people who also believe in a supreme being, and even Jesus Christ.

But I don't at all doubt the sincerity of some people who oppose abortion ... provided they walk the walk of what it would take to make sure every woman and every child has a safe and secure place in society.
It is better because G-d's law supersedes man's
I thought by overturning at they were just leaving it up to the individual states?

The Texas law created a unversal private action against anyone involved in abortion that way the state could not be sued because the state was not enforcing it. It is an end-run around court jurisdiction. If this case upholds that, then any state can let loose vigilantes on any issue they want to. Guns, drugs, zoning, animal protection, child welfare. This can be quite a can of worms that is being opened up having nothing to do with abortion. They are handing the radical left a potential tool that the right will rue the day they ever gave them.
Time to buy stock in plan b and other contraceptives. Sales will be at an all time high for a really long time.
Even Republicans have lost faith in "settled law". Susan Collins is having small hairy kittens because Brett Kavenaugh and Neil Gorsuch lied to her about "settled law".
Do your prefer the bald kittens?
Wrong. When Christ comes back, you will be sent to the Lake of Fire because you refuse Him.
Haha...oh no, a childish, magical threat. Put the voodoo doll away, adjust the bone in your nose, drop the dead goat. Your magical threats carry no weight, shaman.
No, you are saying children will not suffer as a result of child protective service agancies being overwhelmed is abortions are banned. and your basis is women will nto become pregnant at the same rate as now.
I didn't say that. You are saying that.
There will be corporate divestment in Atlanta and Austin. I think Disney's got too much $ stuck in Orlando though. And corporations don't protect unskilled workers anyway. It will be interesting though if two separate health care tracks open for women in places like Iowa and Ames and Missisippi and Oxford.
The only part that makes me nervous about this is..
1). Will some looks now go after contraception?
2). Young married women like my grandaughter who is going to get a surgery so she cannot conceive, still get access to that surgery?

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