If Santorum defeats Romney in Michigan...then what?

Do y'all really think that bible thumping will pull Sanitarium thru?
He is a religious right conservative.

Is that the current definition of a real conservative?

And btw the GOP already has a LOT of big problems.

And he thinks contraception is bad. An opinion that a majority of American voters disagree with. But, yeah there is no problem here...

He is'nt 'thumping Bibles'.... he is however responding to the medias STUPID questions regarding his religious beliefs.

Folks dont forget, we have a serious issue with spending in DC and no real solutions from the left. Santorum is offering solutions, but all you idiots seem to hear is he is Catholic and does'nt use rubbers! Big FUCKING deal..... give me a break guys!

Romney asserted that Santorum, during two terms as a Pennsylvania senator, voted to raise the debt ceiling five times and the size of the federal government grew by 80%

Romney says Santorum spent 'like Democrats' - latimes.com

So Romney says you cant be a conservative if you EVER voted to raise the debt ceiling? lol, more bullshit from Romnut.

And had Santorum voted against those raises every time he would be getting slammed by Romnut as being too careless with the nations economy.

Romnut is a SALESMAN and that means the Truth is irrelevant to him, only closing the deal matters. So lie like there is no tomorro cause there aint after the suckers sign on the dotted line.
should i use the "santorum is no ronald reagan" line now?

And Reagan was no Santorum, duh, so what?

My point still stands. In 1980 Dems/libtards and RINOs were making the same stupid fallacious arguments that a conservative cant win in the general election.

The record shows otherwise as Reagan, nixon, Bush the Elder in 88 and W ran as conservatives and won. Dole, Ford, McCain and Bush the Elder after he exposed himself as a conservative fraud all lost.

Judging from the historical record Santorum would be a shoe in.

Santorum is a conservative fraud.

Voted for a debt ceiling increase 5 times.
Voted for an increase in the minimum wage 6 times.
Voted for a 10% increase in the Arts and Humanities.
Voted against e-verify for illegal immigrants.
Voted against Right to work 3 times.

Voted down a decrease in spending for the Arts and Humanities.
Voted 3 years in a row as one of the top corrupt senators, where even Democrats were included in this list.

Do you see any endorsements from top level senators going his way?? I don't. There is a reason for the lack of endorsements, they know him. You have just been fooled by him.

Then supported Arlen Spector, the turn coat who turned Democrat, over the conservative Pat Toomey.

He is'nt 'thumping Bibles'.... he is however responding to the medias STUPID questions regarding his religious beliefs.

Folks dont forget, we have a serious issue with spending in DC and no real solutions from the left. Santorum is offering solutions, but all you idiots seem to hear is he is Catholic and does'nt use rubbers! Big FUCKING deal..... give me a break guys!

Romney asserted that Santorum, during two terms as a Pennsylvania senator, voted to raise the debt ceiling five times and the size of the federal government grew by 80%

Romney says Santorum spent 'like Democrats' - latimes.com

So Romney says you cant be a conservative if you EVER voted to raise the debt ceiling? lol, more bullshit from Romnut.

And had Santorum voted against those raises every time he would be getting slammed by Romnut as being too careless with the nations economy.

Romnut is a SALESMAN and that means the Truth is irrelevant to him, only closing the deal matters. So lie like there is no tomorro cause there aint after the suckers sign on the dotted line.

The truth of Santorum's voting record is obviously being ignored by you. There is not a SNOWBALL'S chance in hell of Santorum beating Obama. Women already are turning on him just as fast as they can, the independents will never, not ever vote for a man who states that a state has the right to ban contraceptives. He is a one trick pony and it's all about social issues, he is a career big spending, big government RINO. He is power hungry and has been running for President and announced on Greta the day after Obama was elected that he was running for President. I am a conservative and he will never get my vote, I will actively support a 3rd party run should he win the nomination.

He wants control over my life, my personal life, my personal choices just as much as Obama does only from the right and not the left.
Romney asserted that Santorum, during two terms as a Pennsylvania senator, voted to raise the debt ceiling five times and the size of the federal government grew by 80%

Romney says Santorum spent 'like Democrats' - latimes.com

So Romney says you cant be a conservative if you EVER voted to raise the debt ceiling? lol, more bullshit from Romnut.

And had Santorum voted against those raises every time he would be getting slammed by Romnut as being too careless with the nations economy.

Romnut is a SALESMAN and that means the Truth is irrelevant to him, only closing the deal matters. So lie like there is no tomorro cause there aint after the suckers sign on the dotted line.

The truth of Santorum's voting record is obviously being ignored by you. There is not a SNOWBALL'S chance in hell of Santorum beating Obama. Women already are turning on him just as fast as they can, the independents will never, not ever vote for a man who states that a state has the right to ban contraceptives. He is a one trick pony and it's all about social issues, he is a career big spending, big government RINO. He is power hungry and has been running for President and announced on Greta the day after Obama was elected that he was running for President. I am a conservative and he will never get my vote, I will actively support a 3rd party run should he win the nomination.

He wants control over my life, my personal life, my personal choices just as much as Obama does only from the right and not the left.

DITTO--& here are the links to your claims.

Santorum is NO Fiscal Conservative--and he has a voting and earmark record to prove it.


What A Big Government Conservative Looks Like | RedState

Rick Santorum, 'Stealth Lobbyist' - ABC News

God forbid--if these knuckleheads ever spent 15 minutes READING about Santorum's record.--LOL

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He wants control over my life, my personal life, my personal choices just as much as Obama does only from the right and not the left.

It’s not Obama you have to worry about, it’s the states who want control over your life, your personal life, and your personal choices – Santorum and the right support the states violating your civil liberties, the left is opposed, in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.
He wants control over my life, my personal life, my personal choices just as much as Obama does only from the right and not the left.

It’s not Obama you have to worry about, it’s the states who want control over your life, your personal life, and your personal choices – Santorum and the right support the states violating your civil liberties, the left is opposed, in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

Talk about BS.
So Romney says you cant be a conservative if you EVER voted to raise the debt ceiling? lol, more bullshit from Romnut.

And had Santorum voted against those raises every time he would be getting slammed by Romnut as being too careless with the nations economy.

Romnut is a SALESMAN and that means the Truth is irrelevant to him, only closing the deal matters. So lie like there is no tomorro cause there aint after the suckers sign on the dotted line.

The truth of Santorum's voting record is obviously being ignored by you. There is not a SNOWBALL'S chance in hell of Santorum beating Obama. Women already are turning on him just as fast as they can, the independents will never, not ever vote for a man who states that a state has the right to ban contraceptives. He is a one trick pony and it's all about social issues, he is a career big spending, big government RINO. He is power hungry and has been running for President and announced on Greta the day after Obama was elected that he was running for President. I am a conservative and he will never get my vote, I will actively support a 3rd party run should he win the nomination.

He wants control over my life, my personal life, my personal choices just as much as Obama does only from the right and not the left.

DITTO--& here are the links to your claims.

Santorum is NO Fiscal Conservative--and he has a voting and earmark record to prove it.

Lol, it is ridiculous for libtards to think they can redifine what 'conservative' means for conservatives or anyone else who follows the subject.

Fiscal conservative = 'lower taxes' + 'less government regulation' + 'balanced budget' + 'Constitutional scope to federal government'.

Santorum checks out on all four and I dont give a shit how many ear marks he voted for.

He wants control over my life, my personal life, my personal choices just as much as Obama does only from the right and not the left.

It’s not Obama you have to worry about, it’s the states who want control over your life, your personal life, and your personal choices – Santorum and the right support the states violating your civil liberties, the left is opposed, in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

Talk about BS.

CCJ could open his own nitrate factory.
Do y'all really think that bible thumping will pull Sanitarium thru?
He is a religious right conservative.

Is that the current definition of a real conservative?

And btw the GOP already has a LOT of big problems.

Not as big a problem as the disaster the Dems have sitting in the White House right now.
Honestly, the only one left in the GOP field that the WH fears is Romney. That is who they are preparing to face. I understand your feeling for Santorum, but that is the truth. I think the WH will have a party if Santorum wins the GOP nod.

They'd be foolish to.

I'm getting old, but I remember this same argument being made in 1980. "Boy, we are really afraid fo George Bush and Howard Baker, but i hope the GOP nominates Ronald Reagan, becasue he'll be easy to beat because he's so extreme."

Didn't work out that way, did it?

Santorum would probably be a bigger problem for the White House because conservatives would be more enthusiastic about him.

If he loses, he's in trouble. That clip they played of him on Meet the Press on why he loves Michigan was just awful.

Compared to "I like to be able to fire people", and "I don't care about the really poor", It was kind of minor. I wouldn't even add it to my greatest hits list.

What, now you are just noticing that the Mormon Robot says weird, off the wall stuff when his programming reel loops. Where the hell have you been?
Santorum would probably be a bigger problem for the White House because conservatives would be more enthusiastic about him.

If nothing else, it might provide some final resolution to the theory that a "true" conservative is the GOP's best shot at winning the White House. Pair Santorum up with Ryan or Rubio or Palin or Bachmann, line 'em up, let 'em go, see where the chips fall.

If Li'l ricky gets the nomination, fine. Let's have a referendum on the Social Conservative agenda and get it over with. It will be roundly repudiated and we can focus on the real issues in this campaign; jobs and the economy.

But what will happen then from the Right will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair. Because once again, the GOP nominee will be the wrong man for the times. McCain, Dole, Goldwater. The list will be amended and added to and the Conservatives will renew their old song about how forces outside their control chose the nominee. While all along, the Republicans chose the nominee and the hard core Conservatives shouted about it from the sidelines.

Rick Santorum?!? Really? God, guns and Gays. What a platform.

First, you act like the social issues are all Rick really talks about. And unfortunately, for the next week, the media is going to do the same. He'll spend a hour talking about economic things and Obama's myriad failures as a leader, but they'll take that one sentence that sounds kind of religious and focus on that.

Second, Social Issues have never really been a loser for the GOP. When we've nominated guys who've stood tall on those issues, we've won. Now, not a religious guy, and don't care about those issues and pragmatically, I know there ain't a whole lot a president can do about them, anyway. But a lot of people care about those things.

Even Obama has to PRETEND he's against gay marriage and thinks abortion is a bad thing.
Some believe the Repub Establishment will want another candidate to enter the race if Romney loses Michigan although it is quite late and there are no real contenders out there anyway. I hope it goes til June because, as was mentioned, the Repub mudslinging/negative commercials is free oppo research for the President :) He can just recycle the good ones when the General starts. ;)

Okay, but you know, none of this is really going to matter in November.

The 45% that always votes Republican still will. the 45% that always votes Democratic still will. It's that 10% in the middle in a few swing states that will make the difference.

If the economy is still in the doldrums, or Europe or the rising price of gasoline causes unemployment to go up again, Obama is going to be in a lot of trouble. It won't matter that much if his opponent has said goofy things about abortion. The number of people who vote on that issue are relatively small. It's not really a swing issue. People who feel strongly that there should be abortion on demand usually vote Democrat, and people who feel strongly it should be illegal vote Republican, and they are a very small slice of the electorate. Most people don't think about this stuff unless it touches them.

Obama will probably be re-elected not because he deserves it, but because he's the devil we know. Same reason bush was re-elected, same reason Clinton was re-elected. Because things will have to get pretty bad for the 69 million idiots who voted for him in 2008 to admit they stepped in it.

The advantage to a Santorum candiacy is unlike a Romney candidacy, he'll get conservatives out of the house to vote. Crucial if you are trying to win the Senate and House.
Obama will probably be re-elected not because he deserves it, but because he's the devil we know. Same reason bush was re-elected, same reason Clinton was re-elected. Because things will have to get pretty bad for the 69 million idiots who voted for him in 2008 to admit they stepped in it.

The advantage to a Santorum candiacy is unlike a Romney candidacy, he'll get conservatives out of the house to vote. Crucial if you are trying to win the Senate and House.



I realize the hardcore Republicans want us to believe they're just thrilled with their candidates (wink wink), but Jonah Goldberg serves up a pretty entertaining column today:

Jonah Goldberg: The GOP's quest for Mr. Right - latimes.com

Starts off with:

"If we could just take a little bit from each of them."

I've lost track of how many people I have heard say some version of this in the last couple of months. The "each of them" refers to the final four combatants for the Republican nomination.

You could take Newt Gingrich's verbal dexterity, encyclopedic grasp of politics and techno-optimism. Add in Rick Santorum's authenticity and religious conviction. Combine that with the essence of Ron Paul's principled passion for liberty and limited government. Stir vigorously and then pour into the handsome, squeaky-clean vessel of Mitt Romney (while keeping his business acumen and analytical skill). And voila, you'd have the perfect candidate.

Of course, you could just as easily have a Frankenstein's monster with Gingrich's verbal pomposity, Santorum's resentful and dour sanctimony, Paul's conspiratorial nuttiness and the full suite of Romney's Stepford Republican qualities. It calls to mind Homer Simpson's scheme to forcibly mate his pets in a burlap sack so as to create "a miracle hybrid, with the loyalty of a cat and the cleanliness of a dog."


He is'nt 'thumping Bibles'.... he is however responding to the medias STUPID questions regarding his religious beliefs.

Folks dont forget, we have a serious issue with spending in DC and no real solutions from the left. Santorum is offering solutions, but all you idiots seem to hear is he is Catholic and does'nt use rubbers! Big FUCKING deal..... give me a break guys!

And openly states that he doesn't think anyone else should either....THAT is the big fucking deal. No pun intended...

Have a link?

These are just Santorum's own words, but I hope they will suffice for you...

One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual libertine idea. Many in the Christian faith have said, “Well, that’s okay. Contraception’s okay.”

It’s not okay because it’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They’re supposed to be within marriage, they are supposed to be for purposes that are, yes, conjugal, but also unitive, but also procreative. That’s the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. We take any part of that out, we diminish the act. And if you can take one part out that’s not for purposes of procreation, that’s not one of the reasons, then you diminish this very special bond between men and women, so why can’t you take other parts of that out? And all of a sudden, it becomes deconstructed to the point where it’s simply pleasure. And that’s certainly a part of it—and it’s an important part of it, don’t get me wrong—but there’s a lot of things we do for pleasure, and this is special, and it needs to be seen as special.

Again, I know most presidents don’t talk about those things, and maybe people don’t want us to talk about those things, but I think it’s important that you are who you are. I’m not running for preacher. I’m not running for pastor, but these are important public policy issues. These have profound impact on the health of our society.

Santorum and His Case Against Contraception « Commentary Magazine

I realize the hardcore Republicans want us to believe they're just thrilled with their candidates (wink wink), but Jonah Goldberg serves up a pretty entertaining column today:

Jonah Goldberg: The GOP's quest for Mr. Right - latimes.com

Starts off with:

"If we could just take a little bit from each of them."

I've lost track of how many people I have heard say some version of this in the last couple of months. The "each of them" refers to the final four combatants for the Republican nomination.

You could take Newt Gingrich's verbal dexterity, encyclopedic grasp of politics and techno-optimism. Add in Rick Santorum's authenticity and religious conviction. Combine that with the essence of Ron Paul's principled passion for liberty and limited government. Stir vigorously and then pour into the handsome, squeaky-clean vessel of Mitt Romney (while keeping his business acumen and analytical skill). And voila, you'd have the perfect candidate.

Of course, you could just as easily have a Frankenstein's monster with Gingrich's verbal pomposity, Santorum's resentful and dour sanctimony, Paul's conspiratorial nuttiness and the full suite of Romney's Stepford Republican qualities. It calls to mind Homer Simpson's scheme to forcibly mate his pets in a burlap sack so as to create "a miracle hybrid, with the loyalty of a cat and the cleanliness of a dog."


Actually, it's pretty common knowledge that Republicans and conservatives are NOT thrilled with their candidates. The question is, WHY are Democrats and liberals so thrilled with their choice. With the record Obama has to run on, do you honestly find anything to be thrilled about? The man should be shaking in his boots.

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